Looking for Supportive Friends

Hi my name is Khadijah,

I have NEVER tried to lose weight so this will be a journey for me. But I can't hold this weight any longer. So I need as much support as I can get from ppl on the same journey.


  • cleoKatt
    cleoKatt Posts: 50 Member
    Hello & Welcome, I'm kinda new here myself (about a week),.... feel free to add me as friend, if you like.
  • Welcome!! I'm somewhat new here and I'm also on the weightlose journey. If you want to add me, feel free!! :smile:
  • Hi I am new here as well!! I joined yesterday but just started posting in the community today. I love having support and will be more than happy to be yours as well!
  • JejuneStar
    JejuneStar Posts: 15 Member
    Hey, feel free to add me! I'd like to help support you.
  • Welcome :) Congratulations on the first couple of steps of wanting to lose weight. You've come to the right place! I've managed to lose 30lbs just from logging daily and noticing food patterns in which I have been able to put a stop to. Everyone here is really friendly and supportive. Please feel free to add me if you like, I'd be more than happy to share motivation and support :)
  • Jokingamerica12
    Jokingamerica12 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey !! You're one step closer as you've now joined !! You will find great support on here :) its nice that everyone's in the same boat ! Feel free to add me xx
  • breezylee75
    breezylee75 Posts: 101 Member
    Friend request sent! Welcome! :)
  • jjuullzz
    jjuullzz Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome!! MFP is a great tool to help you lose weight!! :) I'm sending a friend request now... On here daily, and always want to support anyone on their journey!
  • Australia here, you can add me if you like, think it is my 5th week or coming into my 6th.
  • I feel you this journey will take determination and lots of motivating yourself. This is A battle but WE ARE MORE THEN CONQUERORS! Been overweight all my life lost weight only to gain every pound back having back to back pregnancies with Terrible eating habits. Starting all over but the feeling of Accomplising my weight goals and No back rolls are worth it lol!:laugh: So lets go Fitness Pal!!
  • mdepko
    mdepko Posts: 283 Member
    Fel free to add me. I'll help if I can!
  • hi i am krisha
    you can add me.. i have lost 46 pounds stuck cant get to 50 and today i had my mother make me feel like crap..
  • oh well moms you have to adore them anyways Krisha
  • Hey! Welcome! Let's help each other out. I have been trying for a while, but struggling, so maybe we can give each other tips?!
  • JeanieDoll910
    JeanieDoll910 Posts: 1 Member
    I love that you said back rolls. Amen to that! Let's lose those back rolls!
  • Hey! Looks like we have a similar weight lost goal. Let's help each other out?!
  • jamaicabound
    jamaicabound Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Dijah, feel free to add me as a friend and let's lose weight together :)
  • love my mom to death but geez im doing the best i can.
  • You all are so beautiful in your own way. You always are welcome to add me. :) I will support you if you support me! :) Just remember that this battle can be defeated. I go between 238-240lbs and sure it's discouraging but I remind myself, "It's muscle/water I drink/clothing/bones/anything in my body (organs)." Just remember the scale weighs everything and ANYTHING! Don't let it bring you down. :)
  • Welcome & GOOD LUCK!!! :)