PLEASE explain what is wrong with me

I have been exercising since Jan. 1st. 3 days of strength training (40-50 lbs. on all exercises). at least 2 days of walking on a treadclimber...the other 2 days are just plain physical activity at home. I have a BodyMedia Fit band and have been keeping track religiously for the last two weeks, since Jan. 28th. The first couple of weeks I will chalk up to learning my diet and getting a routine. I weighed myself that day at 230.1 lbs. Have documented ALL my foods since then, every day, on MFP and it works with the BMF band. My calories have been low every day & Keeping my pie chart within 2-5% points of 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein.

I have no lofty goals, but I have my deficit set at 750 calories per day. I'm not trying to lose weight fast....just correct, with my goal of 1.5 a week, but would be happy with 0.5-1lb a week. With the BMF band I set my calorie intake at 1650 and burn at 2400. I am always over 2400. Usually around 2700-3000 per day. NOW i have recorded everthing for 5 weeks with the last two at really watching my diet.(been watching it since Jan. 1st.) According to my calculations I have a deficit of 11057 calories in two weeks and that should be about 3.15 pounds. I stepped on the scale today and it read 230.5. That is up 0.4 from two tuesdays ago. Weighed same time, no clothes, same scale etc.

I think the frustrating thing is that LOGICALLY I should have lost weight. The calorie deficit is there and it is significant. Even if it would be just 1lb...I would be happy, but it's going up?!? WTF?? Figure in water weight, an error on the BMF calculations, etc....I still should be down SOMETHING...not up. I'm thinking of going to the doctor...been at this overall for over 5 weeks and haven't lost anything. I have been exercising, watching the diet, HAVE a calorie deficit. NOTHING. My calories are not too low, not starving.

Any ideas??? I'm at my wits end and ready to quit. Please help?!?


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Can you open your diary? Also, have you gotten blood work? And do you have anything like PCOS?
  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member
    I have been exercising since Jan. 1st. 3 days of strength training (40-50 lbs. on all exercises). at least 2 days of walking on a treadclimber...the other 2 days are just plain physical activity at home.

    Why don't you increase the weight everytime? Also I would recommend taking measurements. I bet you lost inches! Sometimes the scale is a ***** and a poor indicator of progress.
  • mbgambill
    mbgambill Posts: 28 Member
    I have done the exact same thing! I have had an 850 average calorie deficit according to BMF for thirty days. I have lost one pound! Mathematically, it doesn't make sense! I am very frustrated. I have never been so good for so long and not seen any changes. I have logged every bite of food and exercised religiously. My clothes aren't fitting any differently. I just don't understand. I have about 30 pounds to lose. I really thought I could lose at least 5-8 the first month easily, and that is being conservative! Do you think BMF is giving us false readings? Any others out there with encouragement?
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    I think your estimate of cals burned is off.

    Without knowing your height and age I have to take an educated guess at your BMR, is probably about 1,670. An estimate of burning 2,850 cals daily equates to a Harris Benedict factor of 1.6 which is fairly active. I'd be more conservative on the estimate of cals burned and recalculate food intake.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I have the same issues, I also have a BMF and yes mathematically it should be right, but there are other factors. You are weight training, water retention helps heal muscles, so that could be why.

    I also have PCOS, so I try not to rely just on my numbers, but also the kinds of food I consume.

    I also suggest checking out the Roap map or search IPOARM and it will help you figure out the right amount of cals for you. I follow this and eat about 2000 cals, just don't eat back exercise cals. Sorry I don't have the link easily available but if you search it will come up.

    See if this may help you and good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • pondmermaid
    pondmermaid Posts: 43 Member
    You might have your thyroid checked- that helped me with this same problem. turned out I needed medication for a short time.
  • I just think you need more food, my doctor told me that if your body senses your in starvation mode, it will cling on to every extra calorie and you will not loose. I have experinced this, please up your food intake with healthy carbs and protein. You will see a shift, I promise!!!!
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    how are you measuring food? Do you use a food scale?
  • SunshineT83
    SunshineT83 Posts: 158 Member
    Are you only using the scale? Some people lose inches way before the the scale ever budges. Try tracking you measurements in addition to your weight, you may notice your initial decreases there for the next few weeks and then after keeping with it you'll see the pounds drop also.
  • insertcoinshere
    insertcoinshere Posts: 12 Member
    It's possible that your calories are too low, your carb intake too high and your protein intake too low.
  • I have been exercising since Jan. 1st. 3 days of strength training (40-50 lbs. on all exercises). at least 2 days of walking on a treadclimber...the other 2 days are just plain physical activity at home.

    Why don't you increase the weight everytime? Also I would recommend taking measurements. I bet you lost inches! Sometimes the scale is a ***** and a poor indicator of progress.

    I did take measurements on Jan.15, 21, 28, Feb 4th and today...i have not lost an inch anywhere(hips, waist, chest)...gained 1.5 inches in my thigh muscles, 1" in my calves and 1.5" in my biceps(arms). I have been increasing weights each week...started out at 30, 35,40,45, and now 50. Tending to a tendonitis problem in my wrist for 2 years...don't want to push it too fast. 5 lbs a week is pretty good for me. So now what??
  • i'm in the exact same boat. i've been bouncing between only 1 and 2 lbs lost since i started this january 1st. haven't gone over my allotted calories once and exercise 3x a week. i was expecting WAY more progress by now but i have lost inches and my clothes fit better so SOMETHING Is happening, just not weight loss! i've read it might take some time for the scale to catch up but i have no idea how long that might take...i'm on six weeks and nothing so who knows?!? maybe we just have to be patient!
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Make sure you are accurate with your food measurements, Up your calories a little because if you are truly burning that many calories you should be eating more....and if after that and a month of honest tracking you still don't see a loss I would make an appointment to see if something else could be the issue.
  • rsbuckell
    rsbuckell Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I'm new to this so be kind to me. I had similar problems when I first started out, however I quickly figured out what was happening. You're shifting weights and increasing your cardio by doing a lot of walking. You are gaining muscle and burning fat through a combination of diet and exercise. Muscle is denser and heavier than fat. Have a look and feel of your large muscle groups, i.e., buttocks, thighs, calves, arms, chest. Have they tightened up, do they feel firmer? I'll bet they do and this is where the muscle gain is happening. As someone else suggested take some measurements. I would cut down on the weight training, in fact stop weight training completely for a month and just concentrate on cardio and try and increase it if you can. This will burn fat fast without increasing muscle mass. Then try weighing yourself and taking some measurements. You will notice a big difference.

    Good luck
  • It could be that, as you're getting in better shape, your body is simply trading fat for muscle (I've heard it's a myth that muscle weighs more). If that's the case, your weight on the scale would be about the same but you'll be far healthier than when you started.
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    I have the same issues, I also have a BMF and yes mathematically it should be right, but there are other factors. You are weight training, water retention helps heal muscles, so that could be why.

    I also have PCOS, so I try not to rely just on my numbers, but also the kinds of food I consume.

    I also suggest checking out the Roap map or search IPOARM and it will help you figure out the right amount of cals for you. I follow this and eat about 2000 cals, just don't eat back exercise cals. Sorry I don't have the link easily available but if you search it will come up.

    See if this may help you and good luck!! :flowerforyou:

    Here is the road map referenced to above:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Water retention due to new workout regime.
  • It's possible that your calories are too low, your carb intake too high and your protein intake too low.

    I have been adding protein to an herbalife shake in the morning(since 10th of January). That's the only way to get my protein up to the normal range of 20% or so. Taking tons of vitamins and herbalife pills. 50% is what carbs should be according to USDA....besides if I go too low I'm sooooo lathargic I don't want to do anything. Have done the cutting carbs diet in the past....NOT for me at all. I am eating 1650-1700 calories a day...I need more?? Maybe...I just think that's high when all my friends never go over 1200.

    I'm a farm girl...grew up on a farm...worked on a farm. I'm 5'-10 tall and large boned, I can build muscle like a guy. I don't tone...i get muscles. Which doesn't bother me... I like being strong. That's why I think my intake is probably about right vs. some of my friends(1200 cal).
  • You are gaining muscle and burning fat through a combination of diet and exercise. Muscle is denser and heavier than fat. Have a look and feel of your large muscle groups, i.e., buttocks, thighs, calves, arms, chest. Have they tightened up, do they feel firmer? I'll bet they do and this is where the muscle gain is happening. As someone else suggested take some measurements. I would cut down on the weight training, in fact stop weight training completely for a month and just concentrate on cardio and try and increase it if you can. This will burn fat fast without increasing muscle mass. Then try weighing yourself and taking some measurements. You will notice a big difference.

    I am certainly not an expert, but I would really not recommend stopping weight training. Weight training is an excellent way of retaining muscle mass while losing, and is just generally good for health. If you are, indeed, eating at deficit, you are not gaining significant amounts of muscle. It is possible that you are retaining water in your muscles, which happens when you start doing more strenuous activity. I'd try giving it some additional time and seeing what happens, if after re-running your numbers you feel that you are eating the correct amount and that your calorie burns are accurate.