What was your "I need to change" moment



  • shellylb52
    shellylb52 Posts: 157 Member
    When I couldn't get up off the floor without grabbing onto something to pull myself up. :embarassed:
  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    The doctor weighed me at my annual check in.. I was my heaviest.

    Granted I was in two car accidents that year and wasn't able to work out much but I didn't control what I was eating at all.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I turned 40 and finally HEARD the voice that had been in my head for over a decade. Since then, 74 pounds down, a new runner and now heavy lifting! I will never go back
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    When I had to start buying 2xl sweatshirts to be comfortable. I remember when the larges were comfortable. I said enough!
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Which time?
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    When I sat on the couch every evening to watch tv, it was uncomfortable sitting there. I had pains in my ribs from my fat rolls pushing on something inside me. I was like, okay. If I can't even be comfortable sitting on the couch no matter how loose my clothes are, then something is seriously wrong.
  • Lots of things:
    Holding my breath while tying my shoes - not being able to do more than 5 push ups anymore - seeing photos of my stomach - when I would take my pants off and actually see how big they were when I held them up it was so upsetting - and squeezing myself into a size 24 because there were no other options.

    Thanks for posting this...it really helps to remember why I do this.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Wife bought me a 2XL shirt.
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    My daughter asking me if I was going to die because of how fat I was, and telling me it made her sad that I couldn't go outside and play with her longer than a few minutes.

    Realizing I am going to miss all the big events in my kids lives that my dad missed in mine unless I made some serious changes.

    Looking in the mirror after the doctor told me I weighed 602 pounds and realized I was, in fact, eating myself to death out of the depression of losing a child.

    so very sorry for your loss :(
  • I can usually rationalize anything. When I got my CPAP to sleep, it wasn't because I was fat, it was because "my nasal passage is simply too narrow!" :laugh: But high blood pressure soon followed. Everything that was wrong with me was weight related. I started avoiding social functions because I'd be the fat girl. My son loves waterparks and I couldn't make it up the 1000 stairs to the top of the slides. Would I fit in a roller coaster seat? I barely fit in a movie theatre seat. Something had to change before my son lost out on fun because Mom was fat. Or worse yet, he ends up just ike me!
  • timpleberry
    timpleberry Posts: 11 Member
    Mine was a picture too. Myself and husband about to board a submarine for an underwater safari in Lanzarote. When I saw it, I lanled it "Neil and Fatty". Its stuck to my fridge door, and It will stay thewre till I am no longer deserving of the title Fatty. 8lbs so far.
  • christabel6
    christabel6 Posts: 173 Member
    Weighing myself and realising I was the heaviest I've ever been. I knew things were bad because hardly any of my clothes fitted, photos looked awful and the belly/muffin top I could only hide in a corset. I went through a bad relationship with someone who also ate unhealthily and put on even more weight.

    We split up, I left my job (where I comfort-ate sweets and cake all the time) and became a full time student. Finally there were no more excuses.
  • cobes24
    cobes24 Posts: 132 Member
    Jan 19 of this year I got engaged to the most wonderful man. We were on vacation in Mexico at an all inclusive, so we spent the next week eating and drinking like crazy, as we had planned, but since returning home I've been kicking it in the *kitten*. This big, amazing, sparkly rock I have on my left hand is the BEST motivator.

    I was married before, to an enormous douchbag, and on the day we got married, I was fat and miserable (and I didn't have a diamind, since he sucked.). Since we ended, 4 yrs ago, I have been exercising sporadically, am in better shape, but I'm nowhere NEAR where I want to be.

    Somehow having this ring is making all the difference. I am still fat, but I'm the farthest thing from miserable, and I've been more consistent over teh last month than ever before. I am determined to be a sleek, svelte, shining happy bride, and I'm determined not to mess up my second chance to have the wedding day of my dreams.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    When I felt that I was dying a little more everyday. I couldn't get a decent sleep, my husband noticed I was developing sleep apnea, I hurt all over, and I lost the joy from my life. So, finally I realized that I would die and hurt the people I love most in the world if I didn't change my life. It has been two months with MFP and the joy has returned. Thank you all for the encouragement and support!
  • s07civic
    s07civic Posts: 50 Member
    Well in the back of my mind I noticed several things. One was climbing up stairs and getting out of breath too easily, another was my clothes getting tighter and me needing bigger sizes. Then of course was seeing pictures of myself and thinking "wtf happened."

    But the "I need to change" moment was when I went to my physical exam (for the first time in 2 years) and was told my weight was "...WAY too high" and that I was at risk for diabetes and heart disease. As a 21 year old, you don't really expect to hear that. I started meeting with a nutritionist on New Year's Eve (what a coincidence, I swear this isn't just a flimsy "New Year's Resolution"!) and have been using MFP since.
  • A T-shirt. A stupid BoSox XL tee that didn't fit. It's super cute and I want to wear it to Fenway in July. And I will :happy:
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    3 years ago- At my wedding- there was a video taken of me twirling around the dance floor with my godson- who was 6 months old. It broke my heart-
  • It was a lot of little things: crossing my legs was getting harder, my size 14 pants were getting tighter, pictures, and my skinny clothes in my closet was starting to grow.
  • Gsalvati1031
    Gsalvati1031 Posts: 1 Member
    When my doctor told me I have high blood pressure at 29 years old.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    There were a few "camels back" moments. The first was being told by a fella I was joking around with that I looked "healthy." Being a guy, I really didn't know how to take that, but fellas being pretty much cut in stone usually say what they mean (not bashing the fellas here...I love the fellas), I took it as I was seriously showing some weight. My 14's were starting to get a bit tight and I really can't afford new clothes right now because we're broke. Then, there were the ...

