Core Exercises?

Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
edited January 13 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey folks. I want to add a day of strictly core exercises to my routine (currently only have days for upper body/lower body). Presently, I'm really only doing some crunches and back extensions. I did a "quickie" look on here but didn't find anything. Could some of you make some suggestions, or point me to the right spot to find these?

Thanks in advance for any advice.


  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    For my abs/core, I do:
    - situps
    - planks
    - crunches
    - dumbbell side bends
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    Planks and the gazillion and one variations.
    Here is a good place to start:
  • preaser
    preaser Posts: 85 Member
    I have an old Denise Austin Pilates DVD that I use. It works your abs well. You could probably find some on youtube.
  • Cherylllyn
    Cherylllyn Posts: 114 Member
    Bicycle Crunches seem to work.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    leg lifts are the best. And crunches.
  • Do you do squats / deadlifts on leg day? those are some of the best core exercises

    Kettlebell swings / kettle bell figure 8 (with pause) are both very good for the core.

    Toe to bar
    leg lifts
    weighted decline situps
  • Planks and the gazillion and one variations.
    Here is a good place to start:

    ^^^ this!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Free weights heavy lifting will engage your core for almost every workout.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Hanging leg raises. Not the type where you simply raise your legs to parallel with the floor. Hang from a pull-up bar and lift your legs - knees straight - all the way up to the bar.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 563 Member
    No kidding--horseback riding and cleaning paddocks/stalls (raking, shoveling, and carting). Several years ago, even though I was heavier, my core was very strong from cleaning two stalls and riding for about an hour every day. When I no longer had a horse to care for and ride, my core strength went downhill rapidly. I'm back at it now, and that's regular exercise I look forward to every day.
  • Hi,
    Im a certified Pilates instructor and I'd like to start by letting you know that crunches are a waste of your time, they work your superficial muscles only and if you really want to be strong you need to go a lot deeper then that. Planks are great, just remeber to focus on lifting your pelvic floor and flattening through your transverse abdominis. Make sure your stomach doesn't 'pop out'during any of your abdominal work, you need to think about drwaing your abdominals flat to your spine. Breathing is extremley important because it alows your internal obliques to close your ribs, so on every curl or obilque twist you want to exhale. Leg lowers are great to challenge your core you just need to be very careful in regards to your back.
    * My suggestion would be to find your nearest PIlates studio, make sure the instructor has a lot of anatomical knowledge and take a class, I am sure by the end you will understand core work a lot better and will be able to further your training.
  • Hirgy03
    Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
    Thanks all. I had the planks and leg lifts in mind already, was just wondering if I was missing any major things, looks like I had a lot of it covered. Appreciate the input here.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member


    Standing Barbell Presses

    RKC Planks

    Wide stance cable rotations

    Kneeling palof isoholds
  • Not sure if this would class as strictly core exercises, but I am using the Runtastic static exercise apps for situps, squats, pull-ups and push-ups.
    I like the way that these apps manage your exercise schedule for you and keep you motivated. All you need do is find around 15 minutes a day.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    My vote:
    Hanging leg raises (and variations)
    Weighted Russian Twists
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 722 Member
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