Jillian Micheals 30 day Shred

Hey Everyone!!!

I'm in the last week of the 30 day shred. As of Thursday the 21 I will be starting it again, I recieved some amazing results. Anyone want to join and post the results?? I hope to see you there!!:wink:


  • craftermary16
    craftermary16 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm getting it delivered this week so will join you. :-)
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    Thursday will be my last day of level 1. I already see a BIG difference. I can pretty much do the whole workout without stopping and my clothes fit better. Only one disappointment is that the scale didn't drop... still the same. Oh well. I will post my results when I get to the end. GOOD LUCK! =)
  • malliexo
    malliexo Posts: 76 Member
    I like this program but I have to add cardio in order for it to truly work.
  • I started it last month and got exactly half way through it and then had to stop due to arm injury, so have been jogging and stuff instead but should be ready to start again on 21st :)
  • ChunkyMonkey207
    ChunkyMonkey207 Posts: 96 Member
    I just finished two weeks ago..The scale didn't drop when I did it either..However..I lost INCHES! And,found out..I had ABS in there,I can see 'em!! Woohoo..She kicked my tail but amazing results.I'm doing Ripped in 30 now..
    I would do it again in a heartbeat..even though I HATED level 2 with a passion.
  • randi5000
    randi5000 Posts: 19 Member
    Just bought mine. Thinking of starting tomorrow!!
  • I've been doing it a month. I've lost 8 pounds and finally advanced to Level 2...I hate level 2 but it is worth it. I've dropped a pants size and a shirt size in the last month. When I started it a month ago, I couldn't even do a jumping jack or push up. I'm extremely proud of my weight loss but more importantly my endurance.