Gym classes opinions

Hey so I'm trying to take this seriously. I am looking into classes at the gym a few of the classes I'm looking into are
-body flow
-power yoga
-yoga Hatha
-new body

Any thoughts and / comments on them?


  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    If you are one of those people with rythm, and are able to dance without falling all over your own feet, then Zumba is a good way to go. It looks like a LOT of fun, but my clumsy feet couldn't last five minutes! LOL

    Yoga is ALWAYS good. If you weigh 60kg or 600, you can do yoga. You may have some difficulty with certain poses if you are extremely morbidly obese, but almost any pose can be modified. It will teach you to breathe, stretch your bodies, and relax your mind. You will burn calories without realizing you have done so, and can easily do a half hour of yoga before your regular workout for added benefits.

    I believe power yoga is one of two things. Diamond Dallas Page has a yoga program that burns a lot of calories by dynamic resistance. Basically, you create your own resistance. The other type is yoga that is done very quickly. I'm not a fan of it, but there are plenty of people who will tell you its the best thing ever.

    Perhaps you could try one of each class before you decide? Or search YouTube for workouts, and see which ones look like the most fun to you from that.
  • ClaraL22
    ClaraL22 Posts: 14 Member
    Personally, I think that Zumba is really fun and a terrific cardio workout at the same time! But my second choice after that would definitely be yoga. You will feel good after yoga and power yoga will definitely make you work up a bit of a sweat but you will feel great afterwards!!
  • Are you taking this with a Gym? Zumba classes are fantastic fun, just make sure you get to one that isnt too packed. I took the class before in my gym and I couldnt even move, took it again at home along with a friend of mine had a fricken blast. Just a warning, there will be beginners in the class like you and I and then there are the flamingos.... who seem to want to teach the class. ..ignore them, just have a good time doing your thing! I also recommend body pump. Yoga andd bakram yoga are super cool too!
  • I teach BODYFLOW and I think it's amazing obviously ;) try it! It's a great workout and has changed my body (and life) tremendously. I used to do Pump followed by Flow 2x a week. I still do flow 2-3x a week but lift on my own. I also do cardio classes and have just started ashtanga yoga :)

    Les Mills instructors love new participants so never feel intimidated and say hello!
  • LisaO85
    LisaO85 Posts: 152
    I think you need to try them all and see what clicks with you. Just because one person thinks something is great, you may find it absolutely boring. Who knows maybe you'll enjoy them all.

    Happy Hunting
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    Oh try Sh'bam, it is amazing! Well if you like dancing, anyway!

    When I first saw clips of it on YouTube, I thought it was just a poor copy of Zumba, but I've been going three times a week for the past six months and LOVE it! I used to do zumba as well but the teachers round here aren't very imaginative and just keep using the same tunes and choreography so I feel like now I've done enough Zumba to last me a lifetime (but with a good teacher it is still a fun class). I'm pretty fit (I do all the Les Mills classes like Combat, Attack, Pump etc.) but I still get a very decent burn with Sh'bam, often around 530 for a 45 minute class. Like Zumba it features simple choreography which you will repeat until you get it right so you don't have to worry about remembering long routines. There are 12 tracks in each class and although there is some Latin (usually no more than 2 tracks) you will mainly be dancing to chart hits like Nicole Scherzinger, Beyonce, Usher - so if you like that kind of music then I'm sure you would enjoy the class.

    If you haven't done Yoga before then it might be nice to try Body Balance first - I did that before I did a regular Yoga class and it certainly made it easier to learn some of the poses since it is a diluted version of yoga/pilates/t'ai chi (not for the purists!) and made me want to do more yoga, I still do both now.

    The best thing with group exercise classes is just to try them all (and they usually say to give each class 3 goes so you get into the swing of it a bit before deciding if you really don't like it, some classes take a while to get to grips with) and see which ones you prefer. Some you will love instantly, some you will hate instantly, others will be 'growers', like Sh'bam was for me. A lot will be dependent on the instructor. Our Sh'bam instructor is AMAZING. But with a different instructor, like any programme it can fall flat. So many variables! But that's part of the fun, testing them all out to see which you prefer. The main thing is to have fun, and if you can to combine several types of classes so you get a balanced workout programme - cardio, weights and stretching.