To eat breakfast or not to eat breakfast

I find that when I do not eat breakfast I do not consume as much during the day. I am less likely to become ravishingly hungry in the afternoon. I know breakfast jump starts your metabolism and you should never skip a meal however can this be different for different people?


  • elephant_in_the_room
    I find that when I do not eat breakfast I do not consume as much during the day. I am less likely to become ravishingly hungry in the afternoon. I know breakfast jump starts your metabolism and you should never skip a meal however can this be different for different people?
    The idea that breakfast jump starts your metabolism is yet another diet myth.
    I am just not hungry in the mornings. It's the idea of dieting that at the very least you don't eat when you are not hungry. So I quite often don't eat breakfast.
    That's taking the traditional definition of breakfast. In my own personal terms, I do eat breakfast because I do break the fast -- sometime during the day, sometimes at 10, sometimes at 12. Usually with something healthy.
    Not eating breakfast makes me less hungry in the morning and helps with weight loss because the overall calories I then eat during the day are lower, not higher. In no way does it make me crave food more later or binge more later.
    So, find out how your body works, don't listen to popular myths.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Eating breakfast at a certain time isn't necessary. It doesn't "jump start" your metabolism, so you're ok there. I would say you have a good reason for not eating breakfast, and there are a lot of people who are the same. For me personally, I find it depends on what sort of day I'm having, so I end up eating breakfast about 3 days a week. The other days, I don't eat until about 1pm. Strangely enough, the more physically active I am in the morning, the more I prefer to skip breakfast.

    Meal timing is one of those things where one size doesn't fit all, and you have to find what works for you with your schedule and preference. Some people do better on 6+ small meals a day, others on 3 square meals and no snacking, others even have just one big meal.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    i'm the same it's what made me too skinny, so it's breakfast all the way for me
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    breakfast is good
    shut up and eat it
  • agulamali
    agulamali Posts: 44 Member
    I skip breakfast daily as part of an intermittent fasting strategy. I've found that it helps me stay lean and energized. Eating a large meal in the morning just makes me want to go back to sleep. Now, I'm used to not eating in the mornings and I don't even feel hungry until around noon.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    "I know breakfast jump starts your metabolism"
    - Not true, that's a complete myth.
    "You should never skip a meal"
    - Not true, does you no harm at all. (More likely to do you some good.)

    "I find that when I do not eat breakfast I do not consume as much during the day. I am less likely to become ravishingly hungry in the afternoon. "
    - Sounds like skipping breakfast works for you.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    breakfast is good
    shut up and eat it
    lol i think it depends what your goal is, if you don't feel hungry and you're trying to lose weight as long as you don't try and compensate for missing it with your other two meals you're ok, i know if i were trying to lose weight my body would respond to skipping breakfast, but others would skip it and feel like eating a small elephant at lunch
  • SheOwens
    SheOwens Posts: 9 Member
    I find that when I do not eat breakfast I do not consume as much during the day. I am less likely to become ravishingly hungry in the afternoon. I know breakfast jump starts your metabolism and you should never skip a meal however can this be different for different people?

    I agree! I do better when I don't eat breakfast. I get up at 4:45 am. I will eat an apple at 10:00 break at work ...

    I used to eat breakfast after I got out of the shower and was dressed, about 6 am, and then I wanted to eat all day long .....
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have to eat breakfast. But sometimes it depends on the morning. It's rare for me to be able to not eat breakfast and be fine till afternoon.
  • appelsiinipuu
    appelsiinipuu Posts: 97 Member
    I don't really eat the traditional breakfast things in the morning... Now I seem to eat a chicken breast and salad every morning for breakfast. That keeps me going for quite a while.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Some days I eat a small breakfast with my morning coffee, others I don't. I always bring a bag of dry cereal to work to eat on my break, since I work morning shifts. Some days I feel a bit woozy and have to take my break earlier to eat, some days I barely feel hungry until hours after I've gotten up.

    The notion of "skipping" a meal isn't bad if you're still eating enough throughout the day. As long as your body is used to getting food at certain times, give it food at those certain times. Doesn't really matter what they are. But if you go more than four hours without eating anything you're probably going to get a bit of a headache or become lethargic. Just listen to what your body wants, make sure you're getting all your calories and nutrition for the day, and leave it at that.
  • never124get
    I find that when I have to wake up at 2:30 in the morning for work I find myself becoming hungry around 5:30 when I'm already at work so I usually bring breakfast with me like oatmeal, bananas, cereal, grapefruit etc...But when I am off I tend to sleep in til about 10:00 am. I also work out (usually in the mornings) and when I'm off that means I work out until 11:00 then shower and everything and usually don't eat until about 12:00...I'm not a huge breakfast fan anyway so I usually skip it. I have noticed I eat more calories on my days off but then again when I'm home there is more food than what I allow myself to bring to work to munch on. Basically I will go by my tried and true statement, don't eat if you aren't hungry! If you are hungry eat! (but stay within your calorie goal for the day :smile: lol) ( I work one week straight through Thursday - Wednesday and then I'm off Thursday - Wednesday good gig, 2 weeks off every month isn't so bad lol)
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    I find that when I do not eat breakfast I do not consume as much during the day. I am less likely to become ravishingly hungry in the afternoon. I know breakfast jump starts your metabolism and you should never skip a meal however can this be different for different people?
    The idea that breakfast jump starts your metabolism is yet another diet myth.
    I am just not hungry in the mornings. It's the idea of dieting that at the very least you don't eat when you are not hungry. So I quite often don't eat breakfast.
    That's taking the traditional definition of breakfast. In my own personal terms, I do eat breakfast because I do break the fast -- sometime during the day, sometimes at 10, sometimes at 12. Usually with something healthy.
    Not eating breakfast makes me less hungry in the morning and helps with weight loss because the overall calories I then eat during the day are lower, not higher. In no way does it make me crave food more later or binge more later.
    So, find out how your body works, don't listen to popular myths.

    ^^This :)
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    You need to listen to what your body needs - I have to eat something by 10am or I feel lightheaded and my brain goes even more gaga - but then I also need to eat regularly so thats not unusual for me. My husband can go til mid afternoon without eating anything and feel fine. Neither is wrong, neither is right - they are just what works for our needs.
  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm the same as you. If I eat breakfast, I end up feeling really hungry all day and snack a lot. When I don't have breakfast, I don't feel as hungry, and don't need as many snacks. Do what works for you.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I normally can't stomach anything besides black coffee before noon. Sometimes I don't eat until much later in the day. Works fine for me. I just listen to my body.
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    The reason you are less hungry when you don't eat breakfast is because your body is still in the mode of conserving energy. Sure, you may not be hungry, but you're certainly burning significantly less calories working this way. Not to mention, I find that starting my day with a healthy fat and protein (greek yogurt with peanut butter is a good option) is really filling to begin with, so I don't tend to get hungry until almost AFTER lunchtime most days.
    I can't go without breakfast anymore. I get so foggy and lackluster by noon if I don't eat something, even just a banana first thing in the morning.
    I have noticed, however, that if I eat something carb-heavy for breakfast, I tend to go for carbs all day long. So, if I eat toast and a banana, I make sure to add some peanut butter or yogurt to balance out all those sugars.
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    I find that when I do not eat breakfast I do not consume as much during the day. I am less likely to become ravishingly hungry in the afternoon. I know breakfast jump starts your metabolism and you should never skip a meal however can this be different for different people?
    The idea that breakfast jump starts your metabolism is yet another diet myth.
    I am just not hungry in the mornings. It's the idea of dieting that at the very least you don't eat when you are not hungry. So I quite often don't eat breakfast.
    That's taking the traditional definition of breakfast. In my own personal terms, I do eat breakfast because I do break the fast -- sometime during the day, sometimes at 10, sometimes at 12. Usually with something healthy.
    Not eating breakfast makes me less hungry in the morning and helps with weight loss because the overall calories I then eat during the day are lower, not higher. In no way does it make me crave food more later or binge more later.
    So, find out how your body works, don't listen to popular myths.

    ^^This :)

    I think it's important to note, though, that even if it may benefit some people's diets, it's not as healthy for brain function, alertness, and productivity. It is much easier to focus if you're fueling your brain with something, regardless of whether you're trying to lose weight or not. Once I started eating a regular breakfast, I became a much more tolerable "morning person" than I once was. I just generally feel more "awake" with a cup of tea and some toast at the very least.
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    I would eat breakfast. If you aren't hungry in the mornings, it's probably because you ate too late the night before or too close before bed, so the food sat in your stomach all night. I just woke up and didn't eat 3 hours before bed and I am starving :)
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    The reason you are less hungry when you don't eat breakfast is because your body is still in the mode of conserving energy. Sure, you may not be hungry, but you're certainly burning significantly less calories working this way. Not to mention, I find that starting my day with a healthy fat and protein (greek yogurt with peanut butter is a good option) is really filling to begin with, so I don't tend to get hungry until almost AFTER lunchtime most days.
    I can't go without breakfast anymore. I get so foggy and lackluster by noon if I don't eat something, even just a banana first thing in the morning.
    I have noticed, however, that if I eat something carb-heavy for breakfast, I tend to go for carbs all day long. So, if I eat toast and a banana, I make sure to add some peanut butter or yogurt to balance out all those sugars.

    that's another way of saying breakfast kickstarts your metabolism, i'm sorry but it's wrong, i used to be a builder, i'd get to work at 7am and wouldn't eat till 11/12 doing high energy intensive work and never once felt light headed or sluggish

    sorry to add aswell i dont believe people should aim to skip breakfast either if you're hungry you should eat but if you're not hungry and it helps you lose weight, go for it, one thing to add though if your workout (if you do) is in the morning it is a good idea to eat before hand to give yourself something to burn, but driving to work and sitting at a desk isn't going to require alot of fuel for your body