hungry all the time, breastfeeding mom

Hungry all the time and am breastfeeding a 7 month old. I am eating more than my target but the second half of the day I find that I'm hungry no matter what. I also then give into cravings due to being hungry
Is there certain foods I should eat more of to help feel full all day? I couldn't imagine if I had to eat less like when I stop breastfeeding I feel like ill be starving all the time (which always leads to me eating a burger and fries or cookies or anything I'm craving at that time) I feel pretty pathetic about this ugh


  • Seahawk27
    Eat more protein, and fresh vegetables and fruit - it will keep you full longer and be better for you!
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    It will help to open your diary.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    more protein and healthy fats will help, also fresh fruits and veggies to get fiber in.
    i find i have really bad cravings for sweets/cookies/crackers/chips if i dont get a nice filling breakfast with plenty of protein.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    eat heavier foods... almonds, cottage cheese, regular cheese, chicken breast. Things with more protein.

    I wouldn't ignore your body's hunger pains... Eat when hungry, but choose healthier options. Your body has insane demands being placed upon it... it's still healing inside (they say it takes up to 2 years for your body to return to pre preggo state), and it's feeding another being.

    Now is not the time to strive for weight loss, but rather I'd recommend eating at close to maintenance, and focus on weight training or body resistance stuff with some cardio for balance.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    You need to supply your body with at least 500 calories more. Best sources are foods high in calcium, foods high in essential fatty acids, fruts, vegetables, nice cuts of meat, and whole grains.

    So if normally you consume 1200 calories then you will need to increase it to 1700.
  • MagicFeather
    MagicFeather Posts: 27 Member
    I am currently bfing my 2nd kid. I've lost weight both times with calorie restriction and exercise. With my first I ate a lot of low- and non-fat foods like vegetables, soups (broth and veggies and nonfat yoghurt and granola bars. I was starving ALL the time. Losing weight was a matter of steely-eyed determination and it was frankly depressing as hell in the long term. With my 2nd round of bfing and weight loss I vowed to take a more sustainable approach. I've added in more healthy fats- cooking oils, nuts and full fat yoghurt and it's made a world of difference. My intake is limited, of course, but I no longer feel like I'm dieting. Maybe adding in small amounts of fats (while still staying in your calorie range) would help you as well. Good luck!