Hi from Holland (friends welcom ;) )

Hi all,

I am Ilona 32 years old married 10 years this year :)

Little about me, my breaking point was when i weight 118 KG (260 LBS) some 3.5 years ago.
The first year i lost 9 KG ( 20 LBS) and gaint it again the same year.

So i started over again some 2.5 years ago. over the last 2.5 years i lost 28.5 KG ( 62 LBS)
slowly but getting there. I never worked out except for the occasional walk.
I joint MFP nearly 2 weeks lost 2 KG ( near 4.5 LBS) i also worked out 10 out of the
last 13 days, because i do not want the other 20 KG ( 45 LBS) to take me an other 2.5 years :)
I hate the gym, so i started with the wii fit (laying about for yearsss), i resived(?) my wii zumba 2
last saturday (love it). And i resived wii active 2(still to try) and my hrm yesterday.
The plan is swith between the wii workouts, walking, swimming and soon i hoop i have the
courage to start running.

I hope to find some friends here to make this journey easier and more fun, and ofcourse learn things
from each other. So if anyone would like to ad me as friend i would love it.

Here are some pictures of my progress so far

( the first of each picture is me in 2009 at 118 KG (260 LBS)
the last in each picture is me last week at 91 KG (200 LBS)



Thank you all for reading my story, if you have any questions feel free and ask !


  • meidie1980
    meidie1980 Posts: 267 Member
    HMMM still need to learn to put pictures up here, hahlf a face and half a body?!
  • olsondre
    olsondre Posts: 198 Member
    Terrific progress!! I am not from Holland but travel there for work several times per year; I love it.
  • meidie1980
    meidie1980 Posts: 267 Member
    Thank you. That is quit a journey for you to make a couple of times a year.
  • meidie1980
    meidie1980 Posts: 267 Member
    no friends for me ;)
  • MissPenn29
    MissPenn29 Posts: 2 Member
    Looks like you are doing great :) Where are you in Holland? I'm an expat (US origin) living for the past 9 years on Noord Brabant, Roosendaal. Glad to meet you : )
  • Good for you, you're already well on your way! I can't wait to finally get the ball rolling again. I'll be your friend :) The more the merrier, it's great motivation to talk to people with the same goals!
  • Hi there, I am also from Holland, although I have only been here for the last 8 years. I am from South Africa originally. It will be nice to have a friend in the same country. I live in Groningen.
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    Also in NL (origianlly from the UK). There is a group for those in NL and BE - search Nederlanders in the groups list.
  • Fatguy2Fitguy
    Fatguy2Fitguy Posts: 129 Member
    Hi Ilona,

    First of all, you're doing great so far. keep up the good work!

    I have a wii that's been gathering dust for a couple of years so I know where you are coming from. Must give it a go, otherwise it's just a waste of money.

    I keep thinking about starting running, but if i'm honest of all the different exercises in the world it's the one i find most difficult and as such keep putting it off. But I want to do a triathlon, love swimming and cycling but the running! I hope you find it easier to get running than I have so far!