my problem:snacking.

mommalass Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
ive been really trying hard to keep on track with my calories every day.
i have a VERY hard time doing so. i can not stop snacking.
i have no idea what it is with me, but i just snack snack snack. today i snacked on ice cream, cookies, chips..
i dont know why. i wasnt even hungry for them, i just ate them..

i cant decide if i do it out of stress or if i do it because im bored..
does anyone else have this problem? if so, how did you stop yourself from doing it?..

its really sabotaging my weight loss..=/


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Next time you want to reach for a snack, reach for a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. Your craving may pass. If it doesn't you need to have things around that are better for you to snack on than chips and ice cream. Fruit, veggies. If you absolutely have to have a "snacky" type food, try the 100 calorie packs that you can get in all kinds of varieties.
  • fitjay
    fitjay Posts: 8
    I've had this problem in the past too. I know how you feel. Simple carbs create these cravings and the only thing I could do was eliminate them from my diet. By doing that, the cravings go away. Take a look at eating a "primal" diet. Google Mark's Daily Apple. It's a good read.
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    Honestly, I would snack on that stuff constantly too just because it's there. I have gotten rid of all snack food aka anything that can be eaten without preparation and it has helped me A LOT. There is no way I can keep that stuff in my house without eating it.
  • Arleah
    Arleah Posts: 15
    I have this problem, oh yes, I definately have this problem ha ha...I have to stock my kitchen with healthy snacking options, and these healthy munchies have to be prepared and ready to go or I will always choose the easier route! If the bad stuff is available I will want it and I will snack until I finally give in and eat what I have been avoiding in the first avoid this I always have hummus and fresh (cut and ready to go) veggies, laughing cow light cheeses, rice cakes, 100 cal mini bags of smartpop, roasted seaweed, non-fat yogurt, and fruit on hand. This way there is always something for a sweet or salty craving ready to go...oh and dutch processed unsweetened cocoa powder, you can sprinkle that stuff on just about anything and make it fabulous!! Some of us are just snackers, I have just learned to try to embrace it in a good/healthy way :) from one snacker to another, good luck!:tongue:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
  • mommalass
    mommalass Posts: 9
    thanks everyone! i wasnt expecting so many replies so quickly. hha

    im gonna keep everything you guys have said in mind..
    ill try to snack on healthier things but only if i have to.

    thanks again. =D
  • AbiLuV
    AbiLuV Posts: 47
    If it's edible and in my house, I will want to eat it. Resolution: I stopped bringing it into my house. Out of sight... out of mind.
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