I fell of the wagon!!!



  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    What's done is done. Don't dwell on it. Just do what you can to make today better! Best of luck :)
  • AnneEngland1958
    We all fall off the wagon - that's the first thing to say. The second thing is this: being healthy, and being the weight you want to be, is about focusing on YOU. It seems that you spend so much time being busy that you run out of time for you. I'm lucky that I don't have the same super-stressed life that you do and I have a husband who does the lion's share of the cooking and household chores, but we both work (me 37.5 hours and him 30 hours a week) and we have a son still with us at home.

    We cook WeightWatchers recipes from the magazine (do you have it in the States?) which are wonderful. And we plan our week's menu in advance, ordering our groceries online and getting them delivered (that way we only buy what we need!)

    Exercise. We walk or cycle to and from work. I also run or walk at lunchtime, and I swim twice a week with our youngest son. But here's a good trick I found to make walking (or running) more interesting. I listen to audiobooks - you can walk for miles without realising it when you're listening to a good book! This is how our own national treasure, Stephen Fry, lost loads of weight a couple of years ago.

    I am the weakest-willed person in the world - so if I can lose weight, so can you! Do it for yourself.
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    This is how it pans out. You had lost a bit more than a whales brain -( "16 pounds = a sperm whale's brain")
    You then lost your head- and gained one ( "3 pounds = an average human brain")
    Don't throw the baby out with the bath water!
    You've still lost a Bald Eagle and 2 Guinea pigs! (12 pounds = a Bald Eagle, 1 pound = a Guinea Pig )

  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    For some reason, my dysfunctional brain read "pot"....
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    There is no wagon.

    MAybe there IS a wagon, but a wheel came off. Or the horse came off the wagon, so she is still really on the wagon, but it isn't moving like it was before. Or if there isn't a wagon, mayeb it was a train...or a truck...

    There is no spoon Neo.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    One meal at a time - one day at a time.

    Just last night I had a planned 'fall-off-the-wagon' meal. It tasted great, but now it's back to my new normal routine. The trick for me is to get right back into it now - not after whatever the next upcoming event may be, not the 1st of the month, not Monday morning, not even tomorrow morning - but RIGHT NOW. It's just way too easy to get back into old habits, isn't it?!
  • murbina123
    murbina123 Posts: 1 Member
    Your doing an amazing job. Give yourself a break. Your doing great. Stay within your calories and take one day at a time.
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    My doctor said something to me that made me put the whole "falling off the wagon" thing in perspective. She said, "If you're late to work, do you say the day is ruined and get to work even later and get fired or do you do your best to get to work as soon as possible?" The same principle applies to food. Everyone is going to have a bad day now and then but you can't let that bad day turn into several days. Just pick up again the next day and trust me, it will get better. I had a bad day last Sunday but I spent the rest of the week eating right and exercising and I still lost 2 pounds. The last 4 weeks cannot be undone in just one day.

    Also, as someone else posted earlier, I do not have cheat meals or days because they are guaranteed to turn into months and before I know it, I've gained 50 lbs and am desperately out of shape--again. I also feel like crap when I don't eat clean so not feeling like crap is another incentive for me to eat right every day of my life.

    Great job on the 17lb weight loss!
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    Sounds like your everyday stress and life is a little chaotic. I homeschool 4 children, have a 11 month old, and have a business that I run and it gets real hectic during the summer time boarding dogs, but over all you have to look at what is best for you. You need to lose weight but you don't need to stress about it. Are you restricting to many calories? Is your goals realistic? Are you doing an exercise that you love and look forward too? Make a choice and stick to that one thing to change, be it drinking 8 glasses of water everyday for 7 days, then next week staying under calories for 7 days. Things like that.
  • pinkeclipse
    pinkeclipse Posts: 9 Member
    You guys are great so much good advice. Making me think that sometimes Im to hard on myself. But did great today even had a piece of valentines chocolate, but still stayed below my cal of the day. Thank you all!!!
  • nofwordallowed
    I beat myself up when I don't eat right either. My best motivation has been that when I eat crap, I feel like crap. It tastes soooo gooood but I feel soooo badddd.

    I made the mistake of trying to do a Turbo Fire workout after eating fast food. What I was able to give in my workout was reflective of the fuel I put in my body. When I eat well, I feel GREAT!

    I don't really deprive myself but I always makof having things that I enjoye sure I stay within my calorie goal as much as possible and try new healthy foods to keep life interesting!

    Good luck!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    It sounds like you made a lot of drastic changes. You need to decide if they are sustainable. If so, then dig deep and look for what motivated you to do that. If not, then modify those changes, make them sustainable and while you're at it, make your life easier. Plan and prepare as much as you can so those chaotic days are easier. 17lbs is nothing to snub at and you deserve to keep that off.

    It's ultimately your choice. Do you want to the same New Year's resolution next year as this one? Or do you want to be the person who accomplishes their goal and moves on?

    Well put.
  • AnneEngland1958
    Hi all

    When we have a 'fall off the wagon' day, should we even call them 'bad' days? Should we define healthy eating as 'good' and not-so-healthy as 'bad'? Because ultimately that's judging ourselves. Sure, healthy food is good for you, unhealthy food is bad for you - but only in the long run AND if you do it day after day. If you eat healthily and exercise 80% of the time, then the other 20% is the slack you cut for yourself.
  • LoseItToWin
    LoseItToWin Posts: 52 Member
    Maybe you can look at it this way...you have found some things that help you lose weight, but still might need to find ways to make eating healthy more sustainable for the long term.

    That said, 4 weeks and 17 lbs down and a week off with 3 pounds back is STILL ahead of those sitting on the couch that have done nothing. The great thing about the wagon is, even if you fall it is easy to get back on. Take the expereience and learn from it.

    Try again.

    Great advice!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    For some reason, my dysfunctional brain read "pot"....

    LOL its calorie free
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    You changed a lot of things.
    Then life got in the way and you found that the way you changed things was not sustainable.

    You set yourself up to achieve a lot and only got some of it done. That's ok.

    Now look at those changes and see which make sense and which don't. Personally, a lot of your changes would not make sense for me. Stick to the most essential ones. You do not need to live the a life of denial like some Tibetan monk (I've spent time with them) unless you want to be the monk.

    Choose a few changes, that make deep sense, stick to them, build on that.

    If you fall off the wagon, you are still on the road, get up, go on foot. Or crawl. Move.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Wagon is still ther hop back on.

    I do have a question though. Why did you make such a drastic change with your diet so fast? Seems you bit off a lot and when life happens makes it harder to bend.

    Did you cut out gluten because you have an actually diagnosis of celiac's? Maybe change one of those things start with simple portion control and logging or start with exercise and then add all those other things later.

    Get back on though wagon is waiting for you. Cant wait to take you on the rest of the trail.
  • youngandbeautiful
    My doctor said something to me that made me put the whole "falling off the wagon" thing in perspective. She said, "If you're late to work, do you say the day is ruined and get to work even later and get fired or do you do your best to get to work as soon as possible?" The same principle applies to food. Everyone is going to have a bad day now and then but you can't let that bad day turn into several days. Just pick up again the next day and trust me, it will get better. I had a bad day last Sunday but I spent the rest of the week eating right and exercising and I still lost 2 pounds. The last 4 weeks cannot be undone in just one day.

    Also, as someone else posted earlier, I do not have cheat meals or days because they are guaranteed to turn into months and before I know it, I've gained 50 lbs and am desperately out of shape--again. I also feel like crap when I don't eat clean so not feeling like crap is another incentive for me to eat right every day of my life.

    Great job on the 17lb weight loss!

    That is all very motivational and i wish i could easily pick up from a bad day its just that i seem to have 2 or 3 in a row and although i do try half a day, its seems that something happens throughout the day that i give into but then there are a days 4 to 6 days a week where i manage healthy eating without noticing, i guess even this is natural, especially if its a life long thing. Sometimes u can control it, others u cant ...
    who/s in the same boat?
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I think you eliminated too much stuff at once. Don't 'diet' or you'll feel deprived and give in. Eat whatever you want, but stay under your cals for the day and log everything. Pay attention to the calories in the food you eat, then gradually, one at a time, make changes in your diet as you exercise and you'll still lose weight.
    When I did that, I was mortified at how high calorie and how low the nutrition was in the food I had been eating. I also realized that I wasn't eating enough food. Once you eat healthy, you get a lot more food for the amt. of calories. It's totally worth it.
    Don't give up. You can do this!

    I completely agree with this. Diets do not have to be so complicated and restricting!
  • mic1mam
    My doctor said something to me that made me put the whole "falling off the wagon" thing in perspective. She said, "If you're late to work, do you say the day is ruined and get to work even later and get fired or do you do your best to get to work as soon as possible?" The same principle applies to food. Everyone is going to have a bad day now and then but you can't let that bad day turn into several days. Just pick up again the next day and trust me, it will get better. I had a bad day last Sunday but I spent the rest of the week eating right and exercising and I still lost 2 pounds. The last 4 weeks cannot be undone in just one day.

    Also, as someone else posted earlier, I do not have cheat meals or days because they are guaranteed to turn into months and before I know it, I've gained 50 lbs and am desperately out of shape--again. I also feel like crap when I don't eat clean so not feeling like crap is another incentive for me to eat right every day of my life.

    Great job on the 17lb weight loss!

    That is all very motivational and i wish i could easily pick up from a bad day its just that i seem to have 2 or 3 in a row and although i do try half a day, its seems that something happens throughout the day that i give into but then there are a days 4 to 6 days a week where i manage healthy eating without noticing, i guess even this is natural, especially if its a life long thing. Sometimes u can control it, others u cant ...
    who/s in the same boat?
    I don't think of this as a diet at all. I've done alot of diets, now I just eat what I have in the past with some modification. Better portion control, more healthy choices more often. Today was tomato sauce with ravoli for lunch, eggplant with sauce for dinner. Worked both into calorie goal and still was under for the day. This is the first time that I have lost weight without being bored with my food.