Can you really lose all the weight without exercise?

Okay, so we hear every now and then that all you truly need to lose weight is to cut back those calories. I was recently speaking to a doctor who said that exercise is wonderful for your overall health, but for all the work you have to do, you don't burn that much in comparison to 'if you just didn't eat that cookie'.

I have recently lost around 30lbs just by dieting. So I was wondering what your thoughts are into this theory? Is dieting the best way to go to shed the majority of weight?

I understand that exercise is essential for toning and sculpting - but, for now, I'm just focusing on the weight/fat loss.


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    in 09/2010 I lost 78lbs with no exercise yes you can
  • Cjoseph03
    Cjoseph03 Posts: 107 Member
    Interested in the answers. I have lost most of mine by dieting alone, but I like throwing in some training to help with bones and toning.
  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    Yes and no. An "average" person might have to run 2 miles to burn off one cookie, so it's certainly more time efficient to simply avoid the cookie. That being said, weight loss is not necessarily fat loss. If you restrict your calories, but aren't using your muscles, your body will just as happily make up for the calorie deficit by burning your body's lean mass as it will fat.

    You might lose 20 lbs of weight, of which almost half is muscle. In the end you will be smaller and lighter, but still be carrying more fat than you desire.

    So I'd recommend establishing a calorie deficit with your diet and using strength training to retain as much lean mass as possible so your weight loss is fat loss.
  • brittanylovex
    Yes and no. An "average" person might have to run 2 miles to burn off one cookie, so it's certainly more time efficient to simply avoid the cookie. That being said, weight loss is not necessarily fat loss. If you restrict your calories, but aren't using your muscles, your body will just as happily make up for the calorie deficit by burning your body's lean mass as it will fat.

    You might lose 20 lbs of weight, of which almost half is muscle. In the end you will be smaller and lighter, but still be carrying more fat than you desire.

    So I'd recommend establishing a calorie deficit with your diet and using strength training to retain as much lean mass as possible so your weight loss is fat loss.

    That's really helpful, thank you! I wish I knew what type of strength training to do, to ensure that I retain as much of my muscle mass as possible. I might have to seriously look into this!
  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    I've heard good things about "New rules of lifting for women." I am not a woman, so I have not read it myself, but it comes highly recommended. Other recommended programs are "starting strength" and "stronglifts 5x5."

    Even if you do not choose to follow one of these programs to the letter, they will be informative.
  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member
    Sure, you can lose the weight, but I look at it like this:

    Skinny people look good in clothes.
    Fit people look good naked.

    I want to look good naked, lol!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Why would you want to just do it via food alone? Yes all well & good to focus on food.... but when you lose that weight...... you will be flabby & it WILL be harder to get that muscle tone back. It took me 20 years to put on my weight.... 7 months to take it off. I have a flat stomach (never thought that would be possible after having baby belly for 20 years) and if it was not for exercise as well as food choices.... well I'd have an apron right now... something that I am glad I don't have. Dont exercise & you wont be so lucky.
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 286 Member
    due to illness and busy life with 2 kids i dont do a lot of exercise but struggle to lose weight
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    strictly speaking of course you can as long as you eat at a calorie deficit. you need about 3500 kcals deficit to lose 1lb. it is certainly easier and faster to create this deficit if you exercise. a half hour run burns for me about 400 cals, a 45 circuit training 400 or 500, a full hour aerobics 600. i can also eat a bit more, and feel healthier and not deprived.

    if you lose weight fast without exercising, you will lose not only fat but also muscle. this will slow your metabolism, making further weightloss and maintenance harder.

    exercise has loads of other indirect benefits, like making you feel better //those endorphins// and more likely to stick to your weightloss goals.

    it is just fun, too
  • katie__pillar
    If I exercise more I can eat more and still lose weight. That's basically my motivation! Or at least it was at first - I've started to really enjoy exercising now it's part of my routine.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Yes, you can definitely lose all the weight you want to with diet alone. This is what I did.

    That said I wish I had exercised and am trying to get myself motivated to start now as, like another poster said, you might look good in clothes but not so good without. I hate that I look so flabby and have a apron from two c-sections. So I personally would definitely recommend the diet and exercise route.
  • kirstyg1980
    Sure, you can lose the weight, but I look at it like this:

    Skinny people look good in clothes.
    Fit people look good naked.

    I want to look good naked, lol!

    ^^^^^THIS 100% lol
  • fat2skinnyanne
    Yes you can lose weight through healthy food management however your skin and muscle tone will suffer.

    Exercise is harder for those who suffer from other ailments such as bad back, hips or knees and so forth. With a total right knee replacement, the left one on way out and a bad back, I am really just thankful that I am able to still walk whereever I can (no car) with the help of a walking stick.

    It WILL get easier for me as I get the weight off and when it does, I then plan to look at Pilates for muscle toning and so forth.

    All the best everyone!!

    Anne :wink:
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    There was an interesting documentary on the BBC a few weeks back with the very latest research on exercise and there were quite a few eye openers (putting it mildly!)

    Google; Horizon: The truth about exercise.

    The potted version was:
    * Exercise doesn't really aid in weight loss simply due to the sheer amount you'd have to do to shift weight
    * 80% of people are capable of gaining cardio/vascular health benefits from exercise; 20% of people get no benefit at all
    * 3 minutes of HIT exercise a week done in 30 second bursts (this was essentially a mad dash at high resistance on an exercise bike) gave the same amount of benefits as an hour's slog in the gym every day.
    * No one set of advice fits all because on a biological level, we all respond differently to both type and duration of exercise

    It's well worth a watch
  • brittanylovex
    Thanks for all the advice guys! I think I will continue with dieting and incorperate daily strength training.

    I HATE cardio, so for the time being, I'm going to try avoid that as much as possible ;)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,841 Member
    Sure, you can lose weight. But to increase your fitness and tone your body you need more.
  • cwoods80
    cwoods80 Posts: 18 Member
    You can, but my weight watchers leader tells me she has seen it happen and your body "looks like a melting candle"
  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    I lost the first 50lbs through diet alone, so yes. However I would still recommend exercise for health (instead of just burning calories).
  • MyProgressISYour1Proof
    Sure, you can lose the weight, but I look at it like this:

    Skinny people look good in clothes.
    Fit people look good naked.

    I want to look good naked, lol!

    LOVE THIS!!!
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    Okay, so we hear every now and then that all you truly need to lose weight is to cut back those calories. I was recently speaking to a doctor who said that exercise is wonderful for your overall health, but for all the work you have to do, you don't burn that much in comparison to 'if you just didn't eat that cookie'.

    I have recently lost around 30lbs just by dieting. So I was wondering what your thoughts are into this theory? Is dieting the best way to go to shed the majority of weight?

    I understand that exercise is essential for toning and sculpting - but, for now, I'm just focusing on the weight/fat loss.

    I lost 8 lbs in 2 months just by dropping my daily non sugarfree energy drink, but I SEE my weightloss more and feel better when I exercise too. and no i didnt have a whole lot of weight to drop, just about 25 lbs or so from the beginning. If you want to focus on your diet first, then exercise after you have reached a good plateau, then go for it. It may take longer but it's better than doing nothing at all.