how do you keep you mind motivated while running?



  • ACarp24
    ACarp24 Posts: 90
    I don't know how much you have lost, but for me, I keep a picture of myself at 200 lbs (my starting weight) on my iPod, and every time I want to stop I look at that picture, and think to myself, I NEVER want to look like that again. Very good motivator. Even if you haven't lost much you could still look at that picture of yourself and think, If I keep going, I won't look like I do in this picture anymore in just a few short months.
    hope this helps:flowerforyou:
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    Just thought of another one.... I have a polar heart rate monitor so it sync's up with the lifefitness machines at the gym. I try to keep my heart beat between 120 and 135. I keep increasing the incline or speed until I hit 135 and then lower it down until I get to 120/5. Then I just keep repeating between incline and speed.

    It takes so much concentration keeping it within a figure that time goes a lot quicker.
  • tairui2009
    tairui2009 Posts: 37 Member
    I *love* a great playlist ~ but sometimes, I can get a little bored listening to the same tracks over and again.. sometimes, I'll add a favorite TV show to listen to... or a movie... or an audiobook. iTunes has SO much available ~ and later, you can play from your iPod over your TV using the AV connector cable (at Radio Shack... maybe $15).
  • tairui2009
    tairui2009 Posts: 37 Member
    OH... *also* there's a really cool running application for your iPhone.. it's called iMapMyRun.. and it will track all of your stats and map you while you're running. It also gives you verbal feedback based on your settings ~ like time/pace etc..

    There's a similar one for bikers (like me) called "B.iCycle"

    Check it out under the apps store... very cool..
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    OH... *also* there's a really cool running application for your iPhone.. it's called iMapMyRun.. and it will track all of your stats and map you while you're running. It also gives you verbal feedback based on your settings ~ like time/pace etc..

    There's a similar one for bikers (like me) called "B.iCycle"

    Check it out under the apps store... very cool..

    I just checked out the iMapMyRun ap...that looks awesome! I wil definitely be using this when I start running outside. Thanks!
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    Definitely good music. And before I even step on the treadmill I decide how much I'm going to do. I also write out my exercise goals in my planner. I HATE that disappointed feeling when I don't hit goals that I set for myself, so knowing that if I quit before my 30 minutes (or whatever that day's goal is), I will feel disappointed in myself, keeps me going. Sometimes, when I'm just having a day where I feel really fatigued or mentally out of it, I just go in two-minute increments....I'll tell myself that all I have to do is another two minutes, and if I'm just too exhausted to keep going, I'll stop. I almost always find that when I get to that two minutes, I think I can do two more minutes.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    Depends on my workout for the day. Some workouts I run for 2 minutes then jump off and do 20 push-ups and 20 squats, then back to the run for 2 minutes ,jump off etc etc until I reach 2 miles or if I am feeling really good I will run a 5k doing this. If on a treadmill I have to have a tv on, but I mentally start with a number in my head. I know I am going to run 2 miles , so I shoot for 15 minutes, set the speed and start a countdown as the minutes go by..first minute 14.....13.......8(over halfway)....etc.. I have tunes on also sometimes but I get bored with them. I love mixing up the work though, run 2 minutes add pushups or pullups or situps or squats, maybe all four! Then back on for 2 minutes , like the first one I listed , if I run an 8 minute mile pace I would do 8 intervals of 2 minutes running which also means I did 160 pushups and 160 squats.
    You can decide how many of each exercise you want to do and break them down into how many intervals you think it will take you to run the distance you want. Some will say that you arent truly running 2 miles then since your stopping but I will argue that your doing more work and running 2 miles! Try it and see if you like it, if ya dont, nothing hurt.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    Get outside. Death to treadmills... yah its physically harder but the end result is so much better! Fresh air, sunshine, a toner butt from actually having to push yourself up those hills...

    Also an ipod with great tracks + the runkeeperpro app. The app uses the gps device in your phone to track distance, current pace, avg pace and you can look at a map to find new routes. This app has really helped me to keep motivated, because I can set a goal pace/ distance for each run and save my workouts to see my improvement. When I am running I get so wrapped up with staying on pace and reaching that distance in my goal amount of time that I don't get bored. Another awesome feature is being able to create custom training workouts, so if you're on a program like me you can enter in your intervals and the app will tell you through your head phones if you need to be running "slow, steady, or fast" and for how many minutes.

    If your not into doing a pace or distance run, if you just want to run for a certain amount of time, then I suggest hitting the trails. And I don't mean flat running trails where you just get bored; if you have any nearby try running some sgl track mtn bike trails. I love these! They are full of turns, bridges, steep up and downhills, rocks and roots to jump over... endless things to keep you focused on choosing carefully where to place your feet instead of looking at the endless distance ahead. I'd rather stare up at the sky while running than look straight ahead down some long road I am running, and knowing I have to somehow get myself to the other end...
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I daydream about my future in shape & rockin' body!!!
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    p.s. I should mention if you have weak ankles perhaps don't follow my suggestion to run mtn bike trails... it is much easier to roll an ankle.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    I think while I run.

    It's not about keeping your mind motivated. It's more about not letting your mind think negative thoughts. Once the thoughts creep in about being tired or sore then you might as well kiss your run good-bye... Control your mind and your body will follow.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Hey Connie!!
    There are trails down at the river you could try out, they go through the trees. C-rad goes through on his bike while I run on the upper path(that everyone else runs on). It's interesting down there. There are lots of encouraging people too when you are running on the Meewasin Trail. I made friends with some people, they run by and say good job or keep going, you're doing great. its very encouraging for a complete stranger to cheer you on. You could take S-boy out with you when you run, someone to talk to?? I have C-rad telling me how fast I'm running, how far I've ran and how far I need to go . . . little statistics while I'm running and it keeps me motivated. It's nice to hear it from him too that hes proud of me . . . and I hear it every day from S-boy about you so I'm sure he would help you with encouraging words. I think its to get him out there is the trick. lol. I also have markers of how far I've gone, so if I get up to the bend that goes into lawson, I know I'm 2 miles in. I think running outside is a lot easier on the brain, more to look at and focus on. If I feel sore or get tired, I tell C-rad and he tells me that I'm strong and I can work through this and to push harder. They are just words but they do wonders for me. Good luck!!
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    I have taken to running outside while visiting my in-laws (which is where I'm at now) but when I'm at home I have my 14 month old to take with me, and I HATE to push a jogging stroller. I run on the treadmill at home (my husband is deployed, so there's nobody to watch her EVER so I can go run outside, which is a bummer) and I just think about how small and tiny I am going to be...not to mention how much healthier from getting that cardio in!

    That being said, I much prefer the outdoors to running on a treadmill. You get a better burn and it's not so boorrrrinnggg.
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    I tell myself,"I can do anything for 5 mins." and then when I do it gives me motivation to do 5 more and on and on.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I can't run on a treadmill. RUNNING AND RUNNING and going NOWHERE! BLAH! I have to run outside. I set my over all goal of distance. I map my runs or on (I have a forerunner). If I leave the house running, I can't stop til I get home and If I don't go on my intended route then I consider that cheating. There is no cutting it short for me. I run with a friend for motivation OR if I'm running alone I listen to my ipod! The music helps! Plus I feel like I'm getting somewhere when I go outside. If you don't have a runner's watch then the app on the iphone that was mentioned is great! (if you have an iphone). Otherwise, set your course with the google pedometer and stick to it. =)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Music is your friend! I'll be so tired I wanna quit and a good song comes on and I feel totally reenergized!
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    In agreement with many here - a great playlist keeps me going! I just love getting lost in the music and having the beat and the lyrics keep me going!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    I give +1 to comments on shows or DVD's. Of course it is a mental game and not all master that. I rent action/suspense movies and get my head totally in another world. Sometimes I break it into 2 workouts, which gives me a good reason to finish the movie the next day. Other times, either by plan or the movie is good, I will just finish the whole thing. The other trick is finding a way to use headphones with the movie. Either wireless or drop a headphone extension wire from the ceiling (what I do).

    Beside the mental challege, I have a monster industrial fan mounted above my treadmill keeping me cool.

    I do prefer outside, but found either in oppressive cold or heat I'll have a fun workout catching up on action movies.

  • Jellybean1970
    Jellybean1970 Posts: 12 Member
    Wow! I am surprised at the amount of replies. This is my first posting. I love it. Thank you so much. I think that alone gives me more motivation. Some of the tricks I use already, but some are new and I will try. Thanks again for the support!:flowerforyou:
  • mlcraggs
    mlcraggs Posts: 3 Member
    Also an ipod with great tracks + the runkeeperpro app.

    I second this! I love Runkeeper. I put in my C25K intervals and it will even give you a pace during each interval. Music is wonderful, but for detail oriented people who want to track their progress over time, Runkeeper is amazing. It's great to look at your profile and see that you've gone from quick ten minute runs to a comfortable 40 minutes of interval jogging and walking. It's going to be even sweeter when I get to my goal of jogging 5k without panting like a dog.

    Plus, nothing will motivate to keep a reasonable pace, distance, and total time more than knowing that your friends and family can view your Runkeeper profile (if you choose to make your activities public) and see if you've been slacking :)