Who here has high blood pressure?

Who has high blood pressure?
I got mine taken today, and came out at 131/81 - which isn't technically high blood pressure, but it is higher than optimal. What about you guys? And, what do you do to reduce your pressure when it spikes?


  • poopoomonkey1978
    poopoomonkey1978 Posts: 108 Member
    I have had my blood pressure going all over the place lately. When I went to the doctors last it was right before going to a friends viewing and my bp was 190/117. I was put on water pills and even then 85% of my readings are high. Exercise has been the one thing that lowers it for me. You need to watch your salt intake though
  • Xhell_on_heelsX
    This girl! Had high blood pressure since my daughter was born and have been on meds ever since. I'm hoping as my weight goes down my doc will take me off of them. Meds = No bueno
  • melissawaters
    melissawaters Posts: 31 Member
    I am on meds for mine, but I have recently started watching my sodium intake on here. (well trying to watch my sodium. lol) also drinking more water than I normally do and increased my exercise, so hopefully next time I go to doc it will be down. oh, and I quit smoking:) good luck to you!!!! :drinker:
  • Devon_McCormick
    Mine is much higher than your's. Last February my bp was 190/112. I was immediately put on medicine. It lowered some but not in the normal range. I have been dieting and exercising everyday the last month. I have lost twelve pounds. My bp is nearly normal. Exercise and low sodium diets are key. I have a strong family history for high bp. I also am a teacher so it often goes with the job. I really hope my new lifestyle choices help me to get off my bp medicine. Good luck to you.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Not me! (well, not anymore). Yay!
  • Stinkerbelle84
    I do. Mine is a little higher than yours, so not too bad. I do have a higher heart rate as well so meds are a must do for me. I take a beta-blocker, which also reduces my heart rate, once a day. I also watch my sodium, drink lots of water, limit caffiene, and watch my overall diet. Exercises works the best to control it though (for me). Good luck to you!
  • boilerbabe69
    I was fighting with mine and after losing 24 lbs I'm medication free. I still check it regularly out of habit but it sure feels good to know I don't have to take meds. About the only thing I know to do when it is high without medication is to lie on your left side and try to relax. In reality if it is 131/81 your not in bad trouble or trying to have a stroke but it is something to watch and keep better track of. Good luck.
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    Pissed off? Sleep poorly? Hung over? Stressed out? Eat too much chinese the night before? Your BP will be high. Me personally, I have sleep apnea and diabetes. If I do not sleep well my blood sugar and blood pressure is through the roof. So don't let one reading dictate your life. My doc wanted to put me on BP meds and I said no way, I slept really badly the night before and that is why it is so high. Next day everything was good. :wink:

    Edited to add: If I sleep well, my blood sugar and blood pressure are normal. If I sleep poorly, blood sugar and blood pressure are both very high. My exhusband was cheating on me and when I went to the doctors office for STD testing my BP was through the roof (because I was so PISSED OFF). Don't let one high reading dictate going on medication. There are alot of things that factor into that number.
  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    I'm on meds for mine but hope to be off once the weight goes down more and more!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I have been on 3 pills since my daughter was born, and she is 12, I am hoping to get off of them when I get rid of this weight. I am also scared to come off of my water pills as everyone says you gain 10 lbs in the first week off of them
  • mbz0616
    mbz0616 Posts: 77 Member
    Me! I've dropped 35 pounds and reduced my body fat percentage to 23% but still need meds to keep my BP in the right range. Darn annoying. Now working to reduce sodium - currently averaging around 2000 mg/day.
  • I have learned to sit quietly and concentrate in my breathing, or take a short nap and dark chocolate helps as well.
  • tehbasketcasey
    Yeah, medication scares me a little... I don't want to deal with those side effects. I heard that there are natural remedies for high blood pressure, such as ingesting herbs, or drinking more water.
    Caffeine is god, so I don't know if I can give that up.
    But yes, it's good to know I'm not alone in my struggle, and I want to make sure that I don't damage any delicate internal organs.

    Good luck you guys, we can do this!!!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I've been on BP meds for about 4 years, I think. Without them, my natural BP is around 145/80. Not horrendously high. But my mom has two different heart conditions and my dad has high BP. So my doc didnt' want to mess around. I've had to raise my dosage twice. Now, with this dose, I'm usually around 128/72. Which is pretty OK.
  • Stinkerbelle84
    Meds are not as scary as they sound, especially not if they work properly. If you take one that doesn't agree with your body it can be hell, though. As far as caffiene, I still drink it. I do find that black teas cause me to be super jittery, while other milder teas do not. Moderation is key.

    Do you get in a lot of exercise now? If you do not, then start! You should see a tremendous reduction in BP, along with stress levels and anxiety. I am always much better off after a good workout. Even a nice long walk.
  • tehbasketcasey
    I hate running. I refuse to do so unless I am being chased, and then I can run very fast. I like to walk and swim for my exercise, mainly. I walked today for a good 40 minutes. Exercise usually makes me feel better, so maybe increasing my exercise will help my pressure.
  • Stinkerbelle84
    Try to break a sweat and get your heart rate up. I love to do "Just Dance" on Wii, or even just dance around to the radio. Find little ways to get that cardio in and your heart pumping. Walking did wonders for my BP. I lost 47 pounds several years ago from just walking, eating right, and an occasional Denise Austin home DVD.
  • tehbasketcasey
    And you look great!!!
  • DivineDee
    I have had high blood pressure for years now and take medication daily. My doctor has told me that if i would lose the weight I could eventually get off the medication. :happy:
  • tehbasketcasey
    I bet you can :)