looking for friends to compete with.. lets make it fun!



  • Navigator0811
    I am doing a Tactical Strength Challenge in April. It is my first one. Consists of max pull ups, deadlift and kettlebell snatches. Since my first one my goal is really to do my best but pushing for 5x pull up deadhangs, 100 snatches and still trying to figure out my deadlift.
  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    I accept all of the challenges. Cutting out bread may be the toughest part of the challenge - I usually pack a wrap for lunch but I need something different so this will be my impetus. The walking will also be a good challenge because the treadmill gets a little boring but now I will have a goal.

    Always happy to help 'tycamsdad'...

    Bread is a good one to help loose weight my only advice would be don't re introduce it back to your normal level the following week half your normal intake and re introduce slowly.... Low carb diets with medium level of exercise are good consistent diets but fluctuating you carb intake each week means you body doesn't get too used to no carbs variation is good in dieting!

    I hope that reads ok.. i fear it may not make as much sense to you as it did to me! lol

  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    My husband and I are going on a trip this July for our second year anniversary and its the first big trip since having my 13 month old son and I would love to be one of those moms rocking the bikini this year instead of the ever dreaded tankini

    That sounds lovely.... im happy to help and motivate :o)

    What are you stats and how much do you want to loose?

    Im happy to set a challenge and feel free to set me one back :o)

  • cjcmrn
    cjcmrn Posts: 134 Member
    My goal is to fit into an amazing dress that I have, need to lose 15 lbs for that, hoping that goal will be met in 2 months. Then keep on losing. Total to be lost is about 40 lbs.
  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    I am doing a Tactical Strength Challenge in April. It is my first one. Consists of max pull ups, deadlift and kettlebell snatches. Since my first one my goal is really to do my best but pushing for 5x pull up deadhangs, 100 snatches and still trying to figure out my deadlift.

    Wow good on you.... Something to aim for for sure!

    although Im sorry to say Im not sure what a snatch is or a deadhang...?

    Im guessing you want a challenge to help with weight lifting? or are you looking for cardio? weight loss challenges as well?

    Happy to help if i can and am up for others setting me challenges too as long as i dont have to sign up for the 'tactical strength challenge' ;o)

  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    My goal is to fit into an amazing dress that I have, need to lose 15 lbs for that, hoping that goal will be met in 2 months. Then keep on losing. Total to be lost is about 40 lbs.

    Thank you for your message...:

    i too am wanting to get into a dress i already have and i have to loose 6 inches off my back.. tall order!

    Would you like a weight loss or exercise challenge or a mix of both?

    Can i ask your stats? age, weight, hight etc.....?

  • lpalczer
    lpalczer Posts: 14 Member
    My 2nd son graduates this summer from high school and I want to feel FAB at his graduation. Also my niece is getting married this summer and ould like to fit into a little dress. I am so on board for a challenge.
  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    My 2nd son graduates this summer from high school and I want to feel FAB at his graduation. Also my niece is getting married this summer and ould like to fit into a little dress. I am so on board for a challenge.

    Ahhh a graduation and a wedding that's two fantastic reasons to get motivated :) can I ask how much weight you have to loose and your height weight and age and ill set you a challenge feel free to set me one back... :) x
  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    Id love it if people could post there progress to help people be motivated or even if you have a not so good day it'll support those who also are having and off day and we can all support each other.... feel free you mingle setting each other targets! My partner has set me a goal... he wants me to run 1 min on the treadmil today ( I cant run!) And increase it 1 min a day so im running 7 mins solid in 1 week.... I accepted im up for othere excercise or weight loss challenges.... in the last week ive been on a low carb high exercise regime to loose 6lb on day 5 and my calorie deficit have been awesome so heres hoping mondays weigh in is 6lb plus loss! :) xxx lets have funnnnnnnn xx
  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    I started the challenge yesterday and walked a mile and a half on the treadmill after work. I was at 223 pounds at the beginning of the day yesterday and will do a couple of weigh-ins between now and next Thursday. And I was tempted to have a hunk of French bread with dinner last night since I was under for calories for the day but I resisted and have not had any bread products since the challenge started. We are going away this weekend but the hotel has a pool and gym so I am hoping to get in a couple of workouts between activities with our hyper son.

    I should start wearing a pedometer to keep track of the walking I do when I am not on the treadmill. With drinking up to a gallon of water everyday, I am making frequent trips to the restroom at the other end of our office. :laugh:
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    This sounds really cool, count me in!

    I'm 23, weigh about 145 lbs (66kg) and 5'5 in height. I want to lose another 6 kg so roughly a stone in weight (12-14lbs) but that's just a by-goal for just wanting to be fit and strong in my body.

    At the moment I try to go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I run for 30 mins at 1.0 incline, or go on the elliptical for about 45. I do hot iron classes as well, which is basically a lifting class (i lift 8kgs) and do some ab classes.

    It sounds like your goal of adding 1 min a day to your run is a good one, how are you finding it so far? And what's your diet like? Are there things that you crave and have a hard time resisting? My weakness is lemonade, and recently i've been eating out way too much so need to cut down on that!! I've cut out mid-week drinking as well which has made a difference :)
  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    I started the challenge yesterday and walked a mile and a half on the treadmill after work. I was at 223 pounds at the beginning of the day yesterday and will do a couple of weigh-ins between now and next Thursday. And I was tempted to have a hunk of French bread with dinner last night since I was under for calories for the day but I resisted and have not had any bread products since the challenge started. We are going away this weekend but the hotel has a pool and gym so I am hoping to get in a couple of workouts between activities with our hyper son.

    I should start wearing a pedometer to keep track of the walking I do when I am not on the treadmill. With drinking up to a gallon of water everyday, I am making frequent trips to the restroom at the other end of our office. :laugh:

    You've made a super start to your challenge ty',

    Keep up the excellent work, resisting bread can be hard when its the good stuff I had 1/3 of a naan tonight was very angry with myself but ive been netting 500 cals a day so it was my friday treat!

    If theres a toilet further away that would add steps, park the car at furthest space if you need to go out in the yard go via the front little extras help!

    As you were my first challenge id be so proud if you completed it ;) he he... I saw your post about your overall goal.. im glad to hear you are setting your targets and im sure we can all get there together :)
  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    This sounds really cool, count me in!

    I'm 23, weigh about 145 lbs (66kg) and 5'5 in height. I want to lose another 6 kg so roughly a stone in weight (12-14lbs) but that's just a by-goal for just wanting to be fit and strong in my body.

    At the moment I try to go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I run for 30 mins at 1.0 incline, or go on the elliptical for about 45. I do hot iron classes as well, which is basically a lifting class (i lift 8kgs) and do some ab classes.

    It sounds like your goal of adding 1 min a day to your run is a good one, how are you finding it so far? And what's your diet like? Are there things that you crave and have a hard time resisting? My weakness is lemonade, and recently i've been eating out way too much so need to cut down on that!! I've cut out mid-week drinking as well which has made a difference :)

    Hey wow your my ideal weigh... lucky you :)
    I started my challenge today 30 sec the first time 45 seconds second time with a 5 min rest inbetween... I atempted it a 7kmp at a gradient of 5 alittle over ambitious id just done 25 mins on stationary bike on high resistance of 10 so I think ill try the treadmill first next time and be alittle less ambitious :) I dont crave anything at the moment, but I miss biscuits I am loosing my appitite alittle but this has happened previosly when dieting, I have had borderline eating disorders in the past so im being extreamly aware to eat I prefer a large lunch around 11 am and large dinner around 18:00 I have fruit after gym and try to eat a banana in the morning although struggle.. not a breakfast person!

    Welcome to the challenge would you like one? Feel free to challenge back etc... :)
  • trainingdirty
    trainingdirty Posts: 55 Member
    i want a challenge! (: i want to lose 45 pounds in total, i'm aiming for about 8 a month.
  • Yorkkw
    I'll take the challenge! Please add as a friend. I want to lose a total of 100lbs. I will be 40 this July and would LOVE to just wear a nice dress. I haven't done that in years. I have walked 7 5K races, I would love to run one in the near future; however, I've NEVER been a runner.
  • scwilson38
    scwilson38 Posts: 104 Member
    Definitely would love to do a weight lost challenge with someone.
  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    i want a challenge! (: i want to lose 45 pounds in total, i'm aiming for about 8 a month.

    Hi, Thanks for your comment....

    Ok here goes your challenge: Include one whole apple or one whole pear (both if you can manage and like them) into your daily breakfast and evening meal routine for 7 days. (these fruits are proven to help maintain blood sugar preventing you from snacking, studies have shown particularly in women that it helps curb the appetite and prevent cravings).

    Exercise: Do a high intensity work out for 5 mins 1st day 8 mins 2nd day and increasing 3 mins each day you should be ending on 23 mins on day 7 then take day 8 as a day of rest. you should be able to find a intense work out video on you tube...

    Good Luck.
  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    I'll take the challenge! Please add as a friend. I want to lose a total of 100lbs. I will be 40 this July and would LOVE to just wear a nice dress. I haven't done that in years. I have walked 7 5K races, I would love to run one in the near future; however, I've NEVER been a runner.

    Hi, Will defiantly add you as a friend you....,

    Ok a challenge for you:

    Carbs: Reduce your carb intake to just 80grms per day for 5 days, if your diet consists of high carbs you may experience withdrawal symptoms on day 1 and 2 or cravings but they will pass and its a great way to shed a few extra pounds to boost your motivation. after day 5 increase your carbs by 5-10gms each day until your comfortable with where your at, try and keep it bellow your average previously.

    (To curb your cravings try including apples and pears into your meals as it helps maintain blood sugar levels and aids in prevention of snacking :o))

    Exercise: walk 1km a day 6 days for a week untill challenge 'no2' and attempt to do 30 squats (15 in morning and 15 in evening if breaking it down helps) this will help build upper leg muscles in preparation for running.

    I'm stating a challenge my partner set me i attend the gym 5-6 days a week and I'm to run for 1 min extra every time in there to increase stamina so when you feel ready we can add that into your challenges!

    Good luck.
  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    Definitely would love to do a weight lost challenge with someone.

    I'm giving out random challenges and I'm happy to get you one...

    If i could have all your stats it and your goals and target it will help me....

    Thanks... and Good luck.
  • tycamsdad
    tycamsdad Posts: 126 Member
    How is everyone doing with their weekly challenge? I haven't touched any bread products and I find that I am not really missing it. As an addition to that part of the challenge, I haven't even had tortillas (not sure if those are considered bread) and have loaded up with lots of salads and poultry. I also have one mile to go to get 5 miles in for the week but will probably knock that out tonight since school was cancelled due to snow and ice. And I jumped on the scales this morning and it looks like I will beat the weight loss part of the challenge but will wait until Thursday to do my "official" weigh-in.

    How have you done with your challenge? I would definitely be interested in a new challenge next week to keep me motivated.