


  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    We can eat anything we want, in moderation.

    So in a sense, wouldn't a "cheat" day mean we are then following a "diet" instead of following a healthy lifestyle change?

    That is how I look at it. I eat what I want, when I want it, just in smaller portions.

    Example, when everyone else is eating 4 pieces of pizza, I will have 1 or 2 depending on the type and my calories for the day. I fill up with freshly made salad and feel great.

    I have noticed now when I eat something like pizza or burgers, if I eat too much, it makes me feel gross. I guess my body is just getting used to eating better.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I don't think any of us are ever going to completly stop eating foods that are not good for us.

    Since I consider this a lifestyle I don't call it cheating either. Rather, sometimes eat stuff I shouldn't make a habit of eating.

    Like tonight one of my friends from college will be in town. We're going out to eat. I'm sure it won't be good whatever I eat...and I won't make a habit of it. Although I will be limiting the damage by drinking tea instead of beer.

    I will also forgo my usual Friday morning Mt Dew, maybe a Diet Mt Dew instead.
  • volks80
    volks80 Posts: 56
    We can eat anything we want, in moderation.

    So in a sense, wouldn't a "cheat" day mean we are then following a "diet" instead of following a healthy lifestyle change?

    That is how I look at it. I eat what I want, when I want it, just in smaller portions.

    Example, when everyone else is eating 4 pieces of pizza, I will have 1 or 2 depending on the type and my calories for the day. I fill up with freshly made salad and feel great.

    I have noticed now when I eat something like pizza or burgers, if I eat too much, it makes me feel gross. I guess my body is just getting used to eating better.

    Well said. Although some people don't think that "everything is ok in moderation" personally I do.

    I have found the same about eating and then feeling yucky sometimes.
  • tjptaylor
    tjptaylor Posts: 21 Member
    Personally, I think if you look to "Cheat" your setting yourself up to fail. I look at it this way - some days I'm well within my calorie target to lose weight. Some days I choose to go well over. I still write it all down and track the calories. I need to be honest with myself - I'm looking to make a lifestyle change. Cheating, to me, defeats the changes I'm trying to make.

    I do think its good to indulge in cravings if you can control them. I have certain foods that if I eat those, I do get out of control -- so I avoid them.

  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Personally, I think if you look to "Cheat" your setting yourself up to fail. I look at it this way - some days I'm well within my calorie target to lose weight. Some days I choose to go well over. I still write it all down and track the calories. I need to be honest with myself - I'm looking to make a lifestyle change. Cheating, to me, defeats the changes I'm trying to make.

    I do think its good to indulge in cravings if you can control them. I have certain foods that if I eat those, I do get out of control -- so I avoid them.


    Well put,I guess I'm very similar,like reg. soda,any kind of sweets,if I have them it dominoes,if I don't and I haven't in months,I litterally loose the craving for them.
  • jdsouthernbelle
    My weigh in days are on Fridays so we go out either on Saturdays or Sundays. I eat out at the Restaurant but have found now that I have been eating healthy, my body really doesn't like the take out food as much. Sooooo the "cheat" day is not near as much fun as you would think it would be. But it makes you continue to make smarter choices on your days off.
  • ThumperWabbt
    ThumperWabbt Posts: 82 Member
    I don't think of it as cheating, but I have a free day every week. Today, in fact. I weigh in the morning, go work out, then go with the Spouse Thingy to his Jenny Craig weigh in, and on the way home we usually stop for a late lunch/early dinner. Sometimes we'll eat reasonably healthy, sometimes not (today...not. We're getting Chinese food.) If I've had a craving for chocolate or frozen yogurt or something else not exactly diet-friendly, today is the day.

    Having a free day once a week keeps me from derailing the rest of the week. I *know* that on Thursdays I'll have whatever I've been craving, and that makes it easier to not indulge.

    That might not work for everyone. If you know you're going to create a binging problem, then a free day is probably not an option. But it works for me, and I managed to lose 50 pounds doing it.
  • mrsdtall
    mrsdtall Posts: 3
    I have yo-yo dieted for most of my adult life. Frankly, a "cheat day" turns in to total failure of whatever program I am doing. I think I just tend to cheat a bit too soon and then fall off the wagon. I think I need to stay on track with a healthy eating plan for an extended period of time and actually see some success before I think about having a cheat day. We are just working really hard right now to find family friendly recipes that we can all enjoy and not feel deprived. So far, so good.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    dont do it, cheat days are for the weak IMO and anyone I know that has these entire days of cheating never lose any fat.

    I induldge the entire weekend. That is not to say that I pig out all weekend though.

    I am in no way weak and yes I have lost plenty of fat thank you very much.

    I think it's a sh*tty thing to say that someone is weak because they can control their urges and have a cheat day and still lose weight. It doesn't work for you obviously and that's fine.

    I personally think the person who can have a cheat day and get back on the wagon the next day is the strongest person of all.

    I have a cheat day every weekend and I have had no issues losing weight.
  • aalekova
    aalekova Posts: 10
    I agree with you, this is what I have been doing and I don't feel deprived. I stay within my limits but I have noticed that I consciously make better food choices that are filling and keep me going on my insane workout sessions. But I have to ask if it is normal to flat line after a good 2/3 pounds a week after doing this for about a month. I workout stay within my limits but have not lost a pound in the last two weeks....I'm thinking what's going on? :)
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    I have 1 cheat meal a week although what i try to do is leave myself around 500cals extra for my cheat meal so that i dont go too much over my daily limit. I think its good becuase it keeps your metabolism active by not havng exactly the same amount of calories everday and also allows me to satisfy the cravings once a week. It also means i dont have to turn down going to meals with my friends or my mums wonderful cooking, i just make it my cheat day! It hasnt affected my weightloss at all and this way i dont feel deprived!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Just Google "refeed" and "zigzagging".
    Eating the same thing/amounts day after day allows your metabolism to become complacent. You NEED to throw it a loop every once in a while to get over a plateau.

    I think it is not necessary the first month or so as long as you are losing, but after 6 weeks, I hit a plateau and stayed the same for 2 weeks or so. For mother's day I went all out and had TWO big meals out with my family and probably doubled my calories.
    Drank a ton of water to counteract the sodium and 2 days later showed my first loss in 2 weeks. I dropped another pound since then too. I only have a couple to go so it's slow work but I truly believe the refeed day did it! (NOT cheat day, REFEED day)

    If you PLAN these days once a week or once a month, then how is it "cheating"? You are doing what you are INTENDING to do and it is recommended to do so, so it is NOT cheating, it is a REFEED, and it is all part of the master plan.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I'm a recovering sugarholic, and I'm finding I do better when I stay the heck away from sugary or high carb "cheats". Tried and true, every sugary/carby indulgence sends me down a downward spiral of major hunger pangs.

    Some can enjoy some "bad" foods (whatever you define as bad) and suffer little consequence; others have a hard time recovering. If your enjoyments put you in that second camp, you may want to rethink...

    An indulgence for me is having a more calorie dense or starchier meal like a bowl of chowder, berries & heavy cream, homemade french fries, or a glass of wine. I tack them up as occasional indulgences and move on. Some of these spur some minor water weight gain if they're salty or they may plateau me for a short time. So...I'll avoid these if I have a more strict weight loss or appearance goal. I'll probably cut all cheats about 4 weeks before my wedding this year simply for appearance sake (I don't want to look bloated in photos...LOL).
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I try to wait until after my weigh in (friday mornings) and have something over the weekend so I have lots of time to be good all week and still have results.
    I have the issue too that if I have one bite I will likely eat it all soooo... I only put a portion in front of me and once its gone, its gone.
    If I want chips... we all know its not hard to eat a most if not all of a bag of chips while you are watching a movie, mostly cause you aren't paying attention. So I will put some in a bowl and munch away at that mindlessly. At that point once it is gone I would have to think about getting up to get more so I will have to think about whether I actually want it or not, rather than eating a whole bag.