Okay, so what's the deal with Olive Oil?



  • dmkenney08
    dmkenney08 Posts: 2 Member
    As others have stated, keeping your calorie intake within your range is most important thing but do not beat yourself up if you go over just a bit. Olive oil (and other nut oils) are high in monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and are good to reduce belly fat and good for your heart. My husband and I have started adding more MUFA into what we eat and we tend to have higher calorie meals but are fuller longer.

    Regarding cravings or the desire to eat what you love, do it...just in moderation. I love dark chocolate (which just happens to be high in MUFA :smile: ) and give in once in a while. Even though it is 53 calories for one square of it, I love every bite of it and don't feel guilty ~ I just do not eat it a lot and deprive myself of the things I love.

    I hope this helps.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    But what about boosting your metabolism? doesn't olive oil boost your metabolism?!

    No it does not. Foods don't "boost" your metabolism beyond the Thermic Effect of Eating or TEF.

    Preeeety sure the person who posted the metabolism thing was making a funny, not being serious..
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    Now I really want some quality bread, olive oil and cheese for lunch. YUM.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member

    I edited my post. Down at the bottom of that snopes article you can see the sources they reference. We could do this for days......
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    "In ketosis, weight will be lost even when the calories taken in far exceed the calories expended." Atkins Diet Revolution
  • LadyBirdGo
    LadyBirdGo Posts: 39 Member
    I would also be suspicious of Olive Oil in general. Saw this link a week or so ago. Not sure about the validity of the claims, but I feel like we cant trust anything anymore these days.

    wow. thanks for that link. very interesting :

    "The most common sensory defects were flavors and aromas described as rancid, fusty or muddy, and musty. Some of the oils tested were so defective that the sensory panelists classified them as lamp oil, considered by USDA standards to be unfit for human consumption without further refining."

    a while back I did get some 365 Olive Oil from whole foods that tasted like it was adulterated.

    instead of ingesting olive oil, i guess i'd be better off just bathing in Olive Oil like Sophia Loren!
  • LadyBirdGo
    LadyBirdGo Posts: 39 Member
    I never understood why Popeye and Bluto were always fighting over her...

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I love my olive oil. the nice dipping kind. Colavita cold pressed. I had 2-3 Tbsp yesterday with pita for lunch and the olive oil had like 120 per Tbsp.....in total that olive oil was like 360 calories!!! it had no carbs though, or sodium.

    so i know that like the whole Atkins philosophy was not to worry about calories or fat and that the carbs were what gained the pounds....which right now makes me feel better lol. but honestly I can't feel a bit down when I look at my calories and see i've gone 30-60 over for my daily intake because of olive oil!!

    I've heard that olive oil is better for you as far as cholesterol is concerned and your heart....but what about gaining weight? Is olive oil bad for losing weight? If so, someone might have to pry the Colavita from my hands!

    Atkins was a quack with some of his thinking and excess calories are what causes fat accumulation. Olive oil like all other foods are neither good nor bad for losing weight, eat in a deficit, profit

    Agree, Atkins was a quack. He died of heart disease, did you know that?

    Carbs don't make you fat just like fat doesn't make you fat. Excess calories make you fat. Period.


    I tried the Adkins diet some time back...I actually gained weight because I knew nothing about calories in/calories out. I just thought cutting carbs would magically make the weight fall off. It probably would have worked too if I hadn't replaced all of the calories I was missing from cutting carbs with more calories from protein and fat so I was still netting a caloric surplus.

    I now understand the science of all of this much better and am much happier for it. OP, if you want to do Akins, no biggie...just understand that it relies on the same principles as any other diet...caloric deficit. No/low carb diet programs assume that by cutting the carbs, you will naturally just be cutting out calories...thus you'll lose weight. It doesn't work if you replace those carb calories with calories from elsewhere. You ultimately still have to net to a deficit.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    All I would ask is that you use the best you can afford, do the oil justice :love: By the way, although I am using an enormous tin is very good quality, organic first press from my friend's olive grove on the Mani Penninsula in Greece :drinker:

    I am sooooo jealous!!! Does your friend want more friends???? :wink:
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    All I hear is Jerry Seinfeld...

    Anywho, I ♥ olive oil. It's good. Eat it ;)
  • the_green_midget
    the_green_midget Posts: 80 Member

    I edited my post. Down at the bottom of that snopes article you can see the sources they reference. We could do this for days......

    Right, probably not worth quibbling over, and it's way off topic. The point is, he didn't die of a heart attack, but he did have one, which may or may not have had anything to do with his diet.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    I would also be suspicious of Olive Oil in general. Saw this link a week or so ago. Not sure about the validity of the claims, but I feel like we cant trust anything anymore these days.

    wow. thanks for that link. very interesting :

    "The most common sensory defects were flavors and aromas described as rancid, fusty or muddy, and musty. Some of the oils tested were so defective that the sensory panelists classified them as lamp oil, considered by USDA standards to be unfit for human consumption without further refining."

    a while back I did get some 365 Olive Oil from whole foods that tasted like it was adulterated.

    instead of ingesting olive oil, i guess i'd be better off just bathing in Olive Oil like Sophia Loren!
    Italian olive oil is basically controlled by the mob.

    Try to find Spanish olive oil. As with any another food product, cultivars make a difference. I myself vastly prefer olive oil made from only hojiblana olives grown in Spain. Spain has a longer growing season for growing olives than Italy. This means that the olives are much more ripe and thusly when pressed creates a much more fruity and less bitter oil.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    I am sooooo jealous!!! Does your friend want more friends???? :wink:
    It's a pity you're in the US, she sent us a number of tins to try and sell and no-one seems to want them! At this rate I'll end up buyng one cos I feel bad for her just giving it to us!
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Blah, Blah, calories, blah...I love oils like I love peanut butter. I just count it and figure out where else to either cut or make things up.