Rock Bottom

I'm going to have a pity party for myself :(
I'm at my heaviest weight (since giving birth 12 years ago)
I suffer from Anxiety/Depression
I have been laid off since September

I feel so out of control
I feel like a failure
I can't figure out why I did this to myself

I know it's one day at a time
I can't seem to find the right day to start
I'm lucky if I can even get out of bed and function
If I'm this miserable, why can't I just make the lifestyle change

I know it's going to be hard
I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel
It scares me to think...that this is my life
I get up everyday and just exist

I hate feeling trapped in this body
I don't know where to begin
I don't want to give up
Story of my life


  • We all have felt the way at first. I want to let you know we are all here for you. Just let us take your habd and show you the real you. Yes its going to be hard at first, but I know you can do it. Take the time to believe in yourself and the things you can do not the things you can't do.

    I am 56 have been diabetic for 43 years can't do anything but walk right now. I take 10 shots a day and I know you don't want to have to shots because you are now diabetic. In about 8 monhts have dropped 19 pounds. I had to learn the hard way. I became very ill and knew I had to do something or I wouldn't be here to see my 3 grandsons grow up.

    Its all up to you. We will be here to cheer you on in any way we can. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.
  • debmphillips
    debmphillips Posts: 10 Member
    You made the right choice joining here. Strength in numbers! I know how you feel, there's been times I've been in your shoes. I've been on here a week so far & in love with the message boards and the support I've received from my new friends. Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • PhotogirlTX
    PhotogirlTX Posts: 85 Member
    Your quote says it all. "One Day at a Time". I live by this motto. I too have been without a job since August. I finally accepted one yesterday. December 3rd, I was the heaviest I have been since having my daughter, 13 years ago. I suffer with depression.

    However, here I am, 20 pounds lighter, and I have regulated my depression with diet and exercise, and I have never felt better.

    You can do this. You just have to take the first step. One day at a time. If you keep it up... you will begin to feel better, you will begin to look better, and you will start to love yourself just a little bit more.

    Do it now. Don't wait like I did... and realize you are now 45 years old and you just wasted the past ten years.

    You can choose to either do something today, or be worse off tomorrow. As someone has said on here before, losing weight is hard. But being fat is hard too. Choose your hard.
  • labellecanuck
    labellecanuck Posts: 105 Member
    The great thing about rock bottom is you can only go up! And you've made a great and brave start by posting here and acknowleging that you need help. Now you already know to make a change, you'll have to give it everything you've got and more.

    What you're feeling now IS NOT the rest of your life. I know that you won't let it be. Success is the only option we're going to accept from you. Keep reaching out and reaching up.
  • psv1012
    psv1012 Posts: 65 Member
    I am so sorry you feel so lost and stuck.I have fought my weight all my life, it is so hard and embarrassing . I started on MFP in August due to being diagnost with diebetis. I was so depressed and frightened. I am 56, I felt like I was 80 ! I started this diet and exercise program (I swim) and I feel younger now than I have in 20 years ! I have lost 44 pounds and my sugar level is under control. Know that you can change,take the first step,the first day, the first meal. Just take small steps, go for a short walk, try eating less fat, you do not have to be perfect ! If this is a life change you know we will slip,but the trick is to get back up and try again. Please feel free to friend me, you can then look at my diary and maybe see you do not have to give up everything.
    I have at least another 50 pounds to go, so I need help from as many friends as I can. God Bless,hope you feel better very soon.
  • rokinrho
    rokinrho Posts: 9 Member
    Oh my goodness. This was me 3 weeks ago. I started and am down 12 lbs. I feel better and can climb out of bed in the morning. The first day is the hardest. One hour at a time. This hardest is taking the first step. I am so glad I did.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    You are in the right place! I am sorry for what you are going through - been there a time or two myself.

    Do your best to get on track and stay there - but forgive yourself slip ups and keep moving forward. I know this is like a Nike commercial, but just do it! You can and should and CAN!!! You will be AMAZED with how your entire life changes around as you have successes along the way - the mental self-hating stuff, that ugly voice in your own head - it will quiet down after some time and your esteem will grow in leaps and bounds.

  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Today is the day to start !
  • glynda66
    glynda66 Posts: 184 Member
    Good news about hitting rock bottom? Theres no where to go but up!
  • A powerful post. Believe it or not, I felt this way just a few short weeks ago.

    I Found the MFP app, made a decision to track my food, maybe exercise a little.

    Tracking what I ate meant paying attention to what I ate, and paying more attention to myself.

    Getting up a little earlier now to get exercise in in the morning... ME time.

    Couple of weeks and dropped eight pounds, feeling a little better about the guy I see in the mirror every morning.

    Don't give up "Rock". Like you I've got a long road ahead. You've already taken the first step... keep moving forward.
  • please don't give up. Sounds like you made the right decision by taking "one day at a time" . Not sure where you are from, today in Canada we are celebrating "let's talk" . Mental illness and depression. So you are one day ahead by simply talking and sharing your thoughts. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
  • I've been there too, many times,.. a year ago I had lost 82 pounds (yay!) just by picking my hard (becauase being fat became harder than losing weight, finally),.. BUT I've gained back half since then. So I too just joined here today with the hope of getting motivated, yet again, before I get out of control and gain it ALL back.

    This is my longwinded way of saying you're NOT alone,.. it is SO hard to get motivated when you're in a physical, financial and emotional slump, I know.. but you really can do this if you want to. Sometimes we get in our own way, and it's better to "Just Do It" without analyzing it and torturing ourselves with what's wrong with us.. :flowerforyou:
  • silkyb1
    silkyb1 Posts: 49 Member
    I just joined sunday just hang in there and just think you made the first step and joining mfp so you just keep up the good work try to think positive and its one day at a time.
  • You've already made 2 steps forward... you joined MFP & you reached out! No steps are too small on this journey & everything counts. Start small... make one small change and stick with it in whatever time frame you can handle ~ the changes will make a difference!

    I'm so sorry to hear of what you're dealing with... there are many supportive people on here to lean upon.... use the many hands to help pull you out of the depths. :smile:
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    The responses given you here so far, so quickly, is why I LOVE MFP. It truly is, an amazing community of people who want to see you succeed through their support and encouragement. I wish you much success on your new journey here, because YOU derserve it!
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    I have felt this way before. You can only control your just situation somewhat, but your weight is fully in your control. When things get hard only worry about what you can control. Focus on your fitness, that brings weight loss, weight loss brings confidence, confidence brings motivation to handle everything else. I suffer from depression too, but my regular exercise has helped A TON. Endorphines are better than taking a pill.
  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    Awww. So sorry you feel overwhelmed right now. I have been there too. Doesn't matter how many pounds you have to lose...when you haven't succeeded in the past, it can feel very overwhelming to start again.

    I love this site! This is probably the first time I've been motivated to keep on going. I have a medley of health & emotional things that have made it hard, but I told myself this time I would push past the emotions and not give up. I even told myself I'd do this for a year, even if I lost no weight. And the weird thing is, I FEEL so much better about myself just working out & putting myself first, I wouldn't quit now - even if I knew I wouldn't ever be able to be my ideal weight. Other benefits that have come of this: new friends I've met at the gym, eventually (I kid you not) becoming a Zumba teacher (and actually making some money at it), finally getting stronger, back feels better, and my skin is 70% clearer now. I'm still as emotional as ever, but I just keep on going no matter how I feel each day.

    I too got let go from my job last January, but I used my time on unemployment (plus my entire 401K) to try to find what I would really want to do. You never know - it could be a blessing. My previous job is part of what got me to gain weight - I was so UNHAPPY at that place. I'd eat just to escape feeling so awful during the 8:30-5 I was there each day. Sometime I'd even need to drink a glass of wine at night to forget the place. I hope you can at least get unemployment.

    I drive a crappy old car, I don't have great benefits, I have virtually no savings, BUT I now work for myself (making 70% of what I was) and I'm about 1,000000000000000000 times happier now. I'm also FINALLY writing the book I wanted to write for the past 4 years but could never find the energy to do.

    Look on the bright side...maybe your job went away because it needed to GO for you to put you first.

    If you want to friend me, feel free.
  • That sounds like you're in a tough place right now.... and it's so hard to be at a tough place in your life while feeling bad about yourself at the same time. But think about this- YOU are taking steps to remedy your problem, and you are here!
    Take everything one day at a time, because honestly that's the only way to go about life without being overwhelmed, depressed or anxious about the future.
    If you want to add me as a friend, I'd love to walk this path with you!
    Chin up! It will be okay, you'll see.
  • jenfoxjercha
    jenfoxjercha Posts: 51 Member
    Great Job on taking the first step. It has to be hard to put all of these feelings out there for complete strangers to read. I hope you make it through and get to where you need to be.
  • sambor2
    sambor2 Posts: 11 Member
    Find a diet that will give you a boost in the beginning.
    go cold turkey from sugar and processed food.