New 30 day shred support group



  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I started last night and it whooped my butt! I managed to get all the way through with only a few fudges - I simply could NOT do all the pushups and the cardio had me beat a couple times (but I still marched/jogged on the spot - didn't stop completely!). Then I (bravely/foolishly?) followed it up with a 1 hour 3.8mph walk.

    Today I'm sore but I feel accomplished! I think it's going to hurt tonight though...
  • allnaday
    allnaday Posts: 54 Member
    Wow,i still haven't started...........again i say , tonight i will do.......
  • aegle1
    Am new to MFP and just started the 30 Day Shred today, so happy I found this group :) Do the side lunges with arm raises get any easier? They were the worst haha
  • pamelalk
    pamelalk Posts: 70 Member
    i saw your post yesterday, and thought i should do that wish i had the video, went out to day and low and behold it was just sitting there on a walmart shelf, on sale, took it as a sign..i am so out of shape that i am sorry i couldnt quite finish it and it just about killed me, but i am determined to get through it so again tomorrow, i like the suggestion to jog through the tough spots until you can get them gonna do this
  • eggsmilkbread
    eggsmilkbread Posts: 184 Member
    I'm on day 6. And it's killing me. :huh: It was really easy at the start though for me.. Invite please, and anyone feel free to add me. :smooched:
  • anchavez1978
    I am new to MFP and I just ordered the 30DS I am just waiting for my DVD to arrive in the mail! Please send me an invite as well!
  • amyncrook
    I just finished the 30 day shred. I lost 4 pounds and 11 inches over all (3 around my waist)! I was shaky at first and thought it would kill me, but now I can almost do the entire level 3. THe only reason I can't do all of it is because I have really weak wrists and some of the exercises put too much stress on my wrists. I just modify them and can get through it all now.

    Just take it one day at a time and you can get there!!! It really gets easier each time. I did not do it everyday though. I was every other day, with some other exercise on my off days. It is a great program with great results!
  • AmandaMaitland
    AmandaMaitland Posts: 136 Member
    Hello! So I'm on day 4 of level 2! I've done it everyday so far and plan on finishing it at the end of the month! And to keep myself motivated, I decided not to weigh until the end so I don't get discouraged. However, I did measure at the end of level one, and no inches have changed :( Most days I double it up with some cardio (i.e. a light jog, turbofire, or elliptical). I've only had one semi splurge day, but other than that I'm eating healthy! I'm at 1500 cal a day. I have only eaten close to that twice, but it gives me some room. I've incorporated more veggies, and I only eat lean meats! I'm not going to give up. I am pushing through this and plan on doing it again in March! When did you start to notice change / inches lost?
  • cah1255
    cah1255 Posts: 41 Member
    i have such trouble finishing 30 DS. twice now at different points in the year, i have started, but have been unable to finish. unable maybe isn't the right word.. unmotivated. Both times, most recently being this past January, i have started, finished 10 days of level one.. moved on to level two, but quit halfway through the first day, and didn't jump back in. i just really really dislike level two. i have about 24 days before spring break and a trip to the Dominican, so i just started again tonight. Level one, day one-done... again. I think since i don't have the full 30 days, i am going to try to do 5 days of level one, 10 of level 2 and 10 of level 3.. and on saturdays and sundays do an extra level one to make up for the ones i cut out. tips/suggestions? anyone else struggle moving into level two?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I'm so sad! I've done my right shoulder a real mischief and can't do the Shred until its better :(

    I didn't injure it by doing the Shred however.