Newbie question about building muscles and calories

Hello guys.
I'm a newbie at this, need your help with something...
My focus right now is losing the fat but also I want to build some nice muscles in the way, in that case should I first lose the fat focusing on cardio and less lifting with a calorie deficit or should I lift weight and do cardio but set my calories to my TDEE ?
Muscles won't show if I have this fat layer but I was wondering how should be my calorie intake in that case if I wanna reach the both in a long way.

My current body fat percentage is 28.3%
Katch-McArdle formula my BMR is 1313 calories.

I consider myself as a Lightly Active since I work as a front-end designer and basically spend the whole time sitting in front of my computer. I do exercise at least 6 days/week (my Monday's off), nothing more than one hour tho.


  • Kimmy_927
    Kimmy_927 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm a fan of lifting. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn just by sitting and doing nothing. It's nice to start seeing definition too, and it's motivating. Also when you notice you can lift more weight after a few weeks. I limit my cardio to maybe 30 minutes a week, mainly cause it bores me.
  • eloisemonteiro
    eloisemonteiro Posts: 59 Member
    I'm a fan of lifting. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn just by sitting and doing nothing. It's nice to start seeing definition too, and it's motivating. Also when you notice you can lift more weight after a few weeks. I limit my cardio to maybe 30 minutes a week, mainly cause it bores me.

    What about calories? Should I stay in my deficit because of the weight loss or should I set to my TDEE , that's my main question, I don't know if I can actually build muscles in a deficit.
    I wanna know more about that.
  • Lift weights and eat a slight deficit until your lifts stall. Evaluate at that time whether you need to lose more fat or go with gaining muscle.
  • eloisemonteiro
    eloisemonteiro Posts: 59 Member
    Lift weights and eat a slight deficit until your lifts stall. Evaluate at that time whether you need to lose more fat or go with gaining muscle.

    Thanks :)
  • eloisemonteiro
    eloisemonteiro Posts: 59 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    From youf TDEE eat 20% less calories and keep lifting.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition