PLEASE explain what is wrong with me



  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    Are you only using the scale? Some people lose inches way before the the scale ever budges. Try tracking you measurements in addition to your weight, you may notice your initial decreases there for the next few weeks and then after keeping with it you'll see the pounds drop also.

    I agree with this 100%. I have lost 6 pounds since the beginning of January but in that time I have lost 4 inches from my waist, 1" from my chest and 2.5 from my hips. Don't make yourself crazy with the scale - use your clothes and measurements as a measurement of success.
  • Nothing is wrong with you! If you are starting to work out - you are gaining muscle - which by the way - weighs more than fat. So you have probably gained muscle at this point. DO NOT GIVE UP! Think about it as a journey not a quick sprint. If you belong to a gym - or have a trainer - have them take your measurements and calculate your body fat %. Then have your measurements taken again in 90 days. I am a 40 year old woman - very active......but just have some bad genes. I go to boot camp classes 5 times a week.....3 days of HIIT and 2 days of cardio. I sweat like a football player. I am very strong - but I too get very frustrated that I seem to lose weight at a dead snail's pace. I have been working out like this since 11/1/12 - and have only lost about 12-15 lbs. Very frustrating when I have about 75 to lose. I had my trainer take my measurements today and I found that my body fat % is actually 26% - and that is in the FIT category for women my age. I find that very encouraging. However, I note that my results are weird - because my arms and legs are very muscular.....very little fat on them. I carry it all in my mid-section.....

    I have learned that the calorie counts/goals on MFP are not at all in line with what my actual numbers show. For example MFP says I should eat 1200 calories a day....where my BMR shows for just basic body functions I need about 1900. For weight loss (accellerated) - it says I should have about 2100 calories a day - and of that use a 40% carb/30%protein/30%fat ratio - eat 6 small meals a day - and aim for 180 grams of protein a day. I usually average only about 60 g of protein a day. So to triple that seems counter-intuitive....but i am trying. My way wasn't working - so maybe his way will.

    DON'T GIVE UP on yourself........don't worry abot what a scale says....get strong, feel better - the rest will fall into place.
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    get the advice of some experts. go to the dr for a checkup, and see a nutritionist. these last few weeks have not been wasted - you are stronger than you were, and you can use the information you have (food log, exercise history) as clues so that you and your health professionals can solve the mystery.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Try Fasting, eat one large meal every day for dinner. I have used this method for a long time and it still continues to help people break though those plateaus.
  • I think your estimate of cals burned is off.

    Without knowing your height and age I have to take an educated guess at your BMR, is probably about 1,670. An estimate of burning 2,850 cals daily equates to a Harris Benedict factor of 1.6 which is fairly active. I'd be more conservative on the estimate of cals burned and recalculate food intake.

    I'm 36 years old and 5'-10", large framed woman. (german). :) According to the HB factor I have a BMR of 1815. I will even go with lightly active(I am exercising)... that would get me to 2496 per day. Even at sedentary its I'm still at least 500 below.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    It's possible that your calories are too low, your carb intake too high and your protein intake too low.

    this, and also-- are you eating a crap load of sodium? and, are you certain your calories in / calories out measurements are correct?

    lastly, be sure you're getting enough micronutrients. i am on a pre-natal and it makes a world of a difference.
  • Man... that really sucks to be trying so hard and yet see nothing! The only thing I have to offer is based on my experience. I am no fitness expert or anything and I am sure there are others here who are wiser than me. But for me, I worked out with a personal trainer for 7 months, 3 times a week. We focused a lot on strengthening, and I did probably 20 minutes of cardio. I also rode my bike to work and back every day (another 40 minute total of aerobic exercise) and watched what I ate. And I didn't lose much weight or even inches. At first my personal trainer said that the body doesn't lose weight on a consistent decline. Some people shed weight in spurts and to be patient. After months, he said I should check my hormones and I did and they were fine. He was so completely puzzled by this and had no idea what else I could be doing.

    So I quit my personal trainer and all the weight lifting. I joined hockey instead (because I didn't have the time/money for both). I had hockey 2 times per week and continued riding my bike-- did nothing else fitness wise. I stopped watching what I ate (what's a hockey game without a couple of beers after?) and I lost 10 pounds in the first 6 weeks. It was crazy. Turns out, my body responds a lot better to intensive interval training-- where you get your heart rate up with intensive cardio, then back down, then back up. In a hockey game, we're only on the ice for 45 seconds to a minute a time, but its an intense minute full of sprinting (well, my version of "sprinting" which is what other people call "jogging" lol). Then we sit and rest for another minute, then get back out there.

    I am not saying go play hockey, but perhaps step up your cardio a bit and do intensive interval training where you are sprinting (or going really hard and getting very out of breath) for a minute, then taking it easy for a minute, etc. on the treadmill or bike or something.

    Good luck and don't give up!! You can do this!!! :smile:
  • I have the same issues, I also have a BMF and yes mathematically it should be right, but there are other factors. You are weight training, water retention helps heal muscles, so that could be why.

    I also have PCOS, so I try not to rely just on my numbers, but also the kinds of food I consume.

    I also suggest checking out the Roap map or search IPOARM and it will help you figure out the right amount of cals for you. I follow this and eat about 2000 cals, just don't eat back exercise cals. Sorry I don't have the link easily available but if you search it will come up.

    See if this may help you and good luck!! :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, looked up PCOS and don't have that. None of the symptoms fit....Good, but darn. Even follow Harris formula and should be at 2500 cal a day for my activity. I'm lost
  • Try lowering your weights and upping your cardio. Make sure that when you are walking on the treadmil you are giving your self a work out meaning that you are aware of your breathing and it is "comfortly hard". Cardio is going to be a great aid to your weight loss adventure. Also make sure that you are weighing yourself at the same time, the morning works best, right after you wake up and use the bathroom. As women, we are not supposed to weigh ourselves everyday since our weight can flux 5 lbs +/- a day depending on our food and work out. Hope that helps!
  • It's possible that your calories are too low, your carb intake too high and your protein intake too low.

    this, and also-- are you eating a crap load of sodium? and, are you certain your calories in / calories out measurements are correct?

    lastly, be sure you're getting enough micronutrients. i am on a pre-natal and it makes a world of a difference.

    My sodium is higher, I'm working on that. I know water retention could be a factor....just hard to believe it can be that much of a factor. I'm taking 15 different suppliments and vitamins a day from Herbalife. My calorie in are spot on....calories out I'm relying on the BM Fit band. I really do believe it's pretty accurate. Even at a 10% error rate....I still should have taken off 9000-10000 calories in those two weeks.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I would definitely see a doctor and get some expert advice. I would also double check your burn calculations and the other thing I would take into account is you jumped into a pretty challenging workout routine right away and as you shocked your system you may be experiencing inflammation (water retention mostly) which happens initially when building muscle and working out at first. Stick with it and you might see your body acclimate and then dump a large amount really fast. There are going to be ups and downs and sometijes it just your body re-balancing itself. take care and keep it up you'll get there.
  • how are you measuring food? Do you use a food scale?

    Yes, I have been using it and also measuring cups.
  • ceecee7636
    ceecee7636 Posts: 37 Member
    I have a similar problem. Eat 1350 cals per day, exercise daily and measure everything as well as monitoring salt, sugar, carb, protein sat fat etc and the weight should be falling off, but it;'s not. I'm going to go and get my Thyroid checked and for PCOS. There has to be an explanation.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I started losing at 205 with an intake of 1200 cals per day, no including exercise cals. I lost 26 lbs, but gained back 15 when I went on vacation and started eating in restaurants. Since I've started back I"ve tried eating more and exercising more, but the weight is staying on, no matter how high the deficit.

    I'm going to go back to 1200 cals.

    Now, I can eat well at 1200 cals by avoiding empty calories, eating whole grains and proteins, and plenty of veggies and fruit.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I've been having similar issues.

    I spent a lot of time yesterday googling "why can't I lose weight on 1200 calories per day?" and it seems to boil down to this - it's only the very rare petunia that won't lose weight on 1200 calories per day. They've taken patients who complained of this and put them into a controlled environment so that the calories consumed could be strictly monitored and SURPRISE - all patients lost weight on 1200 calories per day.

    People are often far off their estimates of calories consumed. For example, most of us will "taste" something and not include it in the food log. (How the heck am I going to log one small bite of macaroni and cheese anyway?) I feel that I don't do this very often, but it happens, and I could be wrong in my estimation of how often it happens and what the impact of that is on my calorie count. That might be why I'm not losing weight.

    Anyway, the answer is keep working with it, and don't be afraid to make a few changes. Perhaps I'll be more satisfied if I give myself a more generous calorie allowance, for example, and won't feel the need for little bites, licks, and tastes. Who knows? One thing I do know, giving up is not an option, and there is NOTHING wrong with us.
  • There are a LOT of variables at play.

    I would take a two pronged approach...modify your calories to decrease your carbs a tad and increase your protein. Swing 15% to protein.

    And.....ramp up your cardio. Lighten up on the weight routine and get your heart PUMPING. You should not be able to speak more the a couple of words at a time. Use intervals to build up your endurance. 1 min ON, 1 min recovery. Then shoot for 2 mins ON, 1 min recovery. 30 mins of cardio 5X a week. The key is INTENSITY. Push yourself! Seriously.

    Don't wait 30 days to weigh yourself. Hit the scale every couple of days to keep yourself honest and on track. kind to yourself! There is NOTHING wrong with you. You are absolutely capable of making this happen. It's just taking you a little longer to find your sweet spot.:smile:
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I am having the same problem, initially lost 3lbs in 4 weeks and now after 6 weeks on MFP I am almost at the weight I started on despite going from 2-3 cardio workouts per week to now doing 6 days per week with 4 weight training days plus extra cardio on those days too and 2 days of only cardio.

    Plus I'm now logging everything I eat and am being very very careful to meet my macros and goals and have had calories set to 1400-1500 per day plus exercise calories. I also have around 30lbs to lose.

    It's so frustrating and makes no sense at all yet if i eat 1000 calories or less like I have done before the weight comes off really easily.
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    Drink more water, eat more protein. 20% is fairly low, especially if you are strength training. I go with 35/35/30, carbs/protein/fat. I try, but I'm typically a little low in protein. Good quality protein bars and good quality protein shakes can help that.

    Patience. You've only been doing this for two weeks where you've logged a fairly large deficit. Read this. Your body might be objecting and doing a bit of 'what the heck!'
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You might have your thyroid checked- that helped me with this same problem. turned out I needed medication for a short time.

    This ^^ If your measurements are accurate you should be losing weight. I'd see a doctor to determine if there is a medical reason you are not.
  • crewealexfan
    crewealexfan Posts: 7 Member