Help! How do u say no to sweets?

Hi, I`m writting `cause I started MFP a month ago and after checking everything I eat I noticed I eat a lot of sugar! How do I do to stop doing that?

It`s horrible because I feel like an urge to eat and, if I do so, then I feel guilty and ashamed :(

Every comment is welcome!



  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    I have an iron will ;)
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Not buying it means your arent eating it.

    next time you go shopping.... go AROUND the sweets aisle!!!

  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    Make a sign and hang it on your fridge or cupboard give it look before stuffing your mouth. I have one on my fridge it say "No Refined Foods, No Processed Foods, NO EXCUSES!" That fits my goals, also make business card size keep it in your pocket or purse so before you grab money to pay you see it.
  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    Moderation is the key. Realize you can't go cold turkey off of sugar or caffiene. Eat a little piece of dark chocolate every day. Or, just let ONE Hersheys kiss melt in your mouth. you would be surprised how long that takes, and how good it tastes.
    (Damn typos..damn computer..damn fingers..)

    Also, look at the ingredients before you by boxed/processed foods.
    Like Mc D's oatmeal is supposed to be healthy-it has something like 26T of SUGAR. Yeah, that is why it tastes so damn good!
    I make my own at home- I packet sugar-free maple oatmeal, 1/3 c Walnuts, 1/2 med apple. Yummy! Only natural fructose from the apple.

    Hope that helped..
    Off to bed now kiddo's!!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Just say no. Don't buy it, don't look at it. Once you kick the habit it's much easier and the cravings will go away.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Hi, I`m writting `cause I started MFP a month ago and after checking everything I eat I noticed I eat a lot of sugar! How do I do to stop doing that?

    It`s horrible because I feel like an urge to eat and, if I do so, then I feel guilty and ashamed :(

    Every comment is welcome!


    It's easy, so long as you aren't depriving yourself. I eat sugar every day. So on days when I can't fit in a treat, I just save it for another day. If I thought I had to give up sugar for good, I would have a heart attack.
  • I was informed by a nutritionnist that carving sweets often means you are lacking some protein... if you have protein, you surprisingly won't crave as much sugar. From personal experience, having a higher protein diet won't make me crave the sweets... I also have a chocolate flavored protein shake that's flavored & sweetened with stevia.
  • Thjs is useful as just saying no doesnt work in the long term, just be aware how much sugar you are having, use sweetner when possible and just reduce the amount.
    Moderation is the key. Realize you can't go cold turkey off of sugar or caffiene. Eat a little piece of dark chocolate every day. Or, just let ONE Hersheys kiss melt in your mouth. you would be surprised how long that takes, and how good it tastes.
    (Damn typos..damn computer..damn fingers..)

    Also, look at the ingredients before you by boxed/processed foods.
    Like Mc D's oatmeal is supposed to be healthy-it has something like 26T of SUGAR. Yeah, that is why it tastes so damn good!
    I make my own at home- I packet sugar-free maple oatmeal, 1/3 c Walnuts, 1/2 med apple. Yummy! Only natural fructose from the apple.

    Hope that helped..
    Off to bed now kiddo's!!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Not buying it means your arent eating it.

    next time you go shopping.... go AROUND the sweets aisle!!!


    Works for me.
  • The taste of sugar makes you crave more, and sweeteners are sweet. JUST LIKE THE DREADED SUGAR. Try rewarding yourself a small amount each day, but only after a huge workout.
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    I am at a point now where I can eat a little something sweet and stop, but when I first started here, it was much easier to say no thank you than to have just a little.

    One of the things i did was make a personal rule that I don't eat anything at work that I didn't bring (people are always bringing sweets to share). And I bring plenty of tasty stuff I like to nibble on.

    Also, think about- really think about- why you want to eat it. I have discovered that I frequently want to eat something sweet when I'm feeling tired or low energy.

    If I'm at work and I'm feeling that way, a healthy snack (fruit, nuts, whole grain crackers, etc) and lots of water, or a cup of tea usually helps.

    If I'm at home, if I am really tired, I'll go take a short nap, but the biggest thing that got me through the roughest time is I would just go for a walk when the cravings got bad. Takes care of the cravings, and gives me a burst of energy.

    Spreading my calories throughout the day as evenly as possible makes a huge difference, too. Try to eat some protein, some carbs, and some fats at every meal, and don't go more than about three hours without eating something.

    Plan ahead for the day as much as possible.

    For me, artificial sweeteners do not satisfy the sweet cravings, taste terrible, and make me feel yucky, so I avoid them.

    The first couple of weeks are hard. Then you realize it's gotten much easier. Then you see the weight dropping, and it's all worth it.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    The only way I can do it is to just not have it around me.
  • bongochick45
    bongochick45 Posts: 130 Member
    Everything in moderation. Allow yourself one small sweet a day or one cheat meal a week. If you're like me and you live with people with a sweet tooth ask them to keep their stuff in their rooms and away from you. Also I've found it helpful to put my sweets up really high so I need a ladder to get to them. That way I really have to think about it and decide if it's worth the effort to go get them or will the banana on the counter do instead. 9 times outta 10 the banana wins. And lastly make sure you keep lot's of yummy fruits in your house. The sweet fruit helps curb that need for processed refined junk. Hope this helps.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I was informed by a nutritionnist that carving sweets often means you are lacking some protein... if you have protein, you surprisingly won't crave as much sugar. From personal experience, having a higher protein diet won't make me crave the sweets... I also have a chocolate flavored protein shake that's flavored & sweetened with stevia.
    No, it doesn't mean you are lacking protein, the human body can convert protein into glucose. Sugar is your body's main energy source (your brain alone uses roughly 150 grams of glucose a day) which is why you crave it. When you increase protein, your body can convert the excess into the glucose it needs.
  • wildflower0517
    wildflower0517 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't say NO!!! Moderation is the key.. I, too, love my sweets..... I don't say no completely I just have less... Alot of it comes from self discipline.... And I've noticed too that once you really start eating healthy, clean food that you really don't want as much sweets. One thing that has helped me greatly in that department is Shakeology.. It tastes like a sweet treat so I don't feel like I'm depriving myself of anything..
    You could be taking in too much refined sugar in the form of processed food too which is making you want more and more....
  • Skinny Cow Heavenly Crisp Peanut Butter bars. I keep box in freezer and allow myself one per day, if craving sweets/chocolate. (110 calories).
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    its all about willpower, say no no no no
  • erg2013
    erg2013 Posts: 84 Member
    I really do not have a sweet tooth anymore. Here is how I did it.

    A few years ago, I started putting on weight for the first time. I was drinking probably 5 cans of soda a day. And lots of sugary snacks. I wanted to give up sodas completely.

    So, I decided to go cold turkey. Not just giving up soda but no sugar at all - not even in condiments, etc. I only ate the natural sugars found in whole fruits.

    After two weeks, I decided to treat myself to some Domino's pizza. I almost spit it out because all I could taste was the sugar in the sauce. WOW, that was an eye opener. Couldn't drink my beloved coke either - tasted like syrup. So, I no longer craved it.

    **What I learned is that my taste buds got kind of numb because of all the sugar I was consuming.

    I still limit my sugar, not as militant as before, but when I do splurge, I totally enjoy it. If you have a day with no added sugars and you bite into a salty carmel... well, that is heaven. You can really taste it, enjoy it.

    I hope that makes sense!
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I say "NO!"
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I found it easier (and more effective) to ween myself off of it instead of going cold turkey. I had a SEVERE donut problem! Like I would get 2 donuts every morning. I started by just getting 1 donut, then a donut every other day, then just on Fridays, etc. I haven't had a donut in at least a few months now but I know that if I really want one, I will get one. There's no point in depriving yourself completely because then it will be all you can think about. Just try to slowly adjust.