5'7 success stories and tips????

Hi im 160llbs and my goal weigh is around 126llb , i was iust wondering if any of you girls could post some transformation photos or tell me about your routines and tips?? I just need some motivation, thanks girls !!!!!xx


  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I'd like tips too!
  • Shannonpurple
    Shannonpurple Posts: 268 Member
    Tip 1 : Don't eat CAKE!

    Sorry I am not a success story because I eat Cake. I am 5'7" and ~178lbs
  • BodyCombatGirl73
    BodyCombatGirl73 Posts: 96 Member
    OK - cheating a little as I'm 5'8", but I figure close enough, right?

    1) buy a kitchen scale and weigh everything
    2) try to plan some sort of movement into your every day (can be as easy as a good walk or a really sweaty workout)
    3) be patient with yourself

    I'm turning 40 this year and am the lowest adult weight I have ever been, but more importantly, I am in the best physical shape I have ever been in too! You can check out my profile if you want. I have all of my starting weights and some pics in there.

    Oh - I love food and don't have any "off-limits" foods, just everything in moderation (red wine, chocolate, desserts, etc).

    Good luck!
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    I am not a lady, but the concepts still are the same. Bottom line up front: there are no secrets and no easy way to lose weight. At least without prescription drugs. I am 5" 7" and was up to 215 lbs. I bought a book called the 17 day diet. I had horrible eating habits, eating once a day at night, not exercising, etc etc. It woke me up to how critical diet and exercise combined are to having success. In a nutshell, here is my advice. Get a diet, whatever one you like. For quick weight loss (to get that initial success) I recommend a high protein low carb mix. Eat a BIG breakfast, a lighter lunch, and a small supper. Its all about portion control and you have to stick to it! And get in the gym. Period. Don't go in and read a book...go in and go after it. High cardio exercise. Yes, you will have to work up to it, but stick to it. Push yourself a little. You gotta sweat. Most people who fail do so because they either don't eat right or don't exercise enough. I recommend the book...I have learned to eat well (its not calorie counting, its eating the right foods and stopping when you are full). If you want a magic formula, you won't find one. Its your health, your body. If you want to lose weight, it takes work and sacrifice. Period. I promise you this...if you stick to the concepts in the diet, don't cheat, don't get discouraged and continue to exercise, you will lose weight and lose it fast. In 3 months I lost 50 lbs, blood pressure down to normal, I feel great and have dropped 5 inches from my waist. It works! Then...and here is the key...you have to maintain! Watch your weight, every day, and set an upper limit. If you hit that limit, go back to the diet and you will drop it off again quickly. I don't let my weight fluctuate more than 5 lbs. But you will never stop dieting...it has to be a life change to maintain it. Not hard, you can eat anything you want...just watch the portions and monitor your weight. Good luck!
  • bowser625
    bowser625 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm about 5'6 and half inches! I started around 172 lbs. in the summer. Then I replaced two meals a day with SlimFast and watched my portions for dinner. I also started doing Jillian Michaels's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism video at least 5 days a week. (cardio type workout for 45 minutes) Oh, and I tracked everything on MFP of course! And yes, I even ate back my exercise calories!

    After about a month or so, (after losing 20 pounds or so), I started eating real food again for breakfast and lunch. In November I started TurboFire and did that 6 days a week. So I got down to 143 by January.

    Portion sizes (measuring out EVERYTHING I EAT), tracking everything on MFP, and exercising at least 5 times a week for minimum of 45 minutes is my "thing".

    Check out my profile to see my pictures of before and after! And feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • RomanaW
    RomanaW Posts: 108 Member
    I am 5'6 and just starting with 165 lbs and want to get below 130 lbs. I achieved that once and maintained that weight for 3 years but in last 3 years it slipped back. This time I want to succeed and maintain the healthy weight for good. I do Chaleane Extreme, P90X and just bought JNL Fusion which seems like a great programme combining cardio and strength.
  • lelaspeaks
    lelaspeaks Posts: 163 Member
    Hi - I'm definitely not a success... yet. I plan to be though :) I tried MFP for about six months a year ago - at the 1200 calorie range, without logging exercise calories, and I failed. I did a ton (and I mean a ton) or research and started again in the new year. I've lost almost 11 pounds and these are the rules I follow. The big take away is you don't need to starve yourself to lose weight relatively quickly!

    1. Set your realistic activity level. What do you do for a living? If it's a desk job - sedentary, if it's a teacher - lightly active, if you're running around all day - active, etc. You get the point.
    2. Set your profile to lose 1 pound a week.
    3. Eat your exercise calories back... never NET below 1200.
    4. Never eat below your BMR... Don't know what it is? Google it - there are a million calculators. If your 1 pound a week weight loss is below your BMR, do light physical activity to get you there. Once again, never eat below BMR.
    5. Think about your macros - I like a 40/30/30 (carbs/fats/protein) split.
    6. Monitor your salt and fiber intake. I have my three macros referenced above and these two items. Go above the salt recommendation and you'll most likely hold or gain water weight. Fiber keeps your digestive system moving.
    7. Start weight lifting... this will make you solid.
    8. Expect to gain weight when you first start adjusting your calorie intake. If your body is used to being starved it will hold on to nutrients like crazy... wait about 2-4 weeks for your body to adjust and then watch the magic happen! I ate at 1,850 yesterday and lost a pound overnight.
    9. Worried about what you'll eat? Plan your meals out the day before. I always do this and it leaves very little up to chance.
    10. Water = water. Drink a bunch of it. MFP recommends 8, but since I'm fairly active, I drink anywhere from 12-16 glasses a day.

    Good luck and don't get frustrated if you don't see immediate results. You didn't gain all of that weight overnight, you won't lose it overnight!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'm 5ft 7. Gone from 301lbs to 208lbs.the best piece of advice i can give is to set your numbers to 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat, 30g sugar. It's world for everyone I know who has tried it. Keeps you full, satisfied and is great for weight loss. Only wish I'd known about it all earlier!

    Zara x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I eat 1700, don't eat exercise cals back unless I'm hungry of feeling weak. Do what works for you calorie wise listen to your body and you won't go wrong.

  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    5'7.5 here

    I started out at 155 lbs well over a year ago on this site. My original goal was to lose 15 lbs. I did so in three months, what I did:

    Exercised at least 3 days a week (I was doing mostly cardio with some weights mixed in)
    Ate at a calorie deficit

    I still enjoyed any and all foods that I loved (including carbs, sugars, fats) but ate them within my alloted calorie allowance.

    Once I made my goal, I decided to lose a little more weight- and actually ended up losing a little too much ( I am at 130 now) I will say that I wish I had incorporated more heavy lifting (no, it won't make you into a bulked out man) to really help my body composition change. I am working on that now and gaining back some weight.

    Here are some pics if you want to see photo evidence.

    Me at my heaviest 155lbs:


    At my inital goal of 140lbs:


    Me at my current weight 130lbs:

  • brookelynhoneycutt
    I am 5' 7". In the last 2 years I have gone from 150 to around 131-133 (currently), but really dropped weight in the last month (from 138 to 131-133ish) when I got serious about working out, toning, and calorie counting.

    My best advice is eat as clean as possible, but do not deprive yourself; as you move in to cleaner eating, your tastes and cravings will start to change, but do not beat yourself up for "cheating".

    I would also say be completely honest with yourself. You will not get the results you want if you are not being truly honest with your intake and output.

    Good luck =)
  • ukloveme
    ukloveme Posts: 125
    I am 5ft 7ins and lost 28lbs, my tips are:
    drink water and lemon, especially warm water and lemon when you when you wake up.
    dont eat low fat foods(full of sugar and salt to give taste), eat full fat food but eat less, dont go on no carbs diet.
    Replace meat with fish and seafood- less calories
    move at least 30mins a day
    keep to your MFP calories allowance
    if you know you are going out to eat, eat less calories for days coming up to the event
    take skin off chicken
    fill up on vegtables, i go easy on sweet corn as it as more calories per 100g weight
    minimise drink fresh juice an average 250ml glass is 90-150 calories
    eat smaller portions of what you like
    swap white flour products to wholemeal flour products
  • brittainreallife
    Hi there, I am between 5'7'' and 5'8'' - I don't think I am a success story but I have been at this since a little before Christmas and I have lost 15 pounds. Gained some of it back this past weekend but I am back on track again. :) I find just using MFP has been super awesome for me. Tracking the calories makes it easier (not impossible, but easier) to resist the things I don't need. I definitely love to eat and in the past if I made a delicious supper I would eat as much of it as I could. But now I have 1 serving and definitely do not go to bed hungry.

    I started at 166 pounds before Christmas and my lowest weight (on Friday) was 151. My goal weight for the moment is 145 but I calculated using body fat % yesterday and I think if I can get in top shape, a realistic ultimate goal weigh for me is in the range of 140 pounds (that would be 20% body fat).

    I have a friend who is a kinesiologist with a business on the side, so I paid him to come up with an exercise plan for me as well as an eating plan. I have been mostly sticking to both but not perfectly. On a good week I get in cardio 5-6 days a week, but I'm a skier so sometimes weather conditions keep me from it. I also swim occasionally and use a treadmill at home. On my plan I'm supposed to be doing 3 days of resistance training per week, but I got sick 2 weeks ago and just started back on Monday.

    For dropping this early weight I think the biggest difference has just been the portion sizes and making my calories count with foods that fit the macros. I am also a pseudo-vegetarian (I mess up sometimes and I do regularly eat fish), as of October.

    The advice I gave my friend is that for the moment, if you want to lose weight, the eating is more important. So if you only have an hour of free time a day, in my opinion that hour is best spent meal planning, grocery shopping, and prepping nutritious meals. Once you have the food situation sorted out, try to work in some cardio and weights but you don't need to block off 4 hours a day to go to the gym.

    I didn't take any before pictures and I wish I had. :( But feel free to add me as a friend, just sent a note. :)

    ETA I originally had 1200 calories as my goal but with the amount of exercise I was doing it was not working. So now I have it set at 1750 (my TDEE -20%) but I rarely eat up to that amount. I agree with those who have said be careful with going out to eat. I think it's very difficult to get a restaurant meal under 400 calories.
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    I'm 5.7, maybe itsy bit less. Used to be 250 lbs now am 150 lbs :3

    The pictures intelectualy overwhelm me , so apologies in advance.


    3 main meals a day around 350 kcal each
    2 snacks meals to 200 kcal (fruits, veggies, stuff like that)

    Trying to eat as clean as possible. Gave up candies, sodas, deep fried anything, because I got tendency to binge on those.
    Eating tons of fruits, vegtables, whole grains and resonably lean meats. Turkey, tuna, spinach etc are my best buddies now, esspecialy cos am trying to up my proteine intake to get me some muscles. I generaly advice low carb eating, but again, matter of taste. Drinking lots of water and stuff cos I'm not 16 years old anymore, dont want saggy skin.

    Yoga in the morning, walk or stationary bike for an hour in the evening/afternoon. Get your heart pumping a bit atleast once a day.
    Stuff like 30ds or gym extravaganza if I feel super frisky.
    Now some shy strengh trainings in my lil home gym :3

    I dont shy from eating out with friends or boozing, and booze is the only thing i dont log in (I wee it so fast that not even worth it) part that I religiously log in everything I eat. Control is awesome.
    The last lbs takes ages compared to first 100 and I notice that if i rush it and eat to little my skin is punished most. So I'm taking my remainig 20 lbs slowly now and rather focusing on eating healthy and geting some toning up and less body fat %.

    Patience, discipline and having the goal of being healthy and physicaly fit rather than scales , dats my advice.
  • amurraymcel1
    Thanks everyone for replying, its really inpiring reading these, and it really helps!! fingers crossed i can stick wity this diet
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Hi im 160llbs and my goal weigh is around 126llb , i was iust wondering if any of you girls could post some transformation photos or tell me about your routines and tips?? I just need some motivation, thanks girls !!!!!xx

    5'7 started at 150ish. I tried every kind of routine.

    Look up the roadmap here and follow it if you don't know what you should be doing calorie wise.
    Get more then the protein listed, the recommendation is very low. Research research research. You can end up feeling a lot better a lot quicker without listening to everything blow joe says. Google Scholar is your friend.

    What I learned? Exercise is more important then I thought, no exercise got me skinny and squishy and light but incredibly larger then I was when I was the same weight before, Cardio flattens some things but mostly it still left me squishy and creates large calorie deficits, eat back your exercise calories, strength training makes you look better a heck of a lot faster gets you slimmer faster, but you're goal will probably have to shift up because you'll probably be a lot skinnier then you think at goal.
    I didn't photoshop it, Don't ask :tongue:
  • Kempossible
    Kempossible Posts: 158 Member
    Bump for later. I'm 5'7 , so Im eager to read everyone's response. Great Read. :)
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    5'7.5 here

    I started out at 155 lbs well over a year ago on this site. My original goal was to lose 15 lbs. I did so in three months, what I did:

    Exercised at least 3 days a week (I was doing mostly cardio with some weights mixed in)
    Ate at a calorie deficit

    I still enjoyed any and all foods that I loved (including carbs, sugars, fats) but ate them within my alloted calorie allowance.

    Once I made my goal, I decided to lose a little more weight- and actually ended up losing a little too much ( I am at 130 now) I will say that I wish I had incorporated more heavy lifting (no, it won't make you into a bulked out man) to really help my body composition change. I am working on that now and gaining back some weight.

    Here are some pics if you want to see photo evidence.

    Me at my heaviest 155lbs:


    At my inital goal of 140lbs:


    Me at my current weight 130lbs:


    Great transformation! I was trying to find some before/afters of other women my height who only had 10-20lbs to lose. I am 142lbs & working my way down from my bulk weight of 148lbs. I was afraid 130 would be too skinny for me but from what I've seen 130 seems to be a good size for 5'7"! I can see right now that 140lbs is not as slim as I thought even with some muscle!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
  • emmamc252
    emmamc252 Posts: 56 Member
    this was my last success story, I'm now back on the wagon after having my second child. I have very difficult pregnancies be warned so that's why I balloon!!!

    So, I'm 5ft 7 and maybe a half!!!
    My normal weight is anywhere from 130-144, I've always fluctuated. Usually a uk 10, sometimes higher sometimes lower.
    think that's a US 6. My goal weight is always to be an 8-10 so US 4-6??

    having said that, here's me at the end of my first pregnancy....


    I only started dieting and exercise again at about 5 months, and by 11months post partum I looked like this...

    my belly still had a bit of a wobble but I was pretty happy!!!
    Did the same again this time and was huge!! FYI my daughter was 9lb 1 and my newest addition little boy was 9lb 10!(don't worry he was a C-section and my daughter bloody well should have been!!) but still!! no wonder my belly was rather large!!!

    anyway, I got down to it last time through just diet and exercise. I can't do no carbs or anything like that, I just like watching calories and cardio. I did do some strength training last time too and pilates to try to get my tummy back and would have continued to but I got pregnant with my son so I got big again!!
    I'm now 6 weeks post partum again, and this time for the LAST time as 2 is all we wanted!!! so I'm back ont he wagon eating wise, and now i'm 6 weeks after my C-section I am starting insanity and GUARANTEE I will be back in those skinny jeans for my holiday in December if not before!!!
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