Not sure if I am doing it right Need Help!!!

I am a Grandmother of 4 and I have just turned 58 yo. I way Far ,Far to much and I want to lose 72lbs. Now I have no time limit on this but I would like to see some kind of weight lose soon.
I put my MFP to 1.5 lbs a week with put me down to 1250 calories a day plus I put down that I would work out 3 days a week at 60 minute per work out .. Now I have been doing this sense Jan 15 2013 and all I have seen up to todays date Feb 14,2013 I have lose only 4 lbs. Now on the other hand last week I lose a total of 5lbs but I seem to have put on back on some how... What am I doing wrong if any thing... I am trying very hard to lose this weight because I want to be around for a long time health wise for my Kids and Grandkids ,,, I also want to be around for a long,long time and Healthy for my Husband too.. I do not like telling any one how much I way but here I go because I can use all the help I can .. with this . I way 213LBS and I want to get down to 145lbs maybe lower if I can but 145lbs would be Good for me being that I am an old-er person. LOL
Thanks for any help you can give me as I really want to be healthy and off of all these Med's that I am on because of my weight.


  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Hi and welcome! I am newer to MFP as well. Started on 1/3/13 and have lost 15 lbs. Without being able to see your diary, it is hard to say what you are doing wrong. I sent you a friend request, though, and maybe I can help.

    Here are a couple of suggestions:
    1) weigh everything you eat that is not already preportioned
    2) honestly enter everything that you into the tool
    3) focus on moving...treadmill, eliptical
    4) are your clothes feeling looser? Lbs may not be showing on the scale, but your clothes might become looser.

    Dont' give up. Keep going~!
  • garyobesedeleted
    garyobesedeleted Posts: 117 Member
    Six Weeks to OMG
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    It takes awhile to get into the zone. As you ease into it, the weight loss will happen more easily. Incorporate exercise into every day.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Age 59 and stuck as well. For 2 months now, I have lost and re-gained the same 3 pounds, first on 1200 calories per day, now on 1320 calories per day (plus eating back part of my exercise calories).

    My body has been stuck in fat-storage mode for a couple of decades, and I guess it's going to take awhile to switch over to fat-burning mode. It's so frustrating, but I'm going to keep working at it. I've decided to become much more diligent about tracking everything I eat. No more small tastes of whatever my husband is eating that I've decided I can't have. It's either measure out a serving for myself or don't have it.

    I've also decided to increase my exercise to at least 30 minutes every single day.

    If I can't lose weight, maybe I can get myself to a better state of fitness. And maybe you can, too.
  • juliesjuke
    juliesjuke Posts: 93 Member
    I am a Grandmother of 4 and I have just turned 58 yo. I way Far ,Far to much and I want to lose 72lbs. Now I have no time limit on this but I would like to see some kind of weight lose soon.
    I put my MFP to 1.5 lbs a week with put me down to 1250 calories a day plus I put down that I would work out 3 days a week at 60 minute per work out .. Now I have been doing this sense Jan 15 2013 and all I have seen up to todays date Feb 14,2013 I have lose only 4 lbs. Now on the other hand last week I lose a total of 5lbs but I seem to have put on back on some how... What am I doing wrong if any thing... I am trying very hard to lose this weight because I want to be around for a long time health wise for my Kids and Grandkids ,,, I also want to be around for a long,long time and Healthy for my Husband too.. I do not like telling any one how much I way but here I go because I can use all the help I can .. with this . I way 213LBS and I want to get down to 145lbs maybe lower if I can but 145lbs would be Good for me being that I am an old-er person. LOL
    Thanks for any help you can give me as I really want to be healthy and off of all these Med's that I am on because of my weight.

    Are you drinking a lot of water? It really makes a big difference. If you need to you can add MIO flavoring to your water, to give it taste.I actually buy the walmart brand,it is just as good and cost less. Good luck on your journey...
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    It's actually not typical for weight loss to start out slower than expected, especially if you have just started exercising. Any major changes to exercise will cause muscles to retain water, so the scale reads higher, even if you've lost body fat.

    It is also important to remember that weight fluctuates. You've lost 4 lbs. over a month, which means that the scale is consistently moving in the right direction. That means that you are doing it right. However, body weight can easily fluctuate several pounds due to water retention or even just whenever you went to the bathroom last. Don't freak out if you have a week where your readings are suddenly up.

    Good luck!
  • Barbara6095
    Barbara6095 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to MFP as of January 1, 2013. I'm 5'10", I weighed 200 lbs. My goal weight is 150 pounds (100 lbs for 5' and 5 lbs for each inch over 5 feet). I lost 16 pounds in January. I am presently at 184. My daily calories is 1500 (goal weight x 100). I cut out pasta, potatoes and rice. Wheat, grain and processed foods had to go, too. I'm doing 96+ ounces of water per day (1/2 of my current weight). Use your food diary honestly, exercise, drink the water and don't give up. You will feel better very quickly. You can do it!
  • Your supposed to have extra calroies at teh end of the day. If you eat back your exercise calories your not calories deficient for the day without this your will find it hard to lose weight. it will take time but stick with it. To lose a pound or body needs to use 3500 calories a week more then you are feeding it. It sounds like a huge number But its not. Make sure you choose healthlier options and focus on how far your come not where you want to be.
    I focus on 10 pounds at a time. It seems to keep me motivated.

    MY tracker is off since I started this site after i started my journey. SW 243.8 CW 199.6 CGW 190

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Your supposed to have extra calroies at teh end of the day. If you eat back your exercise calories your not calories deficient for the day without this your will find it hard to lose weight. it will take time but stick with it. To lose a pound or body needs to use 3500 calories a week more then you are feeding it. It sounds like a huge number But its not. Make sure you choose healthlier options and focus on how far your come not where you want to be.
    I focus on 10 pounds at a time. It seems to keep me motivated.

    MY tracker is off since I started this site after i started my journey. SW 243.8 CW 199.6 CGW 190

    That is not entirely correct. MFP calculates the deficit in when it makes its calorie recommendations. So if you burn 1800 calories a day without exercise and you want to lose 1 lb. a week, MFP will tell you to net 1300 calories a day. If you then burn an extra 200 calories with exercise and log it, MFP will say, "Wait, you said you wanted to lose 1 lb. a week. You should eat 1500 calories today."

    Short version, if you aren't burning a lot, you don't have to eat your exercise calories, but if you are burning a lot, you really should.
  • I am older than you and just started this also. As I understand it our metabolism slows down as we age. So it isn't going to come off as quickly as it may have before. You goal weight sounds like aggressive - maybe have a slightly higher goal (175?) to start so you aren't self sabotaging yourself to a point where you give up. I agree with everyone else's suggestions. Hang in there, you and your family are worth it.
  • rtrcarrie
    rtrcarrie Posts: 50 Member
    Water water water......It really does make a difference. Honesty in your food diary is also important. It helps keep you accountable for your weight loss/gain.

    I hit plateaus about every 10 lbs. I'm on one right now but I know it will fall again. My bad habit, leaving too many calories for night time and snacking after dinner. It's perfectly OK to snack, but if you're doing like me and snacking too late it will hurt rather than help.

    I lost part of my weight prior to joining MFP but have done MUCH better on it that before. Start weight 222. Current weight 173. Last six months I lost 35 of that and have been on MFP 5 months now :)
  • leerob55
    leerob55 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for all of your help... I guess I have to just keep working on it..... I will say that I work 5days aweek and go to the gym 3 of those days for 60 minutes on the elliptical and really get a good sweat on too,but I have not added in the weights yet. One thing at a time I was thinking and I do drink lots of water... Have a 1.5lt bottle next to my couch and fill it up everyday/night.. Plus I drink 3x500ml bottles at work.
  • leerob55
    leerob55 Posts: 6 Member
    Your supposed to have extra calroies at teh end of the day. If you eat back your exercise calories your not calories deficient for the day without this your will find it hard to lose weight. it will take time but stick with it. To lose a pound or body needs to use 3500 calories a week more then you are feeding it. It sounds like a huge number But its not. Make sure you choose healthlier options and focus on how far your come not where you want to be.
    I focus on 10 pounds at a time. It seems to keep me motivated.

    MY tracker is off since I started this site after i started my journey. SW 243.8 CW 199.6 CGW 190

    That is not entirely correct. MFP calculates the deficit in when it makes its calorie recommendations. So if you burn 1800 calories a day without exercise and you want to lose 1 lb. a week, MFP will tell you to net 1300 calories a day. If you then burn an extra 200 calories with exercise and log it, MFP will say, "Wait, you said you wanted to lose 1 lb. a week. You should eat 1500 calories today."

    Short version, if you aren't burning a lot, you don't have to eat your exercise calories, but if you are burning a lot, you really should.

    So let me try to understand this
    MFP has me at 1250 which has me at a daily deficit of 700 calories and I am going to the gym 3x 60minutes a week but I am stuck at 4-5 lbs and MFP said I should lose 7.5lbs in 5 weeks.. Well should I not think about it until week 5 which is next week Feb22 ?
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Your supposed to have extra calroies at teh end of the day. If you eat back your exercise calories your not calories deficient for the day without this your will find it hard to lose weight. it will take time but stick with it. To lose a pound or body needs to use 3500 calories a week more then you are feeding it. It sounds like a huge number But its not. Make sure you choose healthlier options and focus on how far your come not where you want to be.
    I focus on 10 pounds at a time. It seems to keep me motivated.

    MY tracker is off since I started this site after i started my journey. SW 243.8 CW 199.6 CGW 190

    That is not entirely correct. MFP calculates the deficit in when it makes its calorie recommendations. So if you burn 1800 calories a day without exercise and you want to lose 1 lb. a week, MFP will tell you to net 1300 calories a day. If you then burn an extra 200 calories with exercise and log it, MFP will say, "Wait, you said you wanted to lose 1 lb. a week. You should eat 1500 calories today."

    Short version, if you aren't burning a lot, you don't have to eat your exercise calories, but if you are burning a lot, you really should.

    So let me try to understand this
    MFP has me at 1250 which has me at a daily deficit of 700 calories and I am going to the gym 3x 60minutes a week but I am stuck at 4-5 lbs and MFP said I should lose 7.5lbs in 5 weeks.. Well should I not think about it until week 5 which is next week Feb22 ?

    So, the first thing to remember is that everything here is an estimate. The average person of your age, height, weight, and gender will lose an average of 1.5 lbs. a week eating 1250 calories a day. It is possible that you will lose slightly more or slightly less.

    The second thing is that, because weight loss is not linear, you shouldn't put too much emphasis on any individual week. However, as long as the general trend is downwards, you are doing well.