Problem with legs "bulking" due to leg day

I'm seeing progress in my legs but not the sort I was hoping for. Instead of my legs slimming down, it seems they are growing (in a muscley way for sure). For me, this is undesired. I'm really going for the lean look - not a girl who can lift like all the boys look. There's nothing wrong with that, in fact I appreciate women who feel comfortable having that much muscle, but it's not for me.

So anyways I'm going to write my general leg day "routine" out and I'd love it if someone with experience on this matter could make some suggestions.

Gym, 6x/week, 1-1.5 hours
Leg day 1x/week
Exercises for leg day (3 sets of 15 for each):
-leg press 90 lbs (targeting the thighs for three sets, then the calves for another three)
-squats 40 lbs
-lunges 20 lbs
-seated calf raises 45 lbs
And then I usually work my hamstrings with a couple exercises after I've hit the thighs nicely. It's pretty random on that. I usually just hop on whatever machine is open. It's basically just some sort of hamstring curl. Glutes get their own separate day - BOOTY DAY! And that's going fine.

I also usually do some cardio after I'm done with weights. The stairmaster is my fav and depending on the day I'll spend 30 min to an hour on it. I definitely can't manage the stairmaster after leg day though, too jello-y. So I go for a 30 min walk or jog.

So what can I do differently to start seeing my legs get smaller?


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    Normally I'd suggest going lighter but you're already using minimal weight. I'd say either eat less or do less reps (1-5 range).
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion. I'm eating up to 1600 cals right now. I've thought about reducing them a bit but I figure with how much I work out, I should be eating no less. It is always an option though.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Let me guess...your "Bulking" is temporary.... I can only assume because you state nothing on measurements....
  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    Are you sure your legs are bigger? Do you measure them? Because I'm doing 130 on the leg press, for example, and since Christmas, my thighs are each 1" thinner, and my calves 1/2". And I increased strength during that time.
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    Are you sure your legs are bigger? Do you measure them? Because I'm doing 130 on the leg press, for example, and since Christmas, my thighs are each 1" thinner, and my calves 1/2". And I increased strength during that time.
    Was about to say almost the exact same thing. It could be you have lost some fat and the muscles are more defined.
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    Haha uhm no I haven't taken any measurements. I also don't weigh myself to track progress. I just go off what I see and what I'm seeing is my thighs poking out the sides, which is what freaks me out a bit.
  • ellabelle0310
    ellabelle0310 Posts: 92 Member
    I would suggest that if you are really unhappy with the way your legs are starting to look that you simply work on a couple of leg exercises (i.e. keep the squats and lunges) and ditch the rest, plus do more walking/running. The reason your legs are looking bigger is due to the workload they are doing, fluid retention, and fat over them...They will shape up. However, I would suggest that you focus some more on your hamstrings, as women tend to be quad dominant and without proper strength in the backs of our legs we can be prone to injury. Hope this helps..
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    It's easy to gain strength on a deficit but gaining mass is harder. It's possible, I went from 17" to 18" while eating at a slight deficit over a few months but I squat 195lbs and do seated calf raise at 305lbs (only because the machine doesn't go any higher lol). If you do lower reps you'll build more strength than mass. Optimal mass reps are around 8-12 (it gets more complicated because of progressive overload but I won't bore you with the details). You build strength in the 1-5 rep range.
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks to everyone that's chimed in.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Haha uhm no I haven't taken any measurements. I also don't weigh myself to track progress. I just go off what I see and what I'm seeing is my thighs poking out the sides, which is what freaks me out a bit.
    Get glasses

    And a tape measure
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You don't weigh or measure yourself, so you have no idea if it is in your head or not. I thought my legs were getting bigger (squatting and deadlifting 225+) but when I measured they had lost inches and pictures of them looked much better than before.
  • kiraleilani
    kiraleilani Posts: 124 Member
    I've found that pilates produces leaner "girly" muscles :)
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    I bet what is happening really is that your legs are getting more defined, and thus may be looking bulkier or bigger when in reality they may not be.

    Even as a guy who eats generally massive amounts of protein on a daily basis, my legs have barely changed measurement at all and I started my legs journey leg pressing 350lbs (best to this point was 12 reps at 780 a few times). But.. they have gotten a TON more defined! The previous fat I had on them has decreased while the muscle and muscle tone has increased.

    I think your routine sounds fine, if even a bit light, in fact. Unless you have some crazy genetics, you probably won't "bulk" much past where you are now - you may find more definition though!

    EDIT: And by the way.. maybe I don't speak for everyone.. but defined legs on a girl are sexy as hell!
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    Yeah I could probably benefit from a tape measure but that doesn't automatically mean I have a problem with my eyesight just cause I haven't been using one. I know what I see. And I use term bulk very lightly. I just don't want it to ever get to that point. You should try to be more understanding about this. I bet at least 50% of women on here can relate or would also like to avoid looking bulky.
  • debdelilah
    I have recently raised my leg presses, raising the weight every Wednesday, to 480 lbs - in the process, my legs are leaner than before - this is the last place I lose fat in my body. The difference is noticable after just a month of doing the heaviest lifting I have done in my life - I used to do 200 and think I was pushing things. But remember, your thighs are large muscles - heavy lifting with large muscles in stable positions = more muscle mass, faster. It leads to a faster metabolism, which is why the fat is leaving.
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    I bet what is happening really is that your legs are getting more defined, and thus may be looking bulkier or bigger when in reality they may not be.

    Even as a guy who eats generally massive amounts of protein on a daily basis, my legs have barely changed measurement at all and I started my legs journey leg pressing 350lbs (best to this point was 12 reps at 780 a few times). But.. they have gotten a TON more defined! The previous fat I had on them has decreased while the muscle and muscle tone has increased.

    I think your routine sounds fine, if even a bit light, in fact. Unless you have some crazy genetics, you probably won't "bulk" much past where you are now - you may find more definition though!

    EDIT: And by the way.. maybe I don't speak for everyone.. but defined legs on a girl are sexy as hell!

    Thank you! I'll take this perspective into account. You're probably right. I just still would like to see my legs get smaller somehow.
  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    I've found that pilates produces leaner "girly" muscles :)

    ^^^This! Exactly, if you are going for long and lean. Also you look lovely good luck on your goals :D
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Yeah I could probably benefit from a tape measure but that doesn't automatically mean I have a problem with my eyesight just cause I haven't been using one. I know what I see. And I use term bulk very lightly. I just don't want it to ever get to that point. You should try to be more understanding about this. I bet at least 50% of women on here can relate or would also like to avoid looking bulky.

    I would agree that a tape measure might put things into perspective. Often what we see in ourselves is not accurate. It has nothing to do with poor eyesight, but with the mental image we create in our heads. What anyone sees in themselves is completely subjective. The tape measure would help put a number to the size you see. Chances are that you will never get to a completely cut look (actual size increase or not) if you are not trying to lose a great deal of body fat. Your legs may have leaned out which is probably why they look a little more cut than you would like. It could also be temporary "bulk" from the workout itself. I always notice that my pants hang on my quads a little bit more just after and a day or so after my leg days.

    I would suggest running as a way to potentially cut down the size of the legs, but it works for some and not others. You may need to look at what your goals are in relation to body composition and strength and adjust your workout plan accordingly.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I've found that pilates produces leaner "girly" muscles :)

    ^^^This! Exactly, if you are going for long and lean. Also you look lovely good luck on your goals :D

    I am still trying to get someone to explain to me how you can make a muscle longer then the fixed points they are attached to...and how their muscle density changes and gets "leaner" then mammalian muscle density. And how you can get muscles larger then the fat version of a body part without weighing significantly heavier then before since a lb of fat would be more lbs of muscle at the same size. And how they can do it on a calorie deficit which is nearly impossible (muscle wants a surplus of your energy expenditure to grow faster). Aliens I tell you.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    I don't know. I did pilates and after only a week this is a picture of my legs:

    Maybe it's just a guy thing?