What am I doing wrong?

Hi All,

I am posting here desperately looking for some help and support. I have been obese since the time I have known myself. I am working out since 2006 (85kgs). But thats not consistent. I am workout for 3-4 months and then skip for 2-3 months gaining more weight. Last Dec'11 was the max weight I reached of 94kgs. After on and off workouts I have come down to 88 over a span of 1 year. This is indeed very frustrating. I got myself checked for Hypothyroidism also. The results indicated that I have Sub-clinical hypothyroidism. The docs refused to treat as the TSH levels were just out of the normal range and wanted me to take the test a few months later.

I try to workout atleast 4-6 times a week. I do cardio for 20mins and strength training for around an hour alternating between lower body and upper body exercises. My trainer says I should follow the diet. I am trying to enter my food intake etc in MFP for past one month. Couple of years back I was using Calorie counter. I try to stay in my calorie limit every single day but again there are exceptions when I deviate and tend to eat junk. I am getting very frustrated as I am neither losing weight nor inches. This is the last chance I am giving myself. I definitely lack motivation and determination to go ahead. I am very much into emotional eating. Every single emotion of my life has something to do with food. I am happy, I eat, I am sad, I sob and eat..

Please help me. I do not know how to be focused and achieve my goals :(


  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    Anyone to advice??
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    Any one plz..??
  • prium01
    prium01 Posts: 306 Member
    Please don't give up, as nothing good would result from that, you may even gain more pounds than before.You are putting unnecessary stress on yourself.

    You have to take this as a lifestyle change.There are many success stories here.You can get tips from them.You have to give dedicated effort and see the benefits of exercising rather than pushing yourself too hard.Even if you want to binge, binge in moderation or go for healthier options.If you want a chocolate have a bite, or go for an Apple..Seek professional help if you want.The main reason to lose focus needs to be determined.I have Hypothyroidism and I am working through this.

    I too suffer from emotional eating, but doing regular exercise has helped me a lot.You need to stick to your goals.We are there to help you, but nobody can help you more than yourself.See the positive side of your efforts.Imagine yourself wearing small size clothing, or running 5 kms, even marathons.Keep smaller goals, stop looking at the scale as that would demotivate you.

    You will definitely lose weight.Just eat to live and not live to eat!!You are doing great....
  • FabnFit2013
    FabnFit2013 Posts: 80 Member
    what Pri said plus you need a good support system - the good thing abt this site is not just the nutrition and fitness advice you get - but you build a support system who will push you through ....you can keep it to a minimum so you are motivated to login - see what others are doing and develop ur own style and most of all know that ur not alone ...sending u a FR if interested.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Every single emotion of my life has something to do with food. I am happy, I eat, I am sad, I sob and eat..

    Heartbreaking! I wish you good luck this time. Don't fail.
  • actresskat
    actresskat Posts: 120 Member
    Hi, My first tip is that weight loss takes time, and lots of it...so don't get disheartened. Stick to 1,200 calories a day (or whatever it correct for your height) whether you exercise or not and you WILL loose weight. I exercise off and on but I still loose weight.

    I sometimes get disheartened when the number on the scale doesn't drop but don't quit - if you've been eating 1,200 calories a day and the scale doesn't move after a fortnight then you need to look at what you're doing. It takes about 5-7 days to loose half a pound or one pound. Exercise helps but you can't solely rely on exercise to loose weight. 80% is diet and exercise is simply a 20% boost. Hope that helps.

    Also, get a STRONG motivation like fitting into a dress for a holiday or someone's wedding or something that's an important event and plan a realistic weight loss on 1-2 pounds a week based on that event.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    360 days ago I weighed 95kg.... now.... I weigh 60kg. I actually got my goal weight of 65kg in 7 months.

    Workout EVERY DAY.... it takes 21 days to form a habit..... 21 days of working out (no rest days) and you will have a new habit. Eat better, but stick to your cals as close as you can.... eat the exercise ones ONLY if you feel the need or are a little more hungry (I hardly eat mine at all now). You could be really hard *kitten* on yourself like I am and kinda scold yourself if you are not 'into it' that day. If I'm not working out or have done nothing by midday then I really kick my own *kitten* bad.... I will tell myself that I DO NOT want to be a fatty again & that I WILL do what I am told. (That's just one of my ways of keeping my mind in there).

    After all that..... get some weights, even home made ones of bottles filled with wet sand or wet dirt...and walk your *kitten* off at home. Look for 'walk at home' on youtube...... this is almost the only thing I need right now....apart from my gym.
  • mum212
    mum212 Posts: 173 Member
    before you go setting goals to lose a spesific amout of weight you need to confront your worst enemy (food) and you have to control it before food gets the better of you its kind of like giving up smoking but having that one every few weeks without getting the addiction back. everyone has a binge day now and again and thats acceptable because we know its our weight loss that will be affected and we dont do it again for a while,
    i used to eat loads i could eat a whole 12 multi pack of crisps, in an hour then start on something else. now i am starting to gain control of food...
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    It sounds like you are getting proper exercise and that is good so keep doing that. Now it is time to get your diet to a place where you are taking in less calories than you are burning. Open your food diary so that other people can help you with that. Even if you have a problem with overeating sometimes that does not mean you cannot lose weight. However you do need to log all of the food and drinks that you put into your mouth so that you can tell whether you are taking in more calories than you need or less. Losing weight takes time and it is something you have to work at. If you have already lost some weight then you need to feel good about that and build on that success. The main thing is do not give up. Keep trying and the people here will support you.
  • Bubblegum200
    Hi, I too have been on many yo yo diets : :My problem was how to stop putting
    the weight back on:so this time I decided to check and see where I was going
    wrong, and found loads of underlying bad habits which were causing me to
    put on weight. This time i am focusing on eliminating my Bad Habits, and
    already lost 7lbs in the first week. without calorie counting or changing my diet.:smile:
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    360 days ago I weighed 95kg.... now.... I weigh 60kg. I actually got my goal weight of 65kg in 7 months.

    Workout EVERY DAY.... it takes 21 days to form a habit..... 21 days of working out (no rest days) and you will have a new habit. Eat better, but stick to your cals as close as you can.... eat the exercise ones ONLY if you feel the need or are a little more hungry (I hardly eat mine at all now). You could be really hard *kitten* on yourself like I am and kinda scold yourself if you are not 'into it' that day. If I'm not working out or have done nothing by midday then I really kick my own *kitten* bad.... I will tell myself that I DO NOT want to be a fatty again & that I WILL do what I am told. (That's just one of my ways of keeping my mind in there).

    After all that..... get some weights, even home made ones of bottles filled with wet sand or wet dirt...and walk your *kitten* off at home. Look for 'walk at home' on youtube...... this is almost the only thing I need right now....apart from my gym.

    That is some really good advice!
  • jlcarcajc4
    jlcarcajc4 Posts: 71 Member
    I too am a little bit discouraged. I have been exercising 4-5days a week for at least the past 6-7months. Doing mostly Zumba DVD, Jackie Warner DVD or a combination of different Biggest Loser DVDs. I alternate between them, hardly ever doing the same one two days in a row. I recently about 2wks ago added 3 pd dumb bells too. Diet wise, I came to the conclusion that I believe I wasn't eating enough. If that makes any sense. I was always hungry, only eating 3 meals and breakfast and lunch weren't much of anything. I started MFP on 2/1. I went for the "healthy" 1pd a week weight loss goal. My calorie intake prior to exercise is 1550 a day. Once I put in exercise of course it is almost always a minimum of 400 more. I hardly ever eat all of them. I end up leaving about 100-200 not eaten. I am eating more at breakfast and lunch with snacks in between breakfast and lunch and after lunch before dinner now too. I wasn't expecting my weight to go down my first full week of MFP because I am eating more than I was and my body has to adjust to my new eating habits. However, my last measurements were a month ago and I had them done again and I lost NOTHING. Not one inch anywhere. I workout so hard. It is very intense. I do BL cardio max level 1 & 2 usually 3 times a week. I push myself so hard. I'm ready to get out of a squat or put my arms down but I won't allow myself. I push through the burn. Then with no inches off, I feel like, "why am I pushing myself so hard, for NOTHING?" Sure, I'm doing my body some good, but it's just very frustrating when it seems like my body is refusing to give up anything. Weight or inches. I'm telling myself not to give up my body will have to give in sooner or later. But I see myself already debating if I want to get up to exercise. Instead of excited to push myself and get it done. I don't want to give up. I want to be a healthier, happier version of myself. A good role model for my children.
  • jlcarcajc4
    jlcarcajc4 Posts: 71 Member
    **Also, the past month I have worked out 5 days a week, sometimes 6. So I no longer go only 4 days a week at all. Always at least 5!!
  • Shalini_15
    Shalini_15 Posts: 160 Member
    Thanks a lot to all of you :) It indeed motivate. But one thing definitely is to control my emotions so that it does not affect my journey of weight loss.
  • Our stories are so similar....I suffered with a bad thyroid after trying so many crash diets. I was running 1 hour 6 days a week and weight training for 1 hour 6 days per week. Not losing weight or gaining muscle! But I did find what worked for me. I lost the weight, gained muscle and I finally feel confident and in control of my life. You can see my story here: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XIKqpu7OGeM what are your weight loss and fitness goals?
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    Have you tried a nutritionist? I couldn't lose weight for years (did the starvation, the diet pills, the heavy cardio, etc.). It's a world of a difference now for me because they found out I had allergies I didn't know I had.

    Good luck! :)
  • soccermom6
    soccermom6 Posts: 3 Member
    your mind set, I have decided is the most important part.. you have to really want it for yourself. I started 18 years ago being 104 bloomed to 226 and 6 kids and no energy..now on my way back down to 140 is my ideal (in my head) it has to be something for you and you onlly.. you would be surprised ifyou really sat down and had a good conversation with your self what you would find... then when all that is sorted..you will be able to find your happy place and work out and eat healthy and it will come..in time it will come.