'White starchy foods"

Since early January I have almost no white rice, white flour, white bread, white potatoes....

And almost no migraines or headaches. (I normally have some sort of headache 80% of the time and a few migraines a month)

Last week I made a delicious dinner with white basmati rice. I just had one serving. (It was still about 45 grams of carbs, though)

Within 20 minutes I had an excruciating headache. I have been dealing with headaches and migraines the past 5 days.

I know I have other triggers (bright lights, allergies, weather, temperature even, stress, sensory overload,hormones, fatigue, Artificial Sweeteners...)

But now I am wondering if those white starchy foods are also a trigger. So I am going to do a trial. Elimination Diet for those things. And wondered if anyone knew what other foods I should include in my list of white starchy foods to eliminate....


  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Would corn be on this list?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Surely someone has some info or lists for me....
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    What else did you have with the rice?

    The only kind of rice I eat is white rice and I do just fine. Are you insulin resistant?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    What else did you have with the rice?

    The only kind of rice I eat is white rice and I do just fine. Are you insulin resistant?

    I had chicken and veggies.. Stuff I have all the time. I a hypoglycemic, but just a little. I have had chronic migraines since I was about 4 yrs old.

    (Edit- I don't expect eliminating white starches to cure me of migraines, but having one less trigger might be nice. I figure it won't hurt to try it a couple of months and see if it helps. Just not sure what other foods to include on the list of foods to not include in my test)
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    Maybe the whole grains stabilize your blood sugar and that is what is helping. You may have to experiment with the corn.

    Good news! They have brown basmati rice.
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    I think it varies for everyone. I never ate any carbs in the beginning of my dieting, and now I've switched it up to eating somewhere around 150-200 a day (my allowance is 208).

    I feel more satisfied by eating a healthy sandwich (lite bread/lite cheese/fat free mayo) than I did eating a Lean Cuisine
  • I have had severe migraines for awhile and they became so debilitating I could'nt work. I am cleaning out my system natural or organic. Corn can be a hi allergen. You may have candida (yeast) in your system. This can cause severe migraines. You need to get Morinda which will kill the candida in your system. When you eat starchy foods your feeding the yeast that is toxic in your system.
    I have not had a migraine or a headache for over a month now. I also take Elderberry concentrate every day 2 teaspoons. I hope this helps. Stacey
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Maybe the whole grains stabilize your blood sugar and that is what is helping. You may have to experiment with the corn.

    Good news! They have brown basmati rice.

    I guess I might as well eliminate corn and add it back later, see what happens. This seems like work,,though.
    maybe you have a gluten issue?
    I hope not. And I have had while grains and been OK. But in really small amounts. Maybe I should just eat carrots and bacon for 2 months and slowly add everything else back.
  • Geni_B
    Geni_B Posts: 64 Member
    some veggies are stachy like peas, corn, dried beans, potatoes, and onions not sure if this would make your head hurt or not you can do the elemination test on these too, I think cauliflour is also. I eleminated 85 percent of dairy and also gluten out of my diet and this heled me tremendously to finish loosing the weight I had to loose any thing that gets in the way of good digestion makes it hard to loose weight once you elemenate these foods your body does much better at absorbing the nutrition it needs so your cravings will leave thus making it easier to loose and maintain. I have done a lot of research on this subject and know from personal experience this to be true, at least in my case it is. Also I added enzymes and probiotics to my daily routine and this also helps aid digestion and thus helps me to loose more weight. Hope this helps. best wishes.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I'm not trying to lose weight, but maybe digestion aids will help with processing sensitivity foods...