If 3,500 calories = 1 Pound then WHAT am I doing wrong?

In the past 5 days I've had a 4,438 deficit. But I gained a 1.2 pounds. What?!? I know my calculations are pretty spot on because I have a Body Media Armband and count every single thing I put in my mouth.

I excercise (treadmill, water aerobics, and pilates) almost daily and, although I haven't completely given up soda, I otherwise make good choices. I monitor carbs, fat, and sodium. I drink ALOT of water. I take fiber supplements...

I think my body is just stuck at this weight (with is not a healthy weight, I might add). Each time I gain weight I can always lose it really easy UNTIL I see this particular number on the scale. Does anybody have any suggestions? Words of encouragement? I determined not to give up this time. I just desperately need to move the scale past this number before I get discouraged...


  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Can't see your diary so it is hard to be specific. But, you say you are counting everything you eat, but are you WEIGHING it before you count it? 100 grams is always 100 grams, but a medium apple or banana could be anything.

    Also, as a female, water weight can vary dramatically in a given month so a week isn't necessarily a good tracking period.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    water weight, underestimation of cals, underestimation of activity etc etc
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    did you calculate TDEE and deduct from there...

    what kind of work out program are you doing?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Also, as a female, water weight can vary dramatically in a given month so a week isn't necessarily a good tracking period.

    this ^^ Water is likely the culprit if you are being so careful with your food and exercise. You can't always out drink your hormones. Keep at it and weigh again in a week.
  • jsherrill22
    jsherrill22 Posts: 4 Member
    You're toning your body and muscle weighs more. Maybe you should take measurements instead.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Also, weight loss is not linear.

    I can have a 10,000 calorie deficit over two weeks....scale might drop 0.2 pounds....then a couple of days later *bam* 1.5 pounds down.

    5 days isn't enough time.
  • Christismylife
    Christismylife Posts: 93 Member
    Do you think maybe you're not eating enough? I am no expert on this, but I recently was seeing my weight loss slow down and felt like I was at a plateau. I read about base metabolic rate, and I decided to make my new calorie goal my bmr instead of 1200. Do you eat your exercise calories? I eat my exercise calories, and over the last 2 days since I've started making my goal my bmr (1530) instead of 1200 (those calories plus exercise calories, so that's the net number), I have felt better and my weight has been dropping.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I have a terrible time trying to lose anything. I upped my protein to 30% (which lowered my fat). Only then did things start to change. Also, why such a deficit in 5 days? Are you trying to lose 2 pounds a week? I would shoot for a deficit of 3500 over 7 days. It is easier to function. I used to shoot for 2 pounds a week and I just felt fat and cranky all the time.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    LIkely culprit in a short period of time is water retention. Watch your sodium levels and (as I understand it), that TOM also wrecks havoc with you girls. Hard to tell without knowing more. In short, give it some time and you should see results.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Are you weighing solid foods and measuring all liquids. If not most likely you are not correct on your intake side.
    There is also water weight and retention, this could be from exercise, or sodium intake.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    Also, weight loss is not linear.

    I can have a 10,000 calorie deficit over two weeks....scale might drop 0.2 pounds....then a couple of days later *bam* 1.5 pounds down.

    5 days isn't enough time.

    THANK YOU!!!

    i've seen so many "what am i doing wrong" posts and they've only been at it for 2 weeks.

    the math is never going to precisely correlate with what you see on the scale.
  • andrewm1982
    I really hate the scale. That little machine judges you and tells you if all the hard work you put in actually paid off. I really try to just ignore the ups and downs on the scale. In the end, if you're tracking everything right, and keeping within your goal, don't worry about the scale. It's good for getting an idea of progress, but not for telling you if you're succeeding, only you can do that! :)
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    Start measuring yourself with a tape measure. That's the best way. Scales can fluctuate for way too many reasons.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    In the past 5 days I've had a 4,438 deficit. But I gained a 1.2 pounds. What?!? I know my calculations are pretty spot on because I have a Body Media Armband and count every single thing I put in my mouth.

    I excercise (treadmill, water aerobics, and pilates) almost daily and, although I haven't completely given up soda, I otherwise make good choices. I monitor carbs, fat, and sodium. I drink ALOT of water. I take fiber supplements...

    I think my body is just stuck at this weight (with is not a healthy weight, I might add). Each time I gain weight I can always lose it really easy UNTIL I see this particular number on the scale. Does anybody have any suggestions? Words of encouragement? I determined not to give up this time. I just desperately need to move the scale past this number before I get discouraged...

    i have the same exact thing at the number i am currently at. i'm just maintaining right now, but there have been plently of times where i'll want to shed 5 pounds and it seems virtually impossible. its not though. up your protein (but keep your cal deficit) and incorporate weights/strength training. that's the only way i'm able to see results past where i'm at.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    I use my scale as a tool to help me adjust calorie intake, etc. I don't use it necessarily to track my "progress" (though MFP does use it to track progress).