New to MyFitnesspal

Hello, my name is Caroline and i am very new to this! I created my account today and need some friends to inspire me to lose the pounds! :D


  • celticmedic
    celticmedic Posts: 66 Member
    You can add me and I'll do what I can
  • Hi! I am Lori, just joined up today. Have been dieting (again) since 1/14.
    Am down 8 lbs as of this morning!

    WE can do this!!!!
  • Neffjb84
    Neffjb84 Posts: 13 Member
    You can add me! I have lots that I would like to lose so I plan on being on here for a while :-) Good luck!
  • Thanks!
  • Cyndee61
    Cyndee61 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm "re-starting" and would love to have some support as well. Let's do this!
  • angelacarmela0830
    angelacarmela0830 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm Angela, and I'm fairly new too :) if you'd like to add me you can!
  • I started 2/6 & would be happy to be a support to you. In fact, this is my first entry, so any others that would care to join, I would appreciate it. I need to lose about 50 lbs in order to have knee replacements, & I would like to get it done this year & get them over with. It will be great fun to help each other along.:flowerforyou:
  • tammyb1995
    tammyb1995 Posts: 69 Member
    I am new also...but feel free to add me!
  • Hi Im new as well and would love to make some new friends, where we can help motivate eachother.
    Anyone else who wants to add me can do so also :)
  • Okatydid1
    Okatydid1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'll be your friend! I just joined over the weekend. I've lost 2 lbs already! (ok, so its just water!). Good luck to all of us....... I'm a new grandma and trying to get into shape to keep up with her!
  • jodygirl56
    jodygirl56 Posts: 4 Member
    welcome! i could also use some fitness pal friends! feel free to add me
  • Hi There. Ive only been on here a week but i feel so much better about myself...feel so much more awake and alert. I saw a picture that was taken of me recently and i was just like...yeah i need to change. Become more healthier....choose healthier options...get my butt off the couch :)! I love mfp...cant go a day without being on here, There ar so many people that are helping and supporting me...and i am doing the same. So feel free to add me...and we can beat this together :) xx
  • Thanks! Good luck :D