Mother, looking for others who aren't crash dieting



  • Jamiew3kids
    Jamiew3kids Posts: 101 Member
    :tongue: I eat to lose. Add me
  • leanmama3
    leanmama3 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm mommy to an almost 4 year old who is the light of my life and at the same time, the bane of my existence. lol. just kidding (sort of). I love my husband and my son and want to a good example. Also am a bit of a hypochondriac and want to ensure I live in a way that will have me around for a looong time. I have about 15-20 lbs to lose but it is a challenge given my extraordinary love of junk food. Having a hubby who also loves junk food doesn't help. We pig out together way too much :laugh: Anyway, add me! I'd love to start partipcating in teh community aspect of this site :smile:
  • LifeChanged2000
    LifeChanged2000 Posts: 176 Member
    Anyone can fee free to add me. :happy:

    I am a mother to one daughter;12 years old. We are always eating in my house and I have an open food log. I love looking for new recipes and sharing what I have learned since January in my food adventures.
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    I'm not a mom, but I am trying to lose in a healthy way. I see a registered dietician once a month and work with a personal trainer to try and make sure that I am doing things right.

    My diary is open as well, so feel free to take a peek. I currently have 100+ lbs to lose, so my current daily calorie intake requirement is pretty high.

    I don't usually log housework, though I did one day after a marathon 3 hours moving the furniture and cleaning madly (for mother-in-law visit). I was more exhausted after that than any of my workouts in the gym. :)
  • TineeLambrini
    TineeLambrini Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there, mother of one little nursling who is 8 months old. I have recently joined MFP, wishing to lose about 25 pounds. I lost about 30 before I joined. I am hoping to get fit and healthy in time for my 30th birthday in June. I try to eat a healthy and varied diet but I'm not perfect. I did log some housework, then realised it was a cop-out so haven't done it since, and I have an open diary. I love to share encouragement with my friends so add me if you like :happy:
  • I'm a mother of 1 little girls ages 2 years 6 months and I'm 42 years old. I never nursed as I couldn't although I really want to. I have a very busy life as I have a ladies only gym, toning & beauty studio in Mold north Wales, and I am also a Cambridge diet consultant which I know is probably not to every ones taste, but its something that worked for me in the past and fitted into my busy schedule, although things do go out of the window on a weekend. I have tried nearly every other diet, joined all types of dieting clubs, but never found anything that really worked for me. I've always had a problem with my weight, which started when I was a small child, a 'loving grandmother'.
    I'm a firm believer in that people have to find a diet plan that suits them, their lifestyle, their personality, this could be the cabbage diet, Weight Watcher or anything else, BUT it is always easier if you have support from the people around you and someone you can talk to, whether that's a friend, family member or a complete strange, we all need support and someone to turn to!
    As this is my first message I'm not sure how to add friends etc yet still learning the ropes of the system as I usually work from my phone.
  • I am a mother of three boys under 5, and nursing the youngest 7 months old. I work full-time and am trying to do this the wright way. I sometimes eat unhealthy things. Due to cravings and being super busy. Feel free to add me. My diary is open only to friends.
  • I'm a mother of 4 and currently nursing also. :)
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Add me if you like. Married, 2 kids. I try to eat reasonably well - but I will still eat pizza or chinese food once in a while. I also have a weakness for sushi. I exercise regularly.

    This whole process for me is about trying to get healthy, and making sure I never, ever end up where I was when I started.
  • valenbryce
    valenbryce Posts: 10 Member
    I am a mother of 2 boys (8 and 10) and was recently a gestational surrogate for my sister and brother-in-law, I delivered my twin nephews on December 24 and just got clearance from my doctor to get back to normal activity! My goal is to have balance in my life and set a good example for my kids. I would love to meet others with the same goals!
  • bcumak
    bcumak Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I am a SAHM with two kids 5 and 2. I stopped nursing my youngest in October and shortly after I joined a gym and have been exercising 4-7 times per week ever since. Right now I am doing the 30 Day Shred and going to the gym a few times a week. I have about 12 lbs left to loose (more than 1/2 way too my goal!!) and I have done it all through eating healthier (I do cheat some times and I still go out to eat but try to make healthy choices) and exercise. My calories are currently set at 1330 (which I would starve on) so I eat back every singe one of my exercise calories. I typically eat 1600-1900 calories a day and I am still loosing about 1.5lbs a week although that has slowed since starting the 30DS but at the same time my "muscles" are much more defined (meaning I can see them :smile: ). Add me if you like.
  • haleybugg
    haleybugg Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, Im 24 , mother of 2 girls 3year old & 9 month old. I have been eating healthy and working out for about 7 months now. I have a cheat day or meal here or there. But I totally understand your need for people who are really invested. cause adding that they burned 300 calories sleeping is a joke lol. So add me and we can help each other out :)
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    Mom of five....never been a beliver of any diet, shake, cleanse or other "gimmick" to lose weight! I try to eat more good food than bad and keep it all in moderation. Rarely am I below 1500 calories. I have struggled over the winter to get regular exercise, but eating in moderation has kept my weight down...hoping to kick it up here as the kids' hockey and basketball seasons are winding down!

  • juliemcnett
    juliemcnett Posts: 1 Member
    I work full time and then taxi my 2 children around in the evenings. I gained 50 lbs. when I was pregnant with my 1st child (who is now 13). I have slowly gained and lost a few pounds since having both my children. Stopped smoking 3 years ago and am trying to now get my weight under control. I am trying to balance giving to my job, husband, children and seem to always leave myself behind. I have started walking and going to the gym. I am eating 1200 calories per day. Just want to lose the weight healthy and make a lifestyle change. I started last week and have lost 6 lbs. I have 40+ more to go.
  • slimtoneneetz
    slimtoneneetz Posts: 97 Member
    I m 30 yrs old, mother of two and nursing a 6 month old. i try to eat healthy. only some days when i dont feel much like eating my cslorie goes below 1200. I workout 6-7 days a week. my diary is open. Feel free to add me :-)
  • I'm 38 with two children (13 & 20) and 2 grandchildren. I am on here trying to live a healthier lifestyle, to include eating better and exercising. I had found that once I hit about 36 years old, my metabolism started to slow and I started putting weight on around my hips, thighs and rear due to my horrible eating habits and desk job. My diary is also open and I do slip sometimes. I am also a wine/beer drinker...therefore those will definitely be in there! Although...these days there will be more wine than beer, as I have cut the beer out except one day a week or so. I'm not much of a sweets person. Add me if you'd like.
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    Hi - mommy of 2 who is working toward more of a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix. I've just sent you a request and anyone else looking for support/encouragement, feel free to add me.
  • Hi, you sound like you know what you are doing... and no crash dieting for me either. I have 'yo-yo'ed most of my life and I know that can't be a way of life. I recently saw a photo of myself and just couldn't believe my eyes. I was fat! Later that day tried taking photos of myself from different angles... nothing worked. It wasn't the camera, it was me! :( WEll, forget how I looked, i was not motivated, I now felt depressed and lacked energy... I new I had to make a change and it had to start within me. I'm back in the gym and eating very well... I'm really enjoying it this time and I know I have to be an example to my 8 year-old daughter. I want her to eat nutritiously, exercise, and enjoy it!
  • Hi I'm Reyna ... you click on the person's name and then look on the page where it says add friend... :)p
  • Hi Bex - I'm a mum of 3 but quite a bit older than you at 44. I have decided to go for a lifestyle change rather than a full on diet and I am doing the 5:2 way of eating. I have 5 'normal' days but still eat 'healthy ish' but do have treats and alcohol! Then I do 2 non consecutive days of 500 calories - bran flakes or porridge for breakfast, cup a soup for lunch, and a healthy chicken and vegetable stir fry for dinner with lots of black decaf coffee and water throughout the day. I do a brisk dog walk every morning for 30-40 minutes and that's all the exercise I'm doing at the moment. I have lost 10 lbs so far (4.5 kg). I am feeling really healthy and energetic 5 weeks in and find it really easy to maintain as after a low calorie day you know you can eat normally the next. There are lots of health benefits and a healthy weight loss of 1-2 lbs a week. :-)