Knee Pain

Hey, okay first back story.
In 2007, I was 17, I was driving my 4x4 truck down a dirt road, and the road ended around a corner, very suddenly, into a wash [a large area where water rushes through much like a small creek or river leaving huge gouges in the road, for anyone wondering]. Needless too say, I fly the truck over the wash, because slowing down wasnt an option at this point, I remember very little of what happened before we landed.
Regardless, I fractured my spine, and caused a major case of Sciatica to form, as well as a pinched nerve in my left sciatic that makes my left knee hurt, and give out pretty often. I have tried knee braces, and yoga, and pain killers [which btw i hate taking pain killers, I'm allergic to morphine, so I get all sorts of not so fun zombie making meds] anyway.

Here is the question:

Are there any methods anyone knows that may help me to ease the pain so I can start running again? I'm really interested in any ideas anyone may have...I've really tried everything. But anyway Yes I was a stupid teenager, I'm aware. I'm 23 years old now, and passed through that part of my adolescence. So I am just here for helpful advice, not for a war on the threads about my stupidity lol....


  • Hi,

    I would go to a sports Doctor. They can assess your injury and come up with a plan. I injured my knee a few years ago. The Doctor was able to give me a shot that eased inflammation and pain. I also had electrical stimulation. The Doc would tape my knee with kinesio tape and then have me do exercises. It was a long process but it worked.

    Good Luck!!!
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    Agreed, talking to a doctor and a physical therapist is probably the right answer. They can show you the stretches/exercises you should be doing to strengthen the areas around the knee, which helps take the pressure off it

    Cycling (especially stationary) and swimming are probably the lowest-impact exercises for people with knee issues. Once you get a little stronger in that area, weight lifting to strengthen your various leg muscles is really beneficial. But regardless, talk to a doctor! Good luck :)
  • misseenk
    misseenk Posts: 55 Member

    I would go to a sports Doctor. They can assess your injury and come up with a plan. I injured my knee a few years ago. The Doctor was able to give me a shot that eased inflammation and pain. I also had electrical stimulation. The Doc would tape my knee with kinesio tape and then have me do exercises. It was a long process but it worked.

    Good Luck!!!

    the problem is i already know what the problem is, its a pinched nerve on my left sciatic. I have actually already seen a dr. and they only say pain killers. boom. I was hoping for someone who may have an idea on what I could do to help calm the tension in my knee that is caused by the nerve. theyre no shots or surgeries for what i have that wouldnt have a 70-80% chance of leaving me in a wheelchair
  • popo0509
    popo0509 Posts: 48 Member
    Well I just want to start out by saying I'm no expert and idk if it'll work for you, but my family has a history of weak joints and knees to the point that it is really hard for me to strain or put any weight on my left knee too long. What I have done in the past and have started up again is really working on strengthening my knee. I wrap it up and then go through various leg exercises, lunges for example, and only push as far as I believe I can go.

    It kinda sucks that you aren't able to take the good stuff for it but I would try to work with someone in building your knee muscles back up. It could take some time but it should help. After I worked on my knee for so long I was able to run with no problems and stairs didn't make me want to cut my left leg off. It will hurt a little, don't strain urself, just do what u can.

    Just a suggestion, I hope u figure something out :). Good luck!
  • Cleffer
    Cleffer Posts: 4 Member
    Pinched nerve? Sounds like you've heard pretty much know the correct available solutions. Braces are pretty much helpless unless improper motion or range of motion is causing the issue. Although, weight loss through diet and low impact exercise may help as it loosens the tissue and pressure around the nerve as well as reduces the force impact on the knee itself. For running, one pound of weight loss equates to 6 pounds of force on the knee. Until you're able to find a solution, I recommend you find a pool. There are many programs containing low impact workouts designed for weight loss. Swimming laps is also a great way to burn calories with almost zero impact to the knee.