Haven't lost weight in 6 weeks ..... Help

bahami Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am getting very discouraged although trying to talk myself into being optimistic! I am 165 pounds (5"3") - My food intake is supposed to be 1200 which I always end up under by about 2-300 because of my exercise. I do jazzercise 4 times a week and weight training 2x per week. I am not really sure what I'm doing wrong....I don't always get all my water but do get at least 5-6 glasses a day. I do try and eat healthy and measure my food......not that I don't ever cheat but even then I log it in and am usually slightly under the 1200.

Any ideas????


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Drink more water. Try to get closer to eating ALL your exercise calories. Start a weight lifting or strength training routine if you don't have one. 2-3x per week. Muscle burns fat. :happy: Good luck!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Um, eat more. You're supposed to be eating 1200 PLUS anything you burn off with exercise.

    I was eating 1200 & burning off like 600-700 most days and not losing any weight in Jan-Feb. In fact, I started GAINING! I started eating more, and voila! The weight started coming off again. Now I eat 1290 base calories PLUS 100% of anything I burn with exercise. This keeps me eating 1450-2000 (yes, 2000.. sometimes even more) calories a day and I'm consistently losing 1.5 pounds a week now (4th week in a row) which is what I expect to lose with the calorie deficits I'm creating.
  • lamcnam
    lamcnam Posts: 3 Member
    Everyone's already said it - but I'll say it again: EAT MORE. Your body goes into starvation mode. Lean protein, veggies, fruits, nonfat dairy, olive oil, nuts and whole grains really do help you lose weight.
  • LRogers2
    LRogers2 Posts: 15
    I agree, eat more and possibly widen your variety of foods... if you're not getting enough fiber, maybe slide some black beans in there. Another option that has also worked for me, is switching up the amount of calories per day... one day I may only do 1200, but on a day that I work out, I will do 1800. I switch it up throughout the week like that all the time.
    You should also change up your workout routine. Maybe get a little bit more cardio in... something that your body is not used to. They say "always keep your body guessing". When you do the same workout routine day in and day out, your body gets used to it, it needs variety. If you have access to cardio machines, maybe one day do the bike, one day do stair master, another day do the elliptical. I am also still learning the in's and out's, so I hope this helps.
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