Making a Fresh Start -- Like Minded Friends Needed

Hi everyone.

I've tried to lose weight before and failed, so this time I'm trying to do things different. I'm trying to commit to small changes that will help me be healthier. My current lifestyle is very unhealthy. I eat too much, eat out a lot, and don't get much exercise. I know I won't get healthy overnight, but I hope that over time I can make some positive changes.

I'm looking to make some friends here on who can help encourage and inspire me, while being supportive and non-judgemental. I'm especially looking to meet some young (20s-30s) single women to share motivation and friendship. I'd really like to meet ladies who can become real close friends. For me, weight loss and lifestyle change are a big challenge and I'd love to meet friends who I can chat with about the struggles, small victories, and emotional issues on our journeys.


  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    In. I'm pretty positive, esp about this, and I'm happy to support you x
  • rageonthepage
    I'm in, too! adding you now :)
  • charrisonwms
    charrisonwms Posts: 22 Member
    Add me.. support needed too.
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    I'm 30 YOF here, looking to lose 15... I track everything, even bad days, and I'm trying to get more exercise to balance out my desk job. Feel free to add ;)
    I'm 30 YOF as well. I'm looking to lose around 40lbs. We can do this together. I'm just starting over again. I lost about 30 lbs last year and gained it back. I want to lose it and keep it off this time!
  • waiting2exist
    waiting2exist Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in, i could do with a few good people to help keep me on track.
  • LifeChanged2000
    LifeChanged2000 Posts: 176 Member
    I added you....welcome to MFP!! :happy:
  • Ashellini
    Ashellini Posts: 95 Member
    I added you. I'm 27 and am also restarting my weight loss journey. I am tracking everything (or at least attempting to) to see where I am going wrong. I'm also making little changes like not eating out as much, walking half my lunch break, and going to the gym 3 times a week.
  • meliafairy
    meliafairy Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in! I just added you.

    28 y/o looking to lose about 50 lbs. I'm not perfect, I eat out too much but I track every single thing I eat and I'm making progress. I would love more friends to motivate me along so anyone else can feel free to add me :)
  • RacheeeRay
    RacheeeRay Posts: 46 Member
    Keep up the good work! Being on here keeps you motivated to keep going forward! Good luck with the journey! :)
    Oh and I added ya!
  • sabresgirl91
    Pretty new here too. I added you. I am in the same exact boat as you :)
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me... 129 pounds since July 1st.
  • CortneyHicks20
    "Making small changes" is a GREAT idea. I watch people all the time jump in with both feet and try to dramatically change their lifestyle overnight. In some rare cases it works and they stick with it, but in most they last a week or two and it becomes overwhelming. Try to cut it down to one cheat meal or snack a day and then progress to one or two cheat meals a week. This works well for me. Good Luck!