slimming world

I really would like to know how this works, my friends hubby has been doing the plan for a 4 weeks and hes lost a stone on it, but i cant get my head around it, I know people loose weight on it but how?
How ca you eat as much protein and carbs as you like. I know if i ate loads of pasta i would soon pile it on. I can see the veg not adding much in the way of cals, but pasta and rice, come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Its to do with the ratios of carbs/protein to veg. So you're supposed to have a third of your plate veggies or fruit, and the other two thirds made up of protein and carbs. Ive been doing it for a while and lost nearly 2 stone so it definately works. I came on here as I was curious as to how many calories I end up consuming each day as I couldn't believe it was that low....turns out its usually around about the 1400 mark.
  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    I did slimming world and I lost quite a lot but put it back all on again. To be honest I think its highly complicated compared to good old calorie counting which is relatively simple. I did not learn portion control as I should or what was the calorie content or density of a variety of foods. I felt restricted by the green or red days what was and was not classed as a healthy extra a or b etc Each to their own - what suits one does not suit another. But after years of SW I chose it is not for me.
  • jessica_1205_
    jessica_1205_ Posts: 21 Member
    I did Slimming World for a while and really liked it, but changed jobs and flats and it became too much hassle to get to a meeting. Then I discovered MFP and here we are!

    Yes, technically you are "allowed" to eat as many carbs as you fancy but they are trusting your judgement when it comes to portion control. Obviously you wouldn't pile pasta or potatoes onto your plate just because you could.

    As long as you are eating mindfully and listening to your body's hunger signals, following the guidelines of 1/3 protein, 1/3 carbs and 1/3 veg then you should be fine. I always eat my dinner off of a tea plate as well, rather than a dinner plate.

    As SophiaJane said though, each to their own. There are a lot of people out there who would swear blind that Weight Watchers is the way forward but I just can't get on with their new plan. I took a little bit from WW, a little bit from SW and use the knowledge gained to eat clean, watch my portions and stop eating past the point of being full.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    cherrybomb, Hi you have kinda hit the nail on the head- portion contro!l. If someone said to me, That i could eat as much pasta as i could and not gain weight then i would. I love food and dont like restriction. i think constantly counting cals is a pain sometimes, but ive done ww and it didnt really work for me, i ate loads of fruit as i was low in cals but really it didnt help me lose weight, but i did loose some when i changed to eating more meat and veg.
    I think its absolute rubbish to say eat as much as you like and lose weight, some people will take that literally!!!!!!

    I recently read in magazine about a woman who lost lots of weight just eating veg all day, but think about how low your calouries could be just eating veg, well below 1200 I guess.
  • jessica_1205_
    jessica_1205_ Posts: 21 Member
    Yeah, I think that it's dangerous for fruit to be "free" on the new WW plan as fruit is absolutely packed full of sugar and carbs! A large banana can have 150 calories in it, so I'm not sure how WW can allow them to be unlimited.

    As for the woman who only ate veg - can you imagine how ill she must have been?! No protein, calcium, carbs, fat... nothing! Oh dear. Nutrition is a science and you really can't afford to mess about with it where your health is concerned.