Tips please, from those who've reached their goal weight!



  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    My advice:
    Lift with heavy weight. The scale number is not important. I've gone down a dress size without losing a lb since November (September - end of December was primarily cardio) with lifting as my primary exercise since January.

    Good for you!

    Just at the moment I'm working with the scale number, using calorie counting, healthy eating, and exercise. It's each to their own on this one, but I've decided to get to my goal... once there, though, as well as shifting to maintenance eating I do intend to try heavy lifting, some of the stories on here are very inspiring!

    Super; to each their own. You asked for advice and recommendations, and I gave you mine. I interpret your response as a.."thanks, but no".

    No harm no foul. Though, your profile says: "I'm near the point where I want to change from targetting weight loss to maintenance and building strength, and measure inches and bodyfat% with as much interest as I currently take in the scale."

    Why not do that now? If you're still eating at a deficit and strength training, you will lose weight and bf%, preserve LBM, and look much better than with cardio alone.

    I'm not looking to argue, so I apologize for my curt dialogue. But strength training NOW is key to get you where you want to be.

    This! Strength train and don't put complete blind faith into MFP calorie goals - particularly if you don't have much to lose.

    I started out using MFP numbers set for losing 1 lb per week, sedentary, which gave me around 1460, and I ate most of my exercise calories. I lost way too fast - about 17 pounds in 2 months. I also kept getting colds - seriously I think I had four different colds in two months. And then I plateaued. So I changed to half a pound per week and lightly active (1770 cal) in the third month, and lost a couple more.Then I changed to maintenance for the holidays (2010 cal) and came back from vacation to my goal weight.

    Now I'm still at maintenance calories but upped my activity setting again to "active" (2150 cal :bigsmile: ), still eat back my exercise calories, and have gotten more serious/diligent with my heavy lifting. (Yesterday I burned about 900 calories, it was the day after my strength day, I ate every bit of those 3000 calories, and was still ravenous this morning.) I'm the same weight but clearly tightening up and getting smaller.

    I really wish I would have started out eating more calories and lifting heavy. If I had, I'm confident I would be rocking my goal body right now instead of my goal weight.

    Oh - I'm 6'0" and weigh 153 - 155, 38 years old.


    What exercise did you do to burn 900 calories?

    Nice to meet another tall person, btw! And wow - that's lean!
  • First of all, if that is your current picture, You are gorgeous. I don't think you need to worry about addional weight loss. But, if you are talking about weight maintenance, you are just going to have to look at the labels and switch the snacks you eat to something less. Again, I know we all fear putting pounds back on once we have ditched em, but you look great. Congrats by the way.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    First of all, if that is your current picture, You are gorgeous. I don't think you need to worry about addional weight loss. But, if you are talking about weight maintenance, you are just going to have to look at the labels and switch the snacks you eat to something less. Again, I know we all fear putting pounds back on once we have ditched em, but you look great. Congrats by the way.

    Aw, thank you! :blushing: The pic is from last July and I've lost more since then.

    I'll switch to maintenance when I hit my target, which is now only 5lb off. Based on other people's stories I was expecting the last bit to be tough, although actually (touch wood) I've had significant weight loss this month so maybe it won't be the struggle I anticipated.

    Just wanted to learn from other people really. I expect maintenance will be a challenge, but I know there's loads of threads on it - more bedtime reading!
  • sardesc
    sardesc Posts: 34 Member
    As you get close to your goal weight, that number can become unimportant. I wanted to get down to 120. I have a 6" wrist and 14" calves at 5' 1, so in the past when I got into the 110's I looked bony and unhealthy. Now, I'm between 115-117 depending on what kind of mood the scale is in and I'm a US size 2. The last time I had the measurements I have now, I weighed 105 pounds. I wouldn't trade the body I have now for that one because I look so much more fit. I lift heavy(ish) now and I think that made all the difference. Of course, I also do cardio and count calories but I do lift weights 3 times a week.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Forgive me for being opportunistic, but anyone is welcome to join us on the "Last Ten Pounds" group forum, we are all struggling with the same thing!

  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Forgive me for being opportunistic, but anyone is welcome to join us on the "Last Ten Pounds" group forum, we are all struggling with the same thing!


    Oh, cheers! That made me realise I should have searched the threads, oops. See you there.
  • CoCoRedRider
    CoCoRedRider Posts: 47 Member
    What exercise did you do to burn 900 calories?

    Nice to meet another tall person, btw! And wow - that's lean!

    I have a 7 mile-each-way bike commute to work which burns 600-700 calories a day. And then I walked around town a few miles that evening for the other couple hundred calories burned.

    Lean only because I have not a lot of curves to speak of. Extra fat goes straight to my belly and not my lovely lady lumps, sadly...

    Love other tall girls - nice to meet you too!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    For those last few lbs, I found that calorie counting really helped.
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 523 Member
    The last few lbs are definitley are hardest to shed!

    I agree with the previous posters. Focusing on strength training is important. Also increasing my calories helped. I had mine set to lose 0.5 lbs per week towards the end.

    Another thing is to watch your sodium and focus on clean foods. I really had clean up my diet to shed the last few.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I didn't have any trouble with the last 10 lbs. I increased my calories by changing the setting to .5 lbs per week, and that's all I did differently. Good luck and congrats on your progress so far. :)

    Did you eat back exercise calories or just what the .5 was daily?

    I have always eaten back exercise calories. I think it came to 1420 average plus exercise calories for me.
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