My New Diet is Causing Headaches & I am Constipated:(

My New Diet is Causing Headaches & I am Constipated What am I doing Wrong?

I recently started on a new eating habit I went from eating really bad to eating a lot better. I used to skip breakfast and at lunch get 3 tacos and 3 chocolate chip cookies and a very large sprite. I would also eat a candy bar and dinner usually fast food and I always ate tons of bread. Did I change too quickly is that why I am having problems? I don't feel I feel I am starving myself I am actually eating more often than I did before but my body doesn't seem to be really happy with me right now. Any suggestions?


  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    You're going to have to tell us a bit about what you're eating now. Generally, constipation is caused by not getting enough fiber and/or water, so you could try eating more fruits/veggies and make sure you're hydrated. Not sure about the headaches.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    can't see your diary. Make sure you are eating enough carbs (too low carbs can cause headaches from low blood sugar). Perhaps too much protein? Also make sure you are eating enough fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber.
  • sdbart
    sdbart Posts: 189 Member
    Give it a week or so... It could be your body getting rid of all the toxins from your old diet if you switched to mostly natural foods and less "pre-made" foods. I know when I was coming off of my sugar addiction, I had horrible headaches and mood swings for about a week.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,185 Member
    Get a fiber powder like mirilax and put in a drink once a day
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    Eat more fruit! Fruit always helps me poop :)
  • I am drinking a ton of water so I don't think I am dehydrated I drink anywhere from 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. I probably need to add more fruits and veggies maybe...I have been eating oatmeal for breakfast or cereal with almond milk and lunch is usually a salad and dinner more salad or grilled chicken or something healthy.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    You're going to have to tell us a bit about what you're eating now. Generally, constipation is caused by not getting enough fiber and/or water, so you could try eating more fruits/veggies and make sure you're hydrated. Not sure about the headaches.

    Don't forget fat, the oft forgotten member of the equation. I became much more regular after adding half an avocado to my diet every day (both fiber and fat).
  • It sounds like your body is detoxing. The headaches are often from a decrease in either caffeine or sugar....or both. Constipation is odd when switching to a more natural diet but it can happen. You have options on that front.............taking a fiber supplement (pills or drink or whatever), increase your water intake (that doesn't include diet soda........straight up water), eat more high in fiber vegetables.

    Your body will try like hell to self regulate but sometimes it needs a little help.
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    My New Diet is Causing Headaches & I am Constipated What am I doing Wrong?

    I recently started on a new eating habit I went from eating really bad to eating a lot better. I used to skip breakfast and at lunch get 3 tacos and 3 chocolate chip cookies and a very large sprite. I would also eat a candy bar and dinner usually fast food and I always ate tons of bread. Did I change too quickly is that why I am having problems? I don't feel I feel I am starving myself I am actually eating more often than I did before but my body doesn't seem to be really happy with me right now. Any suggestions?

    If you went from an unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one, your body is likely detoxing. Headaches and constipation are both symptoms of detox (although constipation as a symptom of detox sounds counterintuitive). Give it a few more weeks. Your body will adjust to eating fruits versus chips.
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    You sound like me a few weeks ago. My diet was very similar to yours, and I changed it all very suddenly. My body did not respond well at all! I think it was in shock from all of the healthy fruits and fiber and veggies I was eating. In fact, I found that I was eating too much fiber at first and my body couldn't handle it, so I scaled back a bit and it got better. I am still trying to figure out what my body likes and doesn't like. It's a matter of trial and error for some of us. Keep up the good work!
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    I am drinking a ton of water so I don't think I am dehydrated I drink anywhere from 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. I probably need to add more fruits and veggies maybe...I have been eating oatmeal for breakfast or cereal with almond milk and lunch is usually a salad and dinner more salad or grilled chicken or something healthy.

    So water looks fine. Definitely add more fruit - it's easy to add to cereal and oatmeal. I also generally take some fruit with me to work for a snack; I personally find apples very filling which is great for mid-day when I start to feel a little hungry. Avocados, like a previous poster mentioned, are also helpful for getting things moving. That should help with the constipation. If the headaches don't go away after a few weeks (I agree that it could be the change in diet) then I'd advise you to make an appointment with your doctor.
  • Constipation is the best...
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I would say that your either suffering from lack of caffeen or just withdrals from the soda. Or could be both.

    For the .Constipation Fiber one bars.
  • That's what happens when you change diets. You aren't doing anything wrong
  • Hiya, I recently stopped the 500 cal hcg diet and switched to a much healthier 1200 cal and added breads and grains back into my body. Had the same trouble for a good week on both sides of the change, dont worry too much, things will come right, add a laxative if your uncomfortable or metamucil, etc youll be back on parr in no time.
  • Ummmm, I say drink lots of water! fiber doesn"t work with out water, also water can help with headachs,

    maybe you are comming down from the chemical high of bad foods, if you are eating enough food and its healthy, and has enough fiber per day, then stick with it, you body I am sure will work it out
  • LinFlemmer331
    LinFlemmer331 Posts: 100 Member
    Headaches and constipation can be both be caused by dehydration. Headaches can also happen when your body is trying to rid itself of sugar or toxins. Constipation can happen when you are eating too much protein or not getting enough fiber. It won't last forever, and if I were you I would add more water and fiber and lots of veggies. Stay strong!
  • kittpitt
    kittpitt Posts: 35 Member
    Lack of water in your diet will cause headaches ,and introducing too much fiber too soon can cause constipation as well as not eating enough fibre.I am sure things will turn around soon enough with a few tweaks your body will figure out its new routine!Good Luck and don`t give up !:wink: