Need motivation AND support!

I'm really starting to get frustrated, it's been a month, and I SEE no results. I'm following all the rules, I eat a good amount of healthy calories everyday, I do ballet and yoga, and I get enough sleep, etc etc. I can definitely feel myself getting stronger and more supple, but I'm not seeing any results; when I look in the mirror, I just see the same 'blob' as usual. I'm starting to get do demotivated, it has me wondering why I even bother, as I look the same as when I could just be super lazy and eat loads of junk food (I know it's not healthy!). What am I doing wrong? I really can't handle this lack of anything for much longer...


  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    Keep going! It is so easy to give up but do you want to find yourself 30 pounds heavier than now. Mine went up 10 bc I got into this don't care attitude so now I'm starting over...again. Add me if you need encouragement.
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Dont give up! You are building your foundation and 1 month isn't quite enough, keep it up! Don't give up! You WILL see results very soon, its right around the corner for you. Please don't give up now!!!
  • carolynkaykerr
    You may not be doing anything wrong. Sometimes when you start taking in a lot less calories, your body goes in to survival mode and you will not lose weight.

    Or you may not be eating enough. I wasn't when I first started. Talk to a dietician who can give you a formula for what your calorie intake should be and help you with your goals. It is based on your age, height, weight, and your lifestyle and your personal goals. I got my information from Hyvee.

    Hang in there a little longer and you will see results. Good luck!
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    If you're feeling stronger then you're not "lacking" at all!
  • marthajo1
    marthajo1 Posts: 68 Member
    Hang in there. I was within 2lbs of my goal weight last year at this time and started getting all cocky about it. Next thing you know, I gained 4lbs. Then I was so demotivated and didn't want to put in the work to lose those lbs again, I kind of threw in the towel. I was still working out but I wasn't tracking my food at all. Now I am up 17 lbs from my goal weight and working myself back down. I stay off the scale for a few weeks at a time and I try not to obsess about what I see in the mirror. I know I can get there -- I almost got there before -- but there's no ALMOST this time. I am going to do it. It takes patience -- the one thing I lack! I know it's hard but hang in there. Becoming demotivated and letting that take over will only send you backwards. Just keep moving forward and change WILL happen! You can add me too!
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Sounds like you are doing all the right stuff, the anecdotal advice says it takes four weeks of diet and exercise change to see the physical change. Don't give up