Mother, looking for others who aren't crash dieting



  • SmileyC68
    chicken and vegetable stir fry - mixed stir fry veg (use frylite not olive oil) and cooked chicken pieces. Add a little soy sauce towards the end - yummy and very low in calories!
  • shayvonnesenechal
    I am a mother of 2 but my kids are now 9 and 11. I have struggled with my weight all my life and tried all the diet fads. My husband and I just joined MFP in January and are both doing well on it. I am on my way to the best lifesyle change that i could have ever imagined. Using MFP has opened my eyes to how much calories I use to eat in a day and I am learning very easliy to keep it under control. I am not overendulging like I use to but I am not depriving myself either. I welcome you to add me as a friend. The more the merrier in our journies!!
  • ladylashes1
    ladylashes1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm a mother of 1. I'm nursing as well. When i was in my last tri i weighed 210. When he was born I lost 10lbs. And that was my son. He was the10lbs I lost. LOL! I had about 65lbs i wanted to loose. Before joining MFP in May I lost 18LBS. Now I've lost a total of 40lbs. What i did was eat a good breakfast, and had soup and salads for lunch. Snacks would be animal crackers or sometimes I would have a couple of peanut butter cookies or a sundae from MCD. I didnt stop eating things I enjoyed. I just did it in moderations and that helped me. Execrise: I find that walking is the best exercise for me. When I need to burn seriously, I do the stairs at work. I walk up not down. Down is bad on your knees. I do 7-10 flights. That played a big factor in my weight lost too. Maybe you can help your friends get on the page of eating better with you. Just talk to them and let them know how you feel. My sister motivates me all the time. Sometimes she get on my nerves but its all good. I hope this help and good luck too you:) You can do it!!!!
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    I'm 30 years old, married mother of 3. I joined MFP at the beginning of year and today marked my 40th day!!! I'm a nursing mom, and have to find a balance of healthy foods and calorie intake. I'm getting annoyed with some of my "friends" who eat 500 calories of crap food all day, and log washing floors as exercise. I want people who are trying to lose weight in a healthy way that can encourage each other. My diary is open and hoping to find more friends with open diaries to help in my journey.

    Haha, or log "light cleaning" as an exercise.

    I'm 30 too, happily divorced with twin boys (they're about to be 5). My diary is always open...and I don't log cleaning of any sort, but only because I never clean (<-- that's a happens...occasionally). Feel free to add me!
  • joy5877
    joy5877 Posts: 166 Member
    I am a mother of an adult child but am attempting this in a healthy way. for me it is a lifestyle change - NOT a diet. I do eat some things that are bad for me but I balance it out with good stuff and exercise.

    I am supportive of my friends and provide feedback. I have been here since May and have lost almost 70 pounds.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    hi, mom of 2. nursing also. I eat about 1600-1800 a day. i'll add ya!!
  • mrsdavid3
    Hi, I am Randi I am a mother of 4 trying to lose all my extra pounds with clean eating and cardio. Would love have some other mom buddies to help me along.
  • aften_g
    aften_g Posts: 63 Member
    Sounds like me! I'm 28, married mother to 2 girls. Anyone is free to add me!
  • JejuneStar
    JejuneStar Posts: 15 Member
    I'm doing the healthy way!!! I used to live off less than 500 a day and I gotta say healthy eating is so much better