Is it ever to late to eat?



  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    Just don't feed them after midnight.
  • damndeedee
    damndeedee Posts: 5 Member
    I have eaten right before bed sooo many times this past year! and have still lost 50lb. If you are eating healthy stuff it won't make you fat no matter what time you eat it. :)
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I eat anytime, although I do eat more early in the day before a workout.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    When you're dead.
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    When you're dead.

    My first thought, too. :P
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    When you're dead.

    My first thought, too. :P
    Yep :) that and: when the only food facility within range is closed.

    Otherwise, no.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    i find that not eating after 5pm makes a HUGE difference for me, personally. even if i go over my calories for the day, if i don't eat after 5, i still lose weight. sometimes it's difficult (because i'm a serious night owl, and a formerly habitual late-night eater), but for some reason, it works for me! of course there are times when i eat after 5pm but for the most part, i try to stick to it. give it a try and see if it makes a difference! i've lost 10 lbs so far (only 3 on mfp)...and i really think a lot of it has to do with eliminating my late-night eating.

    It sounds like it's more down to (my emphasis) ELIMINATING your late-night EATING.

    Doing it by time is as good a way as any though!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    TOPIC: Is it ever to late to eat?
    Through years of experimentation and examination of clinical studies, I've found that what works best for me is to make sure I've thoroughly chewed and swallowed the last bite before falling asleep. Anything after that, it gets increasingly messy and the choking hazard increases greatly.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I have heard from several people that eating after 6pm is bad. What do you guys think about that? Do you have a bed time for food?

    not unless you look like this guy:

  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    TOPIC: Is it ever to late to eat?
    Through years of experimentation and examination of clinical studies, I've found that what works best for me is to make sure I've thoroughly chewed and swallowed the last bite before falling asleep. Anything after that, it gets increasingly messy and the choking hazard increases greatly.

    Source? ;)
  • mhcoss
    mhcoss Posts: 220
    No its never to late to eat.

    If you eat at a deficit for the day you will loose fat no matter what time your meals are. Same goes for eating at a surplus so eat when ever its convenient for you. If you like to go to bed slightly fasted then eat early. I prefer to go to bed feeling satiated so I typically eat dinner semi late. Its all personal preference.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    My favorite part about this myth is that I have no idea what time one goes to bed!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    TOPIC: Is it ever to late to eat?
    Through years of experimentation and examination of clinical studies, I've found that what works best for me is to make sure I've thoroughly chewed and swallowed the last bite before falling asleep. Anything after that, it gets increasingly messy and the choking hazard increases greatly.

    You don't have that problem with ice cream ;-P
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    I NEVER used to at all i would go to sleep at 7.30 if need be!! lol
    BUT i am a muncher and so i stock up on carrots and celery most night now!! :smile: AND NO RUDE COMMENTS PLEASE PEOPLE :wink:
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    I have that same question right now. It's 4 a.m. and I haven't ate since 6 pm Tuesday so I'm freaking starving!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    If I'm still awake I eat. I always save most of my cals for late at night its when I'm hungriest

    This. The time that you eat has no effect on weight loss.

    Weight is gained by a surplus of calories.

    I also consume the majority of my calories at night before bed.

    I don't sleep when I'm hungry.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    I tend not to eat after 8 p.m. but that's because I get reflux not because I'm worried about gaining weight from eating late.
  • roguex_1979
    roguex_1979 Posts: 247 Member
    It shouldn't affect weight loss, but might feel uncomfortable when you're trying to sleep.

    Some people find sleeping on a full belly helps them, but others, like me, worry too much about how much bed my stomach needs when I've eaten too late. Lol!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Once I fall asleep it's too late. :laugh: Some people have digestive problems like reflux, and eating close to bed time would be a bad idea. People like me, however, seem to do well with a little snack before snoozing. It helps me get cozy - especially if it's something with some carbs in it. I've always eaten late, and I've never been overweight. I think it really depends on the person, so do what works for you.
  • afia233
    afia233 Posts: 47 Member
    Food is in your stomach for 2-3 hours, your illium for 2-3 hours and duodenum for upto 72. Why would a few hours after 6pm have ANY effect?

    The statement makes no survival sense? Why would eating after 6/7pm be bad?!

    I think its because people are usually less active after 6/7pm, hence the argument for the big breakfasts and consuming most of your calories early as opposed to in the evening - doesnt make sense to me personally but thats the logic.