Hi, I'm nervous...


I am truly hoping to gain support and encouragement here with regards to just getting healthy. I'm out of shape, and have a one year old. I woke up in tears the other day thinking if I keep on this track, I'll never see her grow up. I want to be here for her. She needs her mother. But I've gotta change. I tried so many things, but I know eating healthy and exercising is the only way. I ordered some walk at home videos for now to get me started, and although I have a gazillion "diet books" I was at a loss on how to eat and lose and keep it off. I refuse to be frustrated, so I joined my fitness pal and downloaded the app. There's strength in numbers right? So here goes...


  • londacake
    hello ms. nervous I hope your on your journey to weight loss. take it one day at a time. In a month you will see a difference. you can do it, the only way to change something is to do something different. you can do this. take care
  • Jubee31
    Jubee31 Posts: 93 Member

    Don't be nervous! You've got this! Just log and read the boards often to help you with any questions or if you need motivation! MFP has been awesome for me!
  • lilpicklees
    Dont give up!:)
  • SashaJaneJ
    SashaJaneJ Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Please don't be nervous. You will do great I promise.
  • Kscott24
    You can do this! We are here to help! Take it day-by-day or meal-by-meal. Choose fresh fruits and veggies and lean proteins. If you continually make healthy choices then the bad foods won't seem so appealing. Find food and exercises that YOU love. Not everyone is the same. Log every.single.thing. that goes into your mouth. You can do this!

    "One bad meal won't make you fat.... just like one healthy meal won't make you skinny"
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Many people have had amazing success here. Most importantly, don't starve yourself, losing slow and steady will give you better results. Good luck!
  • nhauger
    you have the desire! you can do it!!
    I'm going to try this thing I just ran across on the internet...I've heard that fasting had health benefits for a long time, but never thought about it much. If you google "eat stop eat", you can download the free pdf about this and it makes sense. Its not really a diet, but a lifestyle change.
    you actually eat everyday, but you do go for one or two 24 hr periods where you give your body a break from food... I'm not explaining it very well. If you're interested, check it out!! and best of luck!
  • amandaosborne18041
    I think you will really enjoy MFP. I just started myself but everyone has been very helpful and supportive. You will do great!
  • sjanney007
    Baby steps! :) .. and you've already taken the first step of your journey, so congratulations!
  • KBellaQueen
    Thanks so much for the support everyone! It really means a lot to know I'm not alone on this journey and have help. I know I can do it. I'm determined. Looking at my little girl's precious face keeps me serious about it. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much your responses mean to me right now. I was really down.
  • KBellaQueen
  • KBellaQueen
    you have the desire! you can do it!!
    I'm going to try this thing I just ran across on the internet...I've heard that fasting had health benefits for a long time, but never thought about it much. If you google "eat stop eat", you can download the free pdf about this and it makes sense. Its not really a diet, but a lifestyle change.
    you actually eat everyday, but you do go for one or two 24 hr periods where you give your body a break from food... I'm not explaining it very well. If you're interested, check it out!! and best of luck!

    That's interesting that you said that. My church is getting ready to do a 40 day fast and my husband and I are joining it. It's for spiritual reasons, but of course there will be weight loss too.
  • KBellaQueen

    Hey, thanks for this. I'm going to go read that now.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    <3 Nadia Ali :)
  • Mindfreak1999
    Do not be nervous, you are not on your own especially on this site. Feel free to add me. anybody can add me :smile:
  • sarafina2013
    Hang in there :) You've taken the first step and that's a plus! I think MFP has a great community and you will get lots of support here.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member

    This should be posted on every single new MFPers wall, on every "introduce yourself" thread, and made into a tattoo and inked onto every single MFPers rear end.

    Welcome KBella!
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Welcome, and don't be nervous. This system is so easy, it's all simple math
  • moustache_flavored_lube
    I overshare when I'm nervous. I also fart a lot

    I've said to much