
:explode: I'm so mad at myself! I've eaten more junk food in the last week than I have in the last 6 weeks that I've been eating healthy, and exercising daily!!! I know people slip up, but these weren't even real, genuine cravings that I wanted to induldge was just food-laziness!!! I'm so mad at myself for allowing myself to eat that much junk! Granted I didn't go over my calories, but maybe 2 of the days, and 2 days in 6 weeks isn't bad, but I'm setting myself to some pretty high standards. And before anyone says anything, yes, I do allow myself some indulgences....the key word being "some". It's time to get back to a routine, and feel better. It's no wonder my body has felt so sluggish. I miss my healthy foods!!! At least I've still been hitting the gym, and doing outside activities to make myself feel mildly better that I didn't completely slack off. HMMPH!!! :embarassed: :mad:


  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    We all have bad days (weeks, months). Its how you decide to make a difference afterwards that is important. No one is perfect, and sometimes the slip is what we need to get us back on track and ready to go. Don't let this deter you from your goals. You can do this because reaching your goals will be the ultimate reward!
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    We all have bad days (weeks, months). Its how you decide to make a difference afterwards that is important. No one is perfect, and sometimes the slip is what we need to get us back on track and ready to go. Don't let this deter you from your goals. You can do this because reaching your goals will be the ultimate reward!

    I'm not detered what-so-ever! I'm just glad I realized I was doing it, and am kicking it in the butt now! I'm not allowing myself to fail this time. No way, no how! I'm going to lose all that I've dreamed of losing, whether I like it not! :happy:
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    There is no better time than "right now" to get back on track. That's what makes all the difference.
  • Don't be so angry at yourself. You have done an excellent job and you are jumping right back to eating healthy. Don't make the body start releasing that cortisol due to stressing out over small stuff.:smile: Do you remember that saying Don't Sweat the Small Stuff? I do and I try not to. I eat junk food all the time and I don't worry about it. If I don't eat some junk food, I think I would really lose my mind.:smile: Sometimes when I eat junk food after eating healthy for a while, I even lose weight.:smile:

    Good job on your weight loss so far and keep on hitting the gym.
  • mckramer1999
    mckramer1999 Posts: 31 Member
    You go sister! Channel that anger!:smile:
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm not stressing about it, but I'm recognizing that it's behavior I don't want to get into again. I've worked too hard mentally, emotionally, physically to let one week turn into two, etc. I'm stopping the bad behavior now, and like mckramer1999 said, I'm going to channel it!!!! Thanks for the support!!!
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    ldbuster0, I left off one point....that's great you've still lost after eating junk! I think that's what I'm partly upset about is that I weigh in tomorrow, and I'm nervous I won't lose anything! Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
  • Forgive yourself and move forward. It is a lifestyle change not a diet. Today is a new day and a new chance for a healthier you. Realizing this is half the battle. Best of luck to you. If you need a new friend feel free to add me. I am on here multiple times a day and show support of my friends on MFP.
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    Forgive yourself and move forward. It is a lifestyle change not a diet. Today is a new day and a new chance for a healthier you. Realizing this is half the battle. Best of luck to you. If you need a new friend feel free to add me. I am on here multiple times a day and show support of my friends on MFP.

    I do know it's a lifestyle change. I'm only frustrated, and have forgiven myself. It's just that type of behavior that got my weight to where it is now, and I don't want those types of behaviors to happen again. I believe in allowing myself to induldge, every now and then, but not once a day for a week long. Anyway, thanks for your support! :flowerforyou:
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    flush out the sodium from the snacks with lots and lots of water or green tea. eat as much raw/clean/organic as possible for the next week to balance it out, you're all good! you're doing way better than a lot of people that use their slip-ups as an excuse to give up. i like your strength!
  • flicka11
    flicka11 Posts: 18 Member
    Most of us do this to ourselves from time to time, dont beat yourself up badly! Looks like you have a really good weight loss going! Just dont fall back into that type of eating on a normal basis, you ll sabatoge yourself. I do this sometimes, think, hey, Im doing great, Ill just grab, whatever, and eat it. Usually this is combined with the times I dont have something made up, or it could be just self sabatoge. Im working really hard not to fall into that trap though. I did buy some Panera bread, and have eaten it for two nights, no the best thing to do, it will have to leave the house somehow tomorrow. BUT, at least I didnt eat a half a loaf with butter at one sitting! Hang in there, just remember, NO SELF SABOTAGE......
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    It's ok. We all make mistakes. Last week I ate 1,000 calories over maintenance in a single evening.

    I thought about the reason, and I realized that I was running on four hours of sleep. My body was sending out all sorts of weird signals and cravings because I had been running on too few calories a couple days before, plus the sleep deficit.

    The best thing you can do to avoid another mistake is to throw out the stuff in the house that might cause you to binge, or lock it away so you are not tempted. A little junk every now and then is fine, if you can work it into your calories.
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I typically don't keep things in the house that I feel I'll binge on. I just ate at restaurants too much! Today was my weigh in day, and the scale was a bit tricky, but I can say I was atleast 1 pound down! Not the greatest loss I've had so far, but at least it's still a loss! Plus, I had a surprise visitor this morning, which might explain why I wanted all the bad foods, and probably have some water retention as well. Hopefully next week I'll drop a few more pounds!