What to eat at this restaurant? Calorie counts are insane!

I'm going to Bailey's Pub right after work for an event and will be there for 3+ hours, so have to eat dinner there. I'll have about 700 calories left - but even the salads are more than that (doesn't look like they have any light dressing)! Can anyone give me some advice on what to eat? (Please don't say just eat, cheat, whatever - I'm looking for specific recs on what I make healthier/fit into 700 cals. The food isn't very good so I don't want to splurge on something that doesn't even taste good). I don't eat seafood but everything else is fine.

I was thinking the Jamaican Chicken- 921 calories, Two grilled chicken breasts, marinated in sweet soy sauce, pineapple and ginger. Served with black beans, rice and fresh steamed broccoli. If I don't eat the rice, can I subtract the rice calories (big easy rice says 423 calories, or rice pilaf for 300)?


Nutrition info:

I know I'm being anal about this but its the only way this works for me, so if anyone has any helpful advice its much appreciated, thank you!


  • volleygirl1980
    volleygirl1980 Posts: 121 Member
    I'd probably eat half the cheese pizza or jamaican chicken and have a side salad..

    I went to a burger place the other day where the smallest burger was 1000 calories. They had salads, but I really wanted a burger. So, I ordered the smallest one, ate half and ordered a small salad on the side..(instead of fries). Had water instead of my usual iced tea. My meal probably ended up being around 700 calories..

    My husband ordered a giant burger with fries and had a chocolate milkshake..his meal probaby rang in at over 3000 calories (he usually eats quite well, so this was a treat for him)..

    I'd say get what you want, but eat an amount that would fit within your 700 calories. Chicken is a good option..
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Even the side salad is 647 calories though! I don't understand these calorie counts at all :(. And like for the chicken, if I subtract the rice, its 500 calories - that doesn't sound right for 2 chicken breasts, sauce, broccoli, and beans, it should be more shouldn't it? Half the cheese pizza would be good if only I could get a normal side salad that wasn't 647 calories!

    I'm really shocked to see these numbers, how can a place not have anything remotely healthy?
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    If you want the field greens side salad you could ask for it without cheese or bacon and have the dressing on the side. Then dip your fork in the dressing for each bit instead of pouring the whole thing on.

    You can do that with any of the salads to make them fewer calories, really. Leave off some of the more calorie dense items and get dressing on the side.

    There's a side ceasar salad for 298.

    They have a side of broccoli for 133. Side of black beans is 128.

    I'd do half of one of the pizzas or a sandwich and a veggie side.
  • Amazigh926
    Amazigh926 Posts: 33 Member
    Order the chicken and when you get it, immediately ask for a to-go box and pack up HALF of it right away so it is not on your plate.
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    I would get a bowl of chili and share a side of sweet potato fries with somebody.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    As a general rule, restaurant servings generally represent 2 and sometimes even 3 servings. I'm assuming those two chicken breasts are not 4 oz serving sized breasts...probably closer to 8 oz...meaning two of those would actually be roughly 4 servings of chicken.

    When I don't want to splurge, I just eat about half of an entree. If there is meat, I eat a portion that is roughly the size of my closed fist in width and length...for stuff like rice I eat what would roughly fit in the cup of my palm, etc.
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    Already suggested but my thoughts would be to not eat everything on the plate, the portions are probably very large anyway. If there's dessert then skip it and opt for a coffee instead.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Another alternative, salad with no cheese, dressing on the side. Also, they might have a vnegrette dressing that is not on the menu.
  • dowesney
    dowesney Posts: 26 Member
    Asking for dressing on the side of a salad will cut the calorie count down big time. It won't help you today, but I have found when I know I have to go out to eat I eat very minimal all day to save my calories for the big dinner. I would rather order something I like, than to spend money on something I don't just to stay under the calorie count.
  • primpinxoxo
    primpinxoxo Posts: 20 Member
    I worked at a Bailey's Pub & Grille for 3 years.....
    If you're serious about your diet....do not eat there. Ask for celery (they serve it with wings) or plain chips and salsa. Even the healthy options are cooked in too much butter and oil. You can make special requests but that's not even a guarantee they'll do as you ask. Sad...I know.

    Just don't do it...
  • tpfoodie
    tpfoodie Posts: 148 Member
    I'd get something and eat half, then save the rest for lunch another day.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I tend to ask for a box as soon as the food comes, then box up half of the food immediately. That way, once half is gone, I'm far less tempted to continue eating the other half because it's there. It works fairly well for me.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I don't know about you, but I can't imagine eating TWO chicken breasts! I imagine that you will see that plate and it will be huge and you won't be able to eat it all anyway.
  • nicolemarie045
    nicolemarie045 Posts: 131 Member
    What I have done before is order off the kids menu. I realize you feel a bit silly..but the portions are more likely to be what you are wanting/needing without having to box up the rest or worry about only eating part of something.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Why do people think salads at resturants are a healthy option? They almost never are. Eat steak, even a burger is better than a salad.
  • branson101
    branson101 Posts: 173 Member
    I'd get something and eat half, then save the rest for lunch another day.

    this is my suggestion
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    I'm going to Bailey's Pub right after work for an event and will be there for 3+ hours, so have to eat dinner there. I'll have about 700 calories left - but even the salads are more than that (doesn't look like they have any light dressing)! Can anyone give me some advice on what to eat? (Please don't say just eat, cheat, whatever - I'm looking for specific recs on what I make healthier/fit into 700 cals. The food isn't very good so I don't want to splurge on something that doesn't even taste good). I don't eat seafood but everything else is fine.

    I was thinking the Jamaican Chicken- 921 calories, Two grilled chicken breasts, marinated in sweet soy sauce, pineapple and ginger. Served with black beans, rice and fresh steamed broccoli. If I don't eat the rice, can I subtract the rice calories (big easy rice says 423 calories, or rice pilaf for 300)?


    Nutrition info:

    I know I'm being anal about this but its the only way this works for me, so if anyone has any helpful advice its much appreciated, thank you!

    Whenever I go out places, I'm always a pain in the butt to wait on because I ask to make changes to EVERYTHING.
    For example, if you get the grilled chicken breast, ask for them DRY and cut out the rice and beans and ask for more broccoli. Little things like that can make a big difference.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    Ask for some grilled chicken without whatever sauces they put on it and a side of veg/salad with everything on the side. They're more than able to modify the menus, I do this all the time
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I would get a cup of chili and a Cesar salad. Done.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Eat what you want for today. Make up for it with exercise and being careful the rest of the week.
  • I with the others in that the portions are probably outrageous. I would order al a carte for an entree and then a salad without extras and don't be afraid to carry your own dressing. Honey mustard dressing from a bottle has as many calories as ranch but if you mix honey and mustard you can have almost a half of cup for 60 calories. Hope you get it figured out. Good luck.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Honestly, when I go somewhere that has large portions like that, I'm with the others here who said they eat half. I couldn't eat two chicken breasts in one meal anyway, so it would be a total waste for me to even leave it on the plate. Sometimes I will even ask for them to just bring me half & box up the other half. Some places will do that, others will just bring the box so I can do it myself. Either way, that works for me. It's generally still higher in caloric content than what I would generally eat, but it's a whole lot less than the full serving size, plus then I've got another meal to take home.

    But then, I'm all about "all things in moderation."
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Since you are not looking to splurge I would suggest the Feild of Greens (the calorie count includes cheese, bacon and croutons as described on the menu - omitting them will save you minimum 250 cals I bet) and I would add grilled chicken to that. If you get oil and vinager or the raspberry vinaigrette on the side it won't be too bad in cals if you just dip your fork. I know it's a lot of custimization but you are paying for it so you should have it the way you want!

    Second choice would be the Caesar salad with grilled chicken added and dressing on the side.

    I like salads and have a hard time NOT eating what is on my plate so that is the route I woudl take, I like the other suggestion too of asking for half of it to be boxed or to have them bring you a box when they bring your your entree if you got the chicken so you could box up half before you started eating.

    Have fun!!
  • loriepaulin
    loriepaulin Posts: 88 Member
    Can you get them to give you the grilled chicken with the sauce on the side? That way you can control the portion size.

    If they couldn't, I would go for the Side Caesar and the cup of Texas Chili. That's 666 calories total and it would keep you under.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Get the chicken, eat one breast or less, ask for double broccoli or even coleslaw to sub for the rice. Also, ask that they just steam the broccoli, not butter or oil please (that will take the calorie count down on teh broccoli). Eat slowly so you know when you are actually full. Restaurants add unnecessary oils and other fats and additives to their food that makes the calorie count out of control. If your server does manage to get you the broccoli just steamed make sure to leave him/ her a little extra in the tip, it's not easy asking and even arguing with the cooks to make food in a special way. While most menus are easy to order modified it's often more complicated making sure it's actually done. I worked in restaurants for 10 years, trust me.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,463 Member
    I agree with the others: if you're not going to make it a cheat day, just eat half of it (but all the broccoli, if you're having the Jamaican chicken). Or just don't eat the bits you're not so keen on. For instance, I've had a burger and not eaten the bun which cuts the calories a lot. Or some places will do a side salad instead of the bun. If you just had the burger itself and a couple chips it wouldn't be nearly as many calories as the total. I realise that the difficulty is working it out exactly, but to be honest, I think it's never going to be exact as the nutritional info is bound to be a bit of an estimate.

    (I'm not saying have a burger, but you could just have what you fancy and don't eat so much of the "filler" - bread, potatoes, etc.).
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    I worked at a Bailey's Pub & Grille for 3 years.....
    If you're serious about your diet....do not eat there. Ask for celery (they serve it with wings) or plain chips and salsa. Even the healthy options are cooked in too much butter and oil. You can make special requests but that's not even a guarantee they'll do as you ask. Sad...I know.

    Just don't do it...

    As I said, I don't have a choice. I'm hosting an event and will be there till past 11PM - after 10 hours of work and then that, I need to eat dinner (NOT celery LOL!). I'm not asking about whether to eat there, I'm asking WHAT to eat.

    I am eating light today, not even 500 calories (all fruit and vegs) to make up for it. You guys are right about the calories not being able to be totally accurate anyway, I should just focus on not going way over without realizing it.

    Thank you for the recommendations everyone! I was so freaked out about the calorie counts that I forgot to think about portion size - good idea about boxing up half of it immediately! I think I'll get the chicken minus the rice, see if they can sub a side salad with no cheese croutons etc, and see if they have a light dressing on the side, and I will make sure to ask that the broccoli has no butter. THANKS!
  • As a general rule, restaurant servings generally represent 2 and sometimes even 3 servings. I'm assuming those two chicken breasts are not 4 oz serving sized breasts...probably closer to 8 oz...meaning two of those would actually be roughly 4 servings of chicken.

    When I don't want to splurge, I just eat about half of an entree. If there is meat, I eat a portion that is roughly the size of my closed fist in width and length...for stuff like rice I eat what would roughly fit in the cup of my palm, etc.

    I bet your fist is bigger than mine!
  • Gin66
    Gin66 Posts: 47 Member
    Eat half and bring your own dressing. I am a server in a restaurant with no low cal dressings and people do it all the time. Also if you will be tempted to eat the whole salad ask the server to bring you a to go box with your order and put half in it right away or share with a friend............oh and Have Fun!!!
  • jendraka
    jendraka Posts: 117 Member
    Do you absolutely have to eat there? I mean, is everyone going to be sitting down together to eat and expecting you to eat with them? If not, in such a situation where I am going to be out somewhere for a while, but don't want to eat at a place, I pack snack reserves in my purse to tide me over until I get home and can eat what I want. That is, like 100 calorie bars/packs or granola bars or the like, and then just grab something quick and low cal like a Lean Cuisine meal or homemade salad or whatever when I get home. This way I know what I'm putting in my mouth and I have complete control and not at the mercy of whatever restaurant/bar or other function I'm forced into attending.