One week till the Princess Half

Anyone out there doing the Princess Half next week? I am getting excited but my nervouness out weighs my excitement!! But I will go have fun and best of all not give up and finish 13.1 m or 21.1 k with a big smile on my face!!


  • 413bb
    413bb Posts: 8 Member
    Have a great time! I'm sure you've trained hard and can finish the course. I'll get there one day. Had been scheduled to participate a few years ago, but a hurricane (which stopped training for a couple of months) and then a family death after training resumed changed all plans. I'm new to mfp and have set many short term goals, but now I will put the Princess Half back on my list. Thanks for reminding me. Enjoy your time there and be proud of your commitment that has gotten you to this point!
  • runningbs
    runningbs Posts: 132 Member
    I REALLLY wanted to do this. I am definitely doing it next year :-) HAVE FUN! :tongue: