Labor Day Challenge!



  • Ktbell626
    Ktbell626 Posts: 108 Member
    May 3: 168
    May 11: 168
    May 17: 168
    May 24:
    May 31: Goal 165
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5: Goal 150
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2: Goal 155
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 140

    I finally have a scale I can use. I had a horrible week last week as far as calories and exercise goes. This week goal is to stay in calorie goal and exercise everyday.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    May 11 244
    May 17 243.6
    May 24
    May 31
    June 7
    June 14
    June 21
    June 28
    July 5
    July 12
    July 19
    July 26
    August 2
    August 9
    August 16
    August 23
    August 30
    Sept. 6: 224

    Tonight is Margarita Monday with my girlfriends & also Aunt Flo is here, so I'm going to have to work extra hard to keep from gaining this week! I'm going to attempt to bring my lunch to work at least 4 days this week! That's always a big challenge for me. If I can do that, then I should do okay calorie-wise!
  • kkeegan11
    kkeegan11 Posts: 29 Member
    May 3: 215
    May 10: 215
    May 17: 214!!
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7: Goal: 206
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5: Goal: 198
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2: Goal: 190
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal: 185
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Change in schedule for me... forgot to weigh in... will post it tomorrow!
    : )
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Change in schedule for me... forgot to weigh in... will post it tomorrow!
    : )

    ditto for me.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    May 17: 139 (no loss)
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 113
  • beemanjm
    beemanjm Posts: 4
    I would love to join this although I am a few weeks late. My starting weight for the week of the 17th is 163. Thanks for the motiviation!

    May 17: 163
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7: Goal: 156
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5: Goal: 148
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2: Goal: 140
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal: 130

    My goal for this week will be to excercise 5 times for at least 30 minutes and to do strength training 2 times.
  • mtns2010
    mtns2010 Posts: 17 Member
    May 3: SW = 170
    May 10: 168
    May 17: 167
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7: Goal = 165
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5: Goal = 157
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2: Goal = 148
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6:

    Hit and miss on calories and what I'm eating, but at least I'm paying more attention. Getting more consistent about exercise.

    Challenge for this week: Exercise every day. Period.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all, I feel so neglectful b/c I usually post first thing in the morning but this day has really gotten away from me. I woke up on time but decided to lay in the bed another 30 minutes which threw my entire morning routine off. Today is week 5 day 2 of the P90X program which means it's Plyometrics day. I had not done this workout since re-starting P90X because I wanted my knee to rest from all the Insanity jumping. The rest from all the jumping proved to be truly beneficial b/c I was able to rock out the Plyometrics dvd this morning. I completed the entire workout w/o modifying any of the moves......WooHoo :drinker: :drinker:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Checking in!

    May 3: 173.0
    May 10: Missed
    May 17: 173.4 (+0.4)(<-- TOM)
    May 24: Mini Goal: 171
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5: Milestone Goal: 160 (hubby’s birthday)
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26: Milestone Goal: 155 (hubby begins bar exam 07/27)
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal: 150

    Hubby graduated from law school last weekend and we had family in town. After too much splurging -- I'm back and ready to get to work!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's hump day, It's hump day! Can you tell I'm excited it's mid week? I've been really tired these past two days and I'm not feeling that great today either. I'm not sure if my mind and body have already gone on vacation but I need to get it together b/c there's a full week before my friends and I leave for Los Angeles.

    Anyway, today is week 5 day 3 of the P90X program which means it's back and bicep day. This was my first time completing this workout and it wasn't too bad. I still can't really do pull ups so i'm opting for the resistance bands. I can feel the pull in the back so i think I'm getting a good workout. I used 10 lb weights for every exercise that required dumbbells and I was able to feel the burn by the last 3 reps. I know I'll have to invest in 12 or 15 lbs soon enough b/c there are a few moves that I felt I could have rocked out w/heavier weights.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    May 3: 132
    May 11: 133
    May 17: 131
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: 127

    Finally remembered to weigh this week and down, yeah!
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Hello all, sorry this is late... been crazy on my end! : )

    SW: 195
    CW: 160
    GW: 125

    May 3: 160
    May 11: 163.8 === NEW SCALE===
    May 17: 163.4 ~ not much loss, but that's ok...
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 130

    I've done all my C25K program runs, I've done some JM's and more yoga this week since my runs have increased and I've been much sorer than I anticipated! : )

    Catch you guys next week!
    : )
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello all, sorry this is late... been crazy on my end! : )

    SW: 195
    CW: 160
    GW: 125

    May 3: 160
    May 11: 163.8 === NEW SCALE===
    May 17: 163.4 ~ not much loss, but that's ok...
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 130

    I've done all my C25K program runs, I've done some JM's and more yoga this week since my runs have increased and I've been much sorer than I anticipated! : )

    Catch you guys next week!
    : )

    Congratulations on completing the C25K program. How fast are your runs now?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's Thursday and just one day closer to the weekend. My body is still not cooperating b/c I really feel like I'm dragging in body and mind. I'm beginning to wonder if i'm overexerting myself in some form or fashion b/c I've been going strong w/these workouts since January and I've been working back in the office since February. While I am a morning person and much rather get the workout over and done w/it, I wonder if all these 5 am workouts are beginning to run their course. I'm going to try to stay w/this routine until next week since vacation starts then and there won't be a real routine. I just know something has to give b/c I'm not really feeling like myself and I don't like it.

    Today is week 5 day 4 of the P90X program which means it's a YOGA day. If you've read any of my previous posts you know I don't do yoga so I switched it ups w/Insanity's Core Cardio and Balance dvd. Love this workout, it's short and to the point but definitely gets the job done.

    I hope everyone has a great day and I'll try to check in a little later.
  • krv124
    krv124 Posts: 22 Member
    I would love to join you all... a bit late if that's ok. I am new to MFP and have a newborn at home. I'm breastfeeding and had a section so my calories and exercise are off right now, but having a goal and a group would really help!

    SW: 175
    CW: 163
    GW: 125

    May 17: 165
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 140
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I would love to join you all... a bit late if that's ok. I am new to MFP and have a newborn at home. I'm breastfeeding and had a section so my calories and exercise are off right now, but having a goal and a group would really help!

    Welcome! I have been there, done that! Here are some recommendations as to how to use this site while BFing. Add your own exercise that you call "Breastfeeding" or "Nursing" or something similar. For the calorie burn, you may want to talk with your doctor, but most books recommend that you add 500 extra calories per day while nursing. You can put whatever you feel is appropriate for time. Just know that when you add this to your exercise diary in the future, that if you enter a different time, it will adjust the calories based on what you enter now. Just know that you NEED to add those calories everyday so that your supply doesn't suffer. (I made that mistake with my first and didn't realize it in time:cry: ) As for actual exercise, start with walking. Only do what is comfortable, but this will help with healing (getting those muscles back together) as well as calorie burn. Feel free to contact me if you have other concerns or questions, or if you just need someone to talk to who has been there done that!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello All,
    Happy Thursday! The weekend is almost here and hopefully my internet will get hooked up at home tomorrow, so I don't have to be MIA on the weekends. :tongue:
    Still going strong with the BBL, sometimes I think it looks like too much fun to be an actual workout. But I'm sore and dripping when I'm done so I know I'm getting a good workout. Yesterday I did 50 minutes of SCULP and 35 of Boom Boom which is totally to target your butt and tights.
    Hope everyone is having a great week :flowerforyou:
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    Im in. This will help me greatly

    SW: 238
    CW: 219
    GW: 160

    May 17: 219.8
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 185
  • CassieSeymour
    CassieSeymour Posts: 10 Member
    I know I'm a bit behind, but I will join in. This is will be great for me since I am working at a camp this summer and I am surrounded by processed foods and sweets like you would not believe!
    SW: 165
    CW: 155
    GW: 145

    May 3:
    May 11:
    May 17: 155
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 145
This discussion has been closed.