Weight gain when you upped cals based on BMR/TDEE

So I've been reading the stuff on here about metabolism, BMR and TDEE. I am concerned that eating 1300 calories for the past few months has allowed my metabolism to die a miserable death and I want to restart it so I can lose those stubborn last 5lbs and reach my goal of 132lbs. So I have upped my goal to 1420 (my BMR) with the plan to lose 0.5lb per week. I am VERY sedentary in my daily routine so deducting 500 cals per day from my TDEE takes me way below my BMR (which I am assuming is a bad thing)

Now I am expecting an initial gain, has this been the case for everyone? How many lbs can I expect to put on while my metabolism wakes up? and how long would this go on for? Please share your experiences :)

Also I think I will find it hard to reach 1420 now on days when I do exercise (generally Pilates, walking or swimming but I have no fixed routine and depending on my health may do VERY little some weeks) ......unless I eat junk food to earn back the deficit :/ there is only so much fruit and yoghurt a girl can eat! (I'd love some snack ideas-particularly protein rich ones!)

Any information and advice would be helpful x


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Metabolisms only shut down when we die. Yours may have slowed, depending on how long you've been eating 1300 and whether that means 1300 net or total. If it's net, then it's unlikely you've damaged your metabolism, but .5 is much more realistic with so little to lose.

    I dont' know the answer about how much you will gain before you begin to lose again.

    But some good healthy snacks to up your calories would be nuts or nut butters. Tuna, chicken or egg salad. Hummus and fruit or veggies. Smoked salmon. greek yogurt.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    I just switched from the MFP allotted calories to TDEE minus 20% a few weeks ago and gained approximately 2lbs. I went from 1300 cals to about 1500 so figured that would be the case initially. Looking forward to seeing the number go down soon enough. :)

    It would be a piece of cake (teehee) to get to 1500 if I had my way with sweets and junk food but like you I'm trying to find a balance and try to get that 1500 (usually more because of daily exercise) in with more nutrient rich foods.

    Hope more people will respond, want to see what others experience(d) as well.
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    I was at 1200 and up my calories 100-200 to BMR over a couple weeks. I actually lost 2lbs in the process :) I did a 1200 cal diet for over a year.
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    I gained about 2 pounds, but I ate at maintenance for a week before I started TDEE -20% because I needed a break. Now I've been on TDEE -20% for 2 weeks, and have lost a pound a week.
  • w0nderkitten
    w0nderkitten Posts: 9 Member
    thanks guys :) so it sounds like I can expect a couple of lbs (or maybe none at all!) need to get my numbers up tho'. Today has been a bit of a FAIL. Fasting bloods this morning so no proper brekkie and a small, quick meal for tea before dashing out again as my Dad decided to meet me at a pub that doesn't do grub!

    Should I eat when I am not hungry?
  • Thisisnotadiet
    Thisisnotadiet Posts: 89 Member
    Just to make sure (and maybe you know this): if you use the formula TDEE-20%, and in your definition of activity level you have included your exercise regime, you are not supposed to eat back exercise calories.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    You will most likely gain a few lbs when you make the switch however it will not be fat as you would have to eat well over your TDEE to gain actual fat weight. It will most likely be water weight due to higher calories.

    TO help fill the calories if you have trouble snack on nuts, nut butters, cheese, have a glass of milk, etc. Add oils when you cook too
  • w0nderkitten
    w0nderkitten Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks :) I always set up my goals as if I am sedentary (because some weeks I really, really am!)

    I think I am going to have to alter what I am eating again back towards what I was eating pre-diet i.e allow some full on carbs like rice into my evening meals and enjoy using sesame oil when I am doing stir fry :) oh and I totally take the suggestions on this thread to mean I am justified eating teaspoons of peanut butter ;) (It's organic low salt peanut butter so I like to think that makes it more sophisticated to eat stuff from a jar...)

    I think I will avoid weighing myself for a week or so so I don't scare myself off doing this with any weight gain. Hopefully I won't gain too much water as I have to take a diuretic every day anyway ;)