Healthy weight?????

I am 5'2" and weigh 250. I want to get down to 170. 170 is still considered obese for my size. I lost 70 pounds and was at 180 for all most two years. I loved that weight and really wouldn't want to be much smaller at all. I felt good and looked good. My suggested healthy weight is 100 - 125 or something close to that. Is it wrong not to want to be skinny and how unhealthy is 170?


  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    So statistically, health wise, there are a lot of really big risk changes between "overweight" and "obese" BMI-wise. For 5'2", that line is at 164 lbs.
    That said, statistically losing 15% of your body weight makes HUGE improvements, too. From 250 lbs, that would mean getting down to 212.5 (losing 37.5lbs).

    I don't know if your goals are for you to feel better about yourself and your weight, or to make health gains.
    Congrats on starting again and good luck!
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    i've never been a big fan of the word "skinny". everyone's definition is different and it's societal definition seems to constantly change depending on which celebrity or socialite is the hottest at the moment. if i were constantly chasing after that, i'd go crazy and give myself a serious complex.

    I don't think it's my place to tell you what a healthy weight is for your height. i think that's a discussion you need to have with your doctor based on your vitals, ya know? Good luck to you.
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    Don't be surprised if you get to that weight, look in the mirror and say "You know what, I'm looking and feeling so much better so why stop here?" :smile:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Don't be surprised if you get to that weight, look in the mirror and say "You know what, I'm looking and feeling so much better so why stop here?" :smile:
    Yep, Simon's right as usual. When I started I just wanted to get back into 34 waist jeans. Now I'm in 32's and still improving, still working on it. I'm used to it, I enjoy it, it's kind'a fun. I like being in control of myself.

    Really - what difference does 'goal weights' make? You're going to break the mouth-for-a-garbage-can habit, you're probably going to get into some form of exercise, you're going to start taking care of yourself - right? That's why we're all here,,,

    So - are you thinking "When I get to 170 pounds, then my 'dieting time' will be over and I can go back to my old ways"? You know that doesn't work. If you do that you'll be back at 250 within a couple years. So let's think about making the good habits and getting healthy and see where it leads. You might be 160 'fore you know it.
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    I don't think that BMI is a very dependable measure. I quit using it because it can be very wrong. Better check your body fat

    The American Council on Exercise considers a 30% body fat acceptable for women. Do the calculation there to find where you are standing, read what they say and decide for yourself where you want to be.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    hey i started at 226 and now i'm at 170 (well 173 actually... i had an interesting last month) and i'm 5'3" btw
    i think the main reason that i haven't lost MORE weight is that i'm actually quite satisfied with where i am. i'm happy with the way i look, and with how things fit. i would like to lose more weight but i'm not truly as desperate as i was. i feel healthy at this weight, so i say if that's your goal - it's a good one. wait until you get here to decide whether or not you will go any further.

    edit - i talked to my dr about this same thing by the way. he said to go by the weight i was when i was 18... but since that was only 4 years ago we averaged what i weighed during my teenage years, and came up with a goal of 150. but! he said i'm healthy enough to stop now, but i have plenty of room to lose more if i choose to.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Having recently gone to my physician for an annual check-up, I can factually state that losing weight just inside of the healthy range makes all the difference in the world in your cholesterol, blood pressure, and general well being. With that said, I would certainly look at the very upper range for getting your body in the healthy range, rather than the obese range for your height, but certainly check with your physician first. If 170 feels good to you, and you are not at risk for diabetes, heart issues, or joint issues, then I applaud you for choosing a weight that feels good for you rather than being ostracized into being what society dictates a lot of the time. For me it is the health factor!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I don't think that BMI is a very dependable measure. I quit using it because it can be very wrong. Better check your body fat

    The American Council on Exercise considers a 30% body fat acceptable for women. Do the calculation there to find where you are standing, read what they say and decide for yourself where you want to be.
    BMI is what it is,,, it's a "Body Mass Index". I will agree that my body mass is very high. I'm not tall and I'm very heavy. I do think it's wrong to extrapolate BMI into "Obesity" without seeking out any other information. That's why BMI charts always have that asterisk *.

    ""* Note: Since Body Fat Percentage calculations use total body weight and not estimates of lean muscle mass and fat, BMI can not determine between the overweight and the more muscular. Use our Body Fat Calculator and Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator in combination with our BMI Calculator for a more accurate view of your body fat.""

    My bodyfat is right around 14%. Hmmm... There are edges to the bell curve, and some of us live there.
  • 623Hernandez
    623Hernandez Posts: 458
    Thank you everyone for your input!! Maybe I am a little ahead of my self anyway. I just started and it will be some time until I get to 200 even. :tongue: But I did look and feel great to 180. Once I get there again I will talk with my Dr. about what is actually healthy for me.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    I really think having the end goal is kinda hard. A bunch of smaller goals are more manageable. I agree with the whole body fat test comparison. Have goals that aren't just related to weight. I.e. if your cholesterol is high, I want to drop the bad cholesterol 30 points in the next 3 months. Body Fat goal get to under 30% (Thanks Dinos for the info! I am under 30%!!!Woo HOO, gonna shoot for 26% now!) The standards don't fit everyone. If you are happy and healthy at 170 then GO FOR IT!! I figure as long as people are healthy with their cholesterol, cardio fitness what the heck does that flippin scale matter? Go For it!:wink: