What was your "I need to change" moment



  • kmichelakis
    the other day my boyfriend and i were looking through my old profile pictures on facebook. we were pointing out the ones from when we first met and he was saying such sweet things about all of them. it was really nice to look back and remember all the photos from early on in of our relationship but ALL i could think about was holy smokes i used to think i was chubby back then. now im 15 lbs heavier and i want so badly to be that size again. i know if i don't do it now, it's only going to be more work down the road.

    hopefully i can find some mfp friends to help motivate and support. i just started back up again yesterday and im wondering how in the world do the calories add up so quickly!?
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    Seeing this pic after a family Christmas Vacation...just 3 weeks after my doctor told me I was Pre-diabetic and a stroke/heart attack waiting to happen...I was 30 years old!


    304 lbs :(
  • ASmiles
    ASmiles Posts: 8 Member
    For me, it was a picture too. We had professional pics taken in my office and they showed them to me on the screen after they took it. They asked me if I was happy with the pic and through tears I said "no, but there's nothing YOU can do to fix it." I started MFP THAT DAY. I had noticed the scale creeping up and my clothes getting tighter, but when I looked in the mirror I did not see what that camera captured. Not just a bloated, gross version of myself, but an unhappy looking version.
  • acballou
    Stepping on a scale. In public. One of those silly fair games... I was embarrassed and didn't realize how heavy I truly was. At that point, I wasn't the only one who found out. That was in the fall of 2005.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    I've had a few:::

    First and most is for health reasons, had a lil heart scare 2 years ago, Thank God it was only a scare and not that bad.

    Went skating, ran into and was talking w/a lady I used to know, old family friend, noticed I was really starting to sweat, she was'nt...

    Worst yet, but funny, was at Wally World gttn 50 lb bag of dog chow. Literally split my pants right down the seem as I lifted it, lol........
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Its in my blog....


    "December 11, 2007 … It was on this day that I chose to let every negative emotion grab hold with unrelenting claws pulling ripping apart my soul and shoving it into an abyss of depression. In the blink of an eye, what I considered to be everything my life revolved around was shattered with the last breath, a deafening sound of silence from her heart, and a blistering clod over taking the hand I was holding. I knew the moment was coming, I could see the life draining from her porcelain skin… yet I continued for to hope and pray that the moment would delay … and then it happened. Through selfish choices, my bride – the fuel to the fire of my soul, the mother of our children, the one who brought the warmth of the sun on my face on cloudy days, the keeper of a love so pure – past.
    I fell to my knees, my heart bellowed out in pain. I scooped up my son in my arms, shielding him from seeing his mommy lifeless. I gathered my daughter and held them tightly, keeping her out of their vision. My mind consumed in immediate darkness – hate and fear consumed every thought … but one.
    Looking back, I can see that one thought … it shone so bright, that it would not allow me to lose myself. I see that it was the strength for which drives me today. It was a purpose. Only now can I look back and realize that it’s purpose was to get me to a moment of awakening. I ran through the motions every day with focus purely on my children, losing sight of who I was – on the inside and out. I let myself go to a point where my son came to me with the awakening … the following was said 2 years ago, on our anniversary day… the time frozen … 6:47am. The simplest of words were uttered from my son – “Daddy, I miss mommy. Don’t go anywhere and leave me lonely.”
    That moment, that very moment … my soul was embraced with vigor for life. I saw how the choices I made to let go had changed me. Everything about who I thought I was had dissipated. My world was crumbling around me, and my sweet 4 year old son just rescued me. The light within ignited my soul, setting fire to everything around me, chasing away the shadows which had appeared to conquer. "
  • Wolfe1759
    Wolfe1759 Posts: 81 Member
    I broke a chair. Literally.

    We were having dinner at a friend's place, and enjoying some after-dinner conversation when the chair I was sitting on completely collapsed, dumping me on the floor in front of a room full of people. Yes, it was a cheap chair, and yes, it had been assembled poorly, but it was my gigantic butt on the floor.

    I was so embarrassed that I cried all the way home, and the next day I began working out. I was 333.9 pounds and I could only do 5 minutes on the recumbent bike, but I did it. And I haven't looked back. Last week I broke 35 BMI for the first time in years, and now I do 60 - 85 minutes of exercise 6 days a week. I feel great, and strong, and healthy - - such a huge improvement over a year ago.

    I will never forget that chair and the public humiliation, though.
  • Ronnie2002
    Ronnie2002 Posts: 10 Member
    After going to my Doctor in November 2011 and finding out I weighed 192 pounds (5 ft - 5"), I now weigh 177. I started MFP beginning of 2012, got 15 more to go and I will be ok. Also, when I could not paint my toenails, nor tie my shoes. I have to raise my foot on a chair or stool to do so.
  • IRollC30
    IRollC30 Posts: 54 Member
    Back in 2006 when a friend of mine (who I considered to be VERY overweight and no where near my size) said to me, "You know us chunky guys have to stick together..." It was in that moment that I realized that not only did I think I was fat but so did everyone else! It was a huge dose of reality that I wasn't quite prepared to handle.
  • Glowbee
    Glowbee Posts: 68 Member
    When, for the first time.. I was the fattest girl in the room, and also the youngest, with no children.

    Shallow, I know.. but also a wake up call. No excuses.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    When I realized that I had gained an "additional" 50 pounds that I didn't need after suffering an incredible loss in my life. I was depressed, binge eating and just knew that I was headed for trouble if I didn't change and CHANGE permanently. I have never felt so blessed and thankful to myself for finally taking charge of my path. I feel amazing! :smile:
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    I had a few of AHA! moments last year.

    March 23, 2012 - watched my mother take her last breath at 63, after fighting so hard to live (pancreatic cancer). Started making small changes after that trying to reign in bad habits, but still clueless to where to start. Death is real and I'm not done here.

    October 1, 2012 - watched a video that made a light bulb go off.
    If he can transform, then what's MY excuse?!

    October 10, 2012 - found MFP and starting counting calories for first time in my life. (finally getting a clue)

    October 15, 2012 - slipped getting in the shower and twisted wrong trying to catch myself. Back was messed up for 2 mths where I could barely stand or walk. (still manage to lose 18 the first month)
    Losing your mobility = big wake up call!!

    Everything is moving slowly for me. Had lots of obstacles, distractions, and low moments since I started this, but I'm not going to quit...... logged 130+ days in a row so far.:bigsmile:
  • reverendzor
    reverendzor Posts: 27 Member
    My moment was when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in June 2010.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    When I saw the scales stop at 207. I had convinced myself that my weight would stabilize when my body got to the size that it was meant to be because I had been through several cycles of losing and regaining the weight. No freaking way is my body meant to be that fat!
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    Like a lot of people I've been big for the majority of my life. My "I need to change" moment happened when my then 3 year old let go of my hand and started running toward a busy parking lot. I had to yell to get her to stop because I couldn't run fast enough to stop her. Luckily she stopped, but in the back of my mind I always think, what if she hadn't? What if something had happened to her because I wasn't healthy enough to be the mother she needed? I realized that not only have I been jeoparodizing my health, but hers as well and that is just selfish. So, now I'm on the roady to healthy so that I can be the mother my daughter deserves. :-)

    This kind of made me what to cry! You must have felt awful :embarassed: - wishing you all the best in your journey!
  • kwilliams386
    kwilliams386 Posts: 156 Member
    when working at a preschool, the second time in one day a 4 year old told me I had a baby in my tummy.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    When my friend had the willpower to work out every day and eat good food and look amazing, and I was just fuddling around saying that I wanted to lose weight without actually making any changes.

    Also, I started to feel like I was everybody's fat friend in pictures. :(
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    I've always been overweight, but never let it stop me from doing anything I wanted to do. However, my wake-up moment came last fall when my doctor determined that because the last two fasting glucose blood tests I had done were too high, that I was quickly on my way to becoming diabetic.

    My grandmother died in a diabetic coma, my great-uncle had amputations because of diabetes. This was my "Whoa!" moment, and I determined to get as much of the weight off as possible. When I see the doctor again in April, I want those numbers to be lower!
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    When I bought a pair of size 16 pants for work. 2 years ago I had been a size 6. But let some really tough times get to me.

    And then there was the picture of my bathing suit with my fat rolls on MY BACK..... POSTED ON FACEBOOK....
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    After getting separated the end of 2011 I tried getting back in to dating a few months later. It became pretty clear women aren't really interested in guys that are 290lbs. The last straw was when I approached a girl one night while I was out and she turned around and walked away without saying anything. I'm 225ish now and things are finally starting to improve. So much for personality counting I guess.