Non-newbie cry for help



  • As someone who has had similar issues, I really understand your frustration. I sometimes feel that if I'm not going to lose weight while dieting, I might as well not lose weight and eat what I want. Ring true? However, keep going - as I'm going to try and do - and let's see where we are in the summer. I've failed a few times but hope this time it's different because I'm going to expect it to be slow and not look for huge losses which never materialise and get me down. Also, one thing i would say, is do try and enjoy it. I know that when I have been my most successful I've looked on this diet as not deprivation but healthy living. It's the same food and the same amount but feels better. All the best.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Since you're hypothyroid, a lot of the online averages and rules of thumb might simply not apply to you. You really only have the option of trial-and-error.

    How much do you exercise? I know the only way I've ever gotten thru a plateau was to add/change my exercise routine or change my diet (like become vegetarian for a while). Sometimes, the change was even to simply both eat and exercise less for a couple months. I lost most of my weight over a two year period. I hit a lot of plateaus.
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    Since you're hypothyroid, a lot of the online averages and rules of thumb might simply not apply to you. You really only have the option of trial-and-error.

    How much do you exercise? I know the only way I've ever gotten thru a plateau was to add/change my exercise routine or change my diet (like become vegetarian for a while). Sometimes, the change was even to simply both eat and exercise less for a couple months. I lost most of my weight over a two year period. I hit a lot of plateaus.

    For awhile I was walking pretty regularly, and then I was "lifting heavy" for months, but nothing was changing. :( Right now I'm not doing anything, but I'm ready to start again. :)
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    As someone who has had similar issues, I really understand your frustration. *********I sometimes feel that if I'm not going to lose weight while dieting, I might as well not lose weight and eat what I want. Ring true? ************ However, keep going - as I'm going to try and do - and let's see where we are in the summer. I've failed a few times but hope this time it's different because I'm going to expect it to be slow and not look for huge losses which never materialise and get me down. Also, one thing i would say, is do try and enjoy it. I know that when I have been my most successful I've looked on this diet as not deprivation but healthy living. It's the same food and the same amount but feels better. All the best.

    That TOTALLY rings true! LOL!! :)