Don't know what I'm doing wrong....

Over a year ago, I got “Ripped in 30” by Jillian Michaels for Christmas. I did workout one for one week, workout two for two, 3 for 3, and 4 for 4. I just didn't feel like I was strong enough to justify moving on, before then! I was only working out 3 times a week or so, but I’d already been doing more cooking and eating healthier. I went from almost 160 to more like 153 and dropped a pants size in a couple of months. And then it stopped.

I did some repeat of that and other videos, tried running, and finally went on to do Supreme 90 day workout. I took an extra couple of weeks (five workouts a week instead of six) but did every workout recommended. No loss of weight or size, but it got me doing a workout 5 days a week extremely faithfully – previously I’d rather felt like that was a little excessive/obsessive.

Found out that Jillian had come out with her own 90 day program “Body Revolution” and ordered it. I finish the program on Saturday. Aside from trading one of the two weekly 30-minute cardio videos for a high intensity 60-minute Zumba class each week, I’ve literally done every workout she recommended within the time recommended. I still cook, eat healthy snacks, track calories, drink the recommended amount of water daily, I do an extra class at the gym sometimes, I walk more than necessary, I get up as often as possible at work… and I’ve lost about three pounds in three months. I have more muscle tone, no doubt, but my clothes fit EXACTLY the same as they did when I started.

I’m so disappointed.

Working out and eating healthy are two of the best things you can possibly do for yourself, but when you have visions of eventually achieving noticeable change (like having your snug pants finally fitting like they’re supposed to) dancing in your head, it’s such a letdown to get to THIS POINT and still see virtually no results. I really don’t know what I’m missing. Has anyone else been there and broken through the rut somehow?


  • Mikaylajayney
    Mikaylajayney Posts: 7 Member
    You must feel AMAZING! I don't know what your fitness and weight goals are... but based on what you've been doing you must feel like you can do anything. If you're building muscle you won't notice a heck of a lot of number change on your scale. Maybe there is a different way to validate your progress. What about day to day photos, you can make a slideshow! Or you could take measurements and see how your body is changing in terms of those numbers. Or you can give yourself a cardio challenge at the end of each week to see how you've improved that way.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    How tall are you?

    How many calories are you eating?

    Can you out run someone half your age?
  • JNReinicke

    MFP recommends 1370 cals, but that leaves me really hungry on days that I DON'T do a workout, so I definitely use the "net" feature. Tried cutting back recently and actually gained a few pounds.... I usually net between 1200 and 1500.

    Um... half my age is 15, so it depends on how fit THEY are, I guess. I hate running, so probably not for long....
  • JNReinicke
    Mikaylajayney, you're right, I should have taken measurements, and that's one thing I didn't do. I did take pictures before I started... I looked six months ago and I couldn't tell a difference if I wasn't flexing, but maybe I've improved since then. I just figured the way my clothes fit would be telling enough, you know? The scale can't tell you how you're body's changing, but the way it fills a tight space OUGHT to!

    For my body type, I should never be over, like, 120, so I'd be thrilled just to see 125-135 one day.

    Thanks for the encouragement! I have disappointing days but there are also days where I'm impressed at my endurance. :) My quads look amazing, too, when I'm working out. At least I have that to show for it. ;)
  • Mikaylajayney
    Mikaylajayney Posts: 7 Member
    My last bit of advice for you is to REALLY try not to be too wrapped up in numbers. I coach gymnastics, and those little girls are so strong! The stronger ones are surprisingly heavy. You could pick up two that look pretty much the same only to find out that the one who is better at handstands, kips, tumbling... they're remarkably heavy for their size. It makes them more capable, it makes them sturdier. I don't think there is a magic number for any size or body type.

    Be proud of what your body is capable of... not what your scale says.
  • Narla444
    Narla444 Posts: 41 Member
    Be proud of what your body is capable of... not what your scale says.

    If you just completed the Body Revolution you must be strong! I'm actually reading the postings because I'm procrastinating on doing number 9!!! I've been doing it over 6 months instead of 3 because I only do it 3x a week.
  • EKN1417
    EKN1417 Posts: 34 Member
    Congrats on all your hard work and progress so far! A few thoughs for you!

    1. It is tough to see changes in yourself. You look at yourself every day and may feel less successful than you actually are. Try taking photos or looking at old ones.

    2. Having your pants fit looser is a great goal- but for us ladies it can be really tough to get rid of lower body fat. On most women, it is the last to go. Using that as your only reference point can make it feel like you aren't dropping inches anywhere when in fact you are everywhere else. Keep patient and your lower body will eventualyly slim down to.

    3. Weight loss is all about patience. It's not linear. You may not lose for months and then one week drop 5 pounds. Just keep at it and it will happen.