Anyone else have trouble keeping daily vitamins down?

I have had this issue my whole life. My doctor said try with food, it doesn't make a difference. I have tried at all hours of the day and I still get ill from them. Durning all my pregnancies it was worse :( Anyone have any ideas? Does anyone use the gummy kinds? Help! Thanks


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I have that problem if they contain iron. Only thing I found was to take it right before I went to bed because for some reason if I was laying down it seemed to not be a problem.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    If I take them in the morning they make me nauseous. But once I switched to taking them at bedtime I don't have any problems.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Yes, as a matter of fact. I take half a tablet. Even if I forget until an hour or so after I eat, it still doesn't make me sick anymore.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My daughter has a sensitive stomach and had the same issue. She switched to the gummies and didn't have problems with those.
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    I try to get them down right before I go to sleep and I do better but some nights I just can't do it. Its the size of the monsters. Little ones I do really well.
  • gogonads
    Yes, I throw up most vitamins so I only take the gummy ones. I have had no issues with those taking with or without food.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I have that problem if they contain iron. Only thing I found was to take it right before I went to bed because for some reason if I was laying down it seemed to not be a problem.

    Same. I started just trying to figure out which supplements I need and do it separately. I use the gentle iron which is fine but if I take regular iron, I'm tossing my cookies in no time.
  • JBG1987
    I started taking Sundown Naturals Adult Gummies. These are the ONLY ones I can keep down. Sundown also makes a "perfect iron" that I take everyday, never made me sick once. All of my vitamins are listed in my diary, I have always had the same issues but this mixture works very nicely, no sickness anymore at all.
  • dddd5678
    I use the gummy kind from costco. Also take the gummy calcium. My doctor recommended chewable Flintstones (2 a day). I like the gummy ones - I take them after my meal and they are sweet enough to satisfy my sweet tooth to replace dessert.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Yes, I had to switch to chewables. I also make sure I have some food in my stomach to buffer the vitamins.
  • Sweetpickles99
    I take mine at night so much better.
  • al369
    al369 Posts: 170 Member
    The gummies are way better. Sometimes I can handle a normal mulit and sometimes I just know my stomach can't handle it. Then I eat my kid's gummy vitamins.
  • Xoxa1029
    Xoxa1029 Posts: 21 Member
    I have always had the same problem. I had to start taking the gummy kind.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Yes I throw them up especially if I take them in the morning or without food. It was really bad with my pregnancies to the point I couldn't keep them down at all while pregnant with my son regardless when I took them. Now I take them at bedtime and I haven't had a problem so far. As for the gummy vitamins I haven't tried them because my son hated the gummy vitamins said they tasted weird. I thought they would be great for kids because they would be like fruit snacks so I bought a bottle and had my son take them I would give him the two in the morning and then would leave the room and never really saw him eat them. Then one night I stretched my legs out and my toes went a little ways under my coffee table (I have a huge coffee table that only sits about 2 in fromt the floor) and I felt something strange so my husband helps me move our 200lb table and there are the entire bottle of gummies I thought he had taken. Worse part was they were stuck to my carpet you can still see spots where they were and that was 4 years ago. I figure if he hated them that much I definitely wouldn't care for them.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Yes, same thing with children's vitamins. I told my doctor about it and she said it's a very common issue and that my diet should be covering anything I need anyway, especially since I don't have any diet restrictions. Could be different if you have any kind of deficiency or diet restrictions though.
  • dbtman
    dbtman Posts: 19 Member
    I have had the same problem. A nutritionist once told me to take the vitamins right before or right after I eat something with a little bit of fat in it. She said that vitamins are fat soluable and that taking the vitamins with a little fat should help with the sickness/naseua. That seems to work for me.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    regular synthetic vitamins don't do much for you anyway. If they are hard to keep down I would just forget about it and try to get your nutrients from food.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I use the gummy ones on the advice of my OB. I try to make sure I get adequate nutrition from food, so the vitamins are just an extra insurance policy anyway.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    I do if they are the solid pills, but gel cap types don't typically bother me.